
Showing posts from August, 2022

Trump eats another dick from the DOJ

   Where are all the cop and law enforcement loving republicans now ?   Hey Trump , you stupid fucker ... You were not allowed to keep that shit,,,, you fucking moron.   I guess you know that now :)   Dont worry ... the Democrats are as corrupt as you are ,,,, nothing will happen ... The Democrats dont think laws apply to them either.      The picture above was taken from a video of Bidens son smoking crack.   Lets all argue about abortion and immigration while they rob the country blind ... you idiots  The featured post is a link to the government reply to Trumps lawyers bulls shit   This thread was written by Stan  Fuck you if you dont like it . 

Wednesday Wishes

  This is simple and just off the top of my head....Post songs that talk about wishes or have wish or wishes in the name of the song or singer. Happy Hump Day everyone! :)

Pay Gap: Myth or Real?

  This topic was requested by Eri. Thank You, Eri!!! There is no doubt there is a pay gap between men and women but the issue comes down to why.  Do you feel there is an unfair pay gap for women in first world countries in 2022? Do you feel there is an unfair pay gap for women world wide? Do you have theory as to why there is, if so....if not?

Celebrating REAL MEN in dresses.

   Today we celebrate men in dresses. When referring to "men" in this article I will be using it in the classical sense, with a penis attached.   Men from Scotland like to wear dresses. I dont understand why because my balls get cold if left out in the winter wind. I have balls because I am a man. They are quite important for the whole man thing, in case someone has told you different.     Real men in Scotland wear dresses because they can. The lesbians stole the flannel shirt idea, so the scots are going back to the man dress.                 I would like everyone to know that I support Men and their Scottish dresses. I even support little male people in dresses.   So lets be inclusive at the 421st. We celebrate diversity and no one gets banned here. Say what you want to anyone you want.    So today we celebrate Men in dresses ... Remember, if you dont have a penis and a set of balls, yo...

All the stuff to protect your dog In Los Angeles

   1. Doggy Eye Guards .. because many modern homeless drug addicts carry pepper spray.  2. Doggy boots... Because no one wants a puppy to get hurt in streets filled with broken glass and human feces.  3. Doggy Lojack ... When a meth head tries to steal your dog, you can track it down with your phone.  4. Doggy tactical vest.... resists knife blades and fleas.   My dog is getting all this stuff for Christmas this year. We dont live in California but those people are moving in around here now ! 

Free Speech: Is Social Media Killing It?

  I watched this video and I found it really interesting. It basically is discussing the powers social media now hold on freedom like speech and how social media can now pick and choose who gets to speak and who does not on their platform. It also has a protected legal right to censorship! So it begs the this really free speech?  There is so many people getting kicked off social media these days and not even for violations of the rules but for their "followers" saying something offensive or if someone's feelings get hurt despite it not being a direct attack. Ex// GG getting kicked off twitter for saying "its far braver to live one's life despite their healthy breasts"  Here is the video.  If we don't have free speech we have free speech at all? Social Media sites puts warnings up that certain speech is not tolerated on their site but who is determining what is "trolling" "racist" "misogynistic" ...

What is the American Dream?

      I often see very obese people driving around in SUVs with Disabled parking signs hanging from the mirror. I am so glad that the American Dream has worked out so well for so many. In many cultures, people like that would be mocked and scorned. In America we will put them on disability and them tell everyone to be nice to them because its not their fault that they are fat as pigs.    This country is rich and they let me have guns, so I will stay ....   Live your best dream.    

Parvovirus killing dogs in Michigan.

    Parvovirus is killing unvaccinated dogs. Just another reason to hate stupid people.   We have people who argue about covid 19 on this blog. I think its hilarious and thats why I never chime in. Its hard to argue medical stuff with people who get their views from Q anon and not from the Biology class we had in high school. I cant fix stupid and I dont care if stupid dies from covid 19.   I do care if a dog dies, especially if its avoidable. I know dogs are expensive to have in 2022. I spent 4 hours in the veterinarians office Saturday with two dogs. We had to pay for two yearly vaccinations and check ups and a ear treatment for the German Shepherd., I even paid for the dog flu vaccine, its optional. My wallet was $500 lighter when I left.   There was a time in my life, most of it, where I could not afford dropping $500 off at the vets office. I had other things to pay for as a single father with a construction job.  And when I could n...

My Day At The Creek

  So the "F Trudeau" each drink people were at the creek again today. They seem to be at the creek a lot. I assumed so because they are very tanned. Some of the women insist on wearing tiny bikinis even though their bodies are not tiny. I think one of those women must be the lucky "bitch that doesn't have to work". Today they tossed around a football and their 2 youngest daughters, perhaps no more then 10 years old twerked to Culture Club and then  Shaggy for us creek swimmers. The least fat mom wore a triangle, barely there bikini and twerked doing a head stand. I am glad she shaved. One of the drunk men later tried to use the rope swing and told the kids, including my own, to watch out because he's "going to show them how its done". My kids said he smelled, he was tripping and slurring. I am just glad he didn't tell them to F Trudeau while hanging off the rope. 

Herschel Walker is running for a Senate seat.

    Herschel Walker is a moron   This guy is the definition of messed up politics.   He knows nothing about anything. He won't debate anyone because he knows he would look like an IDIOT.    Of course he is a Trump supporter.   He recently said he was not worried about climate change because we still have too many trees ...   Republicans are dumber than democrats in 2022 ..    I rest my case.  Thread by Stan ...  the Libertarian :) 

Is 78 too old to sexualy assault women ?

 Gary Busey is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If he gets the women to settle out of court, he will probably stay innocent.   When asked about these allegations, Busey just made some fist dance.       We have the actual security footage taken from the Monsters Mania Event where Gary got freaky at 78. Police have not released a statement.    Thread by Stan ... dont tell Gary 

Trump photos, We have evidence of criminal stuff.

This thread is about TRUMP    Do you need anymore proof ?  Trump TRUMP TRUMP   Please stop talking about TRUMP   its like every damn thread is about TRUMP  STOP IT .   This thread was created and written by STAN  Thank you for your TRUMP news 

test test homepage test

  test test test  All sexy all the time 

Bathing Suits, Bikinis and Weenies.

  Summer is winding down but there is still time for swimming at the lake so help me find the right bathing suit! What type of bathing suit do you wear? This is just an open chat. Happy Saturday. 

A SagaciousJack true story.

“ Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago That w as two years ago on Thanksgiving” (Press play to the song above to play while reading Jack's story) That wasn't me. That was Arlo. More about that later. When I was around 21, I was living in a 4 BR townhome in the burbs of Denver, with three other guys from Nebraska. Two of the guys couldn't handle the big city and went back home. That left me and my crazy buddy to come up with the rent. My buddy was not long out of Vietnam, where he was an airborne ranger. He loved that shit. Anyway he had a gunny sack full of Nebraska weed in the basement. He was also on the road somewhere, but I knew he would return. I was working full time and going to college full time so money was tight. It was time for NFL draft, so I jumped on my BSA and went down to the local 7-11 to buy a newspaper to see how it went. When I got there, there were a couple of greasy looking characters hanging out in front. They approached me and asked if I could ge...


      These pictures are the one found in the phot album seized from Mar A Largo in Palm Beach Florida.   Here he is giving Kim Jung Un a kiss on the lips. He praised Kim for being fat while so many of his people starved. Trump later sucked his cock .     Trump wanted to keep his secret sexual relationship secret. The secret service has deleted all text messages that mentioned Trump sucking Kims cock.    Trump also had pictures of a secret trip he made to North Korea where he was photoed sucking off Dennis Rodman to Kims amusement.    The FBI also collected photos of his and his best "brilliant" friend Vladimir Putin.  Putin is reportedly photoed here getting a hand job from Trump.     These injustices should not be tolerated. The election was stolen ... Trump was Cheated. 

Waiter! There is a Pube in My Spaghetti!

  Yesterday I was having a discussion about 2 women being berated in a city near me for speaking in their cultural language to one another while purchasing a ticket for the train. A man stepped in and yelled at them for not speaking english. The topic was about him being wrong or right and it was a good discussion until I received the following reply.  What a response! My reply? Followed by... Have you ever had to return a meal back? If so, for what reason? Do you think finding a hair in your meal at a friends/relative's house is just as gross as finding a hair in your meal at a restaurant? 

Pet Stories & Advice

  Because so many of you guys are cat and/or dog owners I thought it make for a good thread discussion to pass around some pet stories and advice! Today we are babysitting our neighbour's dog  for the day so if anyone has any advice.....please let me know! Do you have pets? What advice can you share? Share any funny pet stories.

How Do You Handle Bossy or Rude People?

  \ Or perhaps I should say 'How To Deal With A Controlling Person'? Bossy, rude, controlling....we've all dealt with these types of folks before, especially online! I find no matter what you say or do, you will never change their mind but what is also important to remember is that it's not always your job to do so either.  Nope. The only way to deal with a controlling person is to control yourself but if you can stick it to them every so often, well... How do you deal with bossy, rude or controlling people? Share your advice and stories. Has someone ever accused YOU of being bossy and controlling before? Did you feel bad or just told them they are wrong? 

DO you have a crazy ex story?

I was watching this video and thought this might make for an interesting discussion topic. I think around the 2:30 mark is Paul's crazy ex. Paul....tell Kathy to calm down and go back to the freezer! :P Do you have a crazy ex story?  The last clip in the above video shows a woman biting and punching her boyfriend but he did not put his hands on her despite her refusing to leave the car.  Do you think he has a right to use force to get her off at that point? Have you ever been the "crazy ex"?

Elaine is a strange name for a black man.

     I love it when new people visit the 421st. Sometimes I tag a person from another blog to visit this one. I have done this for various reasons. I encourage all of you to tag people to visit this blog if you like them, or if you dont like them.( please only tag once or twice we dont wat to get a reputation for harassing people)  Everyone is welcome to say anything they want at this blog.   Yesterday, a black man named Elaine visited here and he was welcomed with open arms. He was also welcomed with a nude picture of one of the moderators. He then informed Paul that the picture would be reported, then he mentioned that he noticed the person wo posted the nude man was a moderator.    This was one of the funniest moments so far on this blog. It perfectly sums up what this place is about. So I made a thread about it.   Elaine is a horrible name for a black man. So I found the picture of him above and his new name is 21 Sandwiches.  ...