
Showing posts from November, 2022

The thumb in the butt religion

A new religion is sweeping the world. Some people consider it a cult. Some people consider it a good reason not to shake hands at this church.   You can tell who is in this cult by the secret sign they often give each other.   You can often tell how much they love having a thumb in their ass by their reaction to the secret hand signal.   There are some cult members who say that Drinking adds nothing to human civilization. To those people I would like to show you exhibit one:    She could be a member of the Thumb in butt cult ... But further investigation would be needed.   So are you a member of the cult? Have you ever met a member of this cult ?   Dont forget to take the survey under the article. 

Weird habits

 Let’s face it, people are weird sometimes, everyone got some weird habits they do during the day or during the night and what a better place to be a weirdo than on the 421st? So feel free to share your weirdness you weirdos, have a lovely day and a great hump day.

Have You Ever Been Thrown Out Of A Public Place? Have You Ever Been Banned?

  One of our posters here asked for the topic "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED?" to be covered.  I assume he meant from various blogs or chat sites so we can ask this but I thought it might make the discussion more fun to also ask HAVE YOUR EVER BEEN ESCORTED OUT BY SECURITY AT A BAR OR SPORTING EVENT? HAVE YOU EVER HAD SOMEONE AT A  HOUSE/DINNER PARTY ASK YOU TO LEAVE THEIR HOME? SHARE YOUR  STORIES!

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Dirty Words/Dirty Talking/Potty Mouth

  Have you ever been accused of having a potty mouth? Do you think excessive swearing is a bad habit or just plain old rude? Do you feel comfortable dirty talking to your partner?  Or do you struggle with it????

A bucket list

 I’ve watched last night the movie The Bucket List with morgan freeman and jack Nicolson, it’s about 2 guys that diagnosed with cancer, one is a mechanic and one is a rich guy that own a hospital and they decided going to a trip to do all the things on their bucket list before they meeting their maker. This movie makes you think about the things you still would love to do before the end, do you guys have a bucket list? Do you guys have some things you want to do, things you want to get or to experience before the end?  Have a lovely Sunday.

When Do You Put Up Christmas Decor & Tree?

  It's that time of year again. Or is it? When do you put up your Christmas lights, tree, decorations etc... Is there any customs or traditions you celebrate when putting up your tree or getting the house ready for the holidays? Do you feel Christmas is still a Christian tradition and should be kept as such or has Santa won the battle? ENJOY THE DISCUSSION! :P

Fuck Politics Friday.

     I was recently reminded about how some supporters of some political parties wont shut the fuck up with their stupid shit. Sometimes I spout political shit for my own amusement, but life is more than just politics.   So today is Fuck Politics Friday. I have made some special arrangements to make this possible and if everyone likes it, we could do it more often. I think it will be funny and piss some people off.  That is all the motivation I needed.  So lets talk about something fun. Suggested non political subjects   1: the earth is round  2. Tits  3. asses  4. 101 Dalmatians ... the origional  5. Starsky and Hutch and their cool car with the stripe  6. Your mom  7. Someone elses mom and a cheap motel.  8. Highschool football stories  The list goes on and on ....  Let me know if you need more suggestions    Fuck Politics Friday.. I am so sick of the repetitive mindless drone from some clowns.  You aint gonna change anyone's mind and no one gives a fuck  

Buying things you don’t need

It’s this crazy time of the year all over again. Take my money! It’s coming! Black Friday, cyber Monday or whatever sales terms they wanna use to make you buy things you probably don’t need or won’t use more than once. Have you ever bought something you don’t need because it was on sale? Have you ever spend money on things you never actually used?  Have a lovely day and a fun discussion.

Aaron Brink Father of the year.

   Aaron Brink is a former MMA fighter and porn actor. His stage name was Dick Delaware. He was in many award winning porn films including cult favorite " White Boys Can Hump"  He also had a small part in " Its ok to put it in my ass"   He started MMA fighting in 1998 before the birth of his son with his wife. After a short while he divorced his wife and never had anything to do with his son.     His ex wife is a chubby milf who obviously never got the help she needed to raise a decent young man.   His son went on to be a weird fat kid who identifies as non-binary when he is not shooting up night clubs.    If anyone has seen any of his films .. please review them below.   Have a great Thanksgiving  

Attention: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving For The Americans

  Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving. Will you be celebrating? Some folks no longer find this time of gratitude and eating 5lbs of turkey drenched in fat drippings as an  "acceptable" holiday any more. Instead, they want mark the day colonialism destroyed the planet making their lives ones not to be grateful for.  Some folks absolve this guilt of gratitude by eating tofurkey telling others their feelings about injustices they have never experienced  on twitter. This  action seems to absolve them in some way from the horrors of colonialism. Only the TOFURKEY GODS know. Only the TOFURKEY GODS will determine your fate! Will you appease the TOFURKEY GODS this Thanksgiving? Your mortal soul may depend on it!

Most Memorable Disqus Users

  Let's take a trip down memory lane.  Which disqus users are the most memorable?  Jesus Vampire???????? Midget downvoters? ? Angry mods?

The 421st is better than Twitter and other blog news.

  I would like to Welcome Camilla to the group of people who author threads here. She recently showed interest in writing stuff for this blog and hopefully she will. Anyone is invited to write stuff on this blog.    I would love for some of the Trump Tards to write original articles that I could pick apart and laugh at.    I would also love for some of the Liberals to wrote stuff for the same reason.   We are lucky enough to have people from all over the world who like to comment on this silly little free speech blog.  So a few reasons why this is better than twitter :  1. Donald Trump does not use this blog.  2. Ivanka Trump does not use this blog.  3. Eric Trump does not use this blog 4 Donald Trump Jr. does not use this blog.  And no one is banned :)   So you can complain about all the stuff at the 421st that you dont like .... or you can post your own threads. Anyone can.  Its your choice. 

What sources do you use to get your news, and why? Do you use more than one?

  Here at 421st there is often MANY news source links given back and forth regarding various topics. Some find the information reliable and readable while others won't even bother to look because they don't trust the source. What sources do you use to get your news? Why do you trust or use that particular source? Do you trust public polls/surveys when you hear about them on your local news? Do you think the information is accurate? Do you ever find the questions misleading?

How to seperate a virus.

  Industrial manufacturing of cell culture-derived viruses or virus-like particles for gene therapy or vaccine production are complex multistep processes.  Its Much easier to just keep your viruses from mixing with other viruses that are a bad influence. Just the other day, I was like hey cold Virus .... Dont go up my nose if you are hanging out with A.I.D.S. I dont want a snotty aids nose. No one wants that.   This Blog summarizes the fundamentals of virus ultrafiltration, diafiltration, or purification with adsorptive membranes. In lieu of an impractical universally applicable protocol for virus filtration, application of these principles is demonstrated with two examples.  Example one :  Example Two :  I hope this clears things up. 

What's In A Name?

  It's a difficult choice sometimes, as a parent, to come up with the "right" name for your child.  Some are unique. Some are traditional. And some are just plain ol' crazy.  Today's thread is all about strange names. Have fun. 

Friday Night Jams

  It's Friday night!!!!!!!!! Post your music here and general chat. 

Lindsey Graham .Republicans suck and stroke

  South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham just voted against same sex marriage. It was a bullshit bill passed by bullshit politicians that really means nothing in 2022. But then why would Lindsey vote against it?   Is it because he is the member of a Baptist church? Is it because he has never been seen with a woman ? He has never been on a date with a woman. He has never been seen holding a womans hand. He has never married and he has no children.   Here is the fun part. MANY male prostitutes in the Washington D.C. area call him lady G. (allegedly LMAO )What would a name like that mean if the male prostitutes in your area made that name up about someone?   So yea .. I dont have a problem with gays or gay politicians. I do have a problem with hypocritical liars who are in positions of power within the federal government.   If he will lie about that, what else will he lie about ? The answer is everything....   He is also a HUGE Trump ass kisser .... so it all kinds of falls into place :) 

Australian politics . What you need to know.

   I would now tell you all about politics in Australia, but I dont know anything about them.    You see, No one really gives a fuck about Australia besides Australians and kangaroos.   Dont they have Koalas in Australia? Or is that New Zealand ? I dont know and I dont really give two fucks.   I know they drive on the wrong side of the road. Mad Max was a great movie. They made it before Mel Gibson became a rich, racist American.   I heard the Liberals in Australia want the government to pay for all the dead kangaroo road kill pick up. The Conservatives say that the aborigines can eat the road kill and not have to bother the government as they live in squalor and the conservatives buy more American Submarines ...   But nahhh .... lets talk about something in north America ....    

Women Crush Wednesday

Women Crush Wednesday is finally here.  My crushes are all the wonderful women here on the 421. Birdy, I miss you.  Post your lady crushes here with tags, songs, pics etc. Edit: the bottom photo was added by Stan because he thought it was funny and he gets high and does stuff like that. 

Do You Believe In Soul Mates?

  Do you believe in soul mates? Have you met your soul mate? Are soul mates limited to romantic connections only?

Covid 19... It was not all bad.

    Covid 19 killed over a million Americans. 80% of the ones who died were obese, but popular culture likes to dismiss this fact.    So fat people were four times more likely to die than skinny people.    In our society ( American) we charge extra federal and state taxes on such items as liquor, Cigarettes, and legal marijuana. The excuse for such taxes is often (but not always) to off set the negative effects of these things on society. Taxes are also used to influence your purchases, people are less likely to smoke at $15 a pack.  Unless your dad is Joe Biden and you got a killer job in Ukraine after your dad gave them one billion dollars.    So lets take this government control bullshit to the next level. Its the only thing good for our society.     So we Start a 100% food tax for fat people. If a whopper is $4.59 and the kid working the cash register thinks you dont need to eat so much, your whopper is $9.18.  How would that shit go over with fat Democrats and Republicans ?    The