
Showing posts from July, 2024

Elon Musk is Quoted "My Son is Dead" Regarding His Trans Son

  "And so I lost my son, essentially.  So, you know , they , they call it deadnaming for a reason.  Alright. So the the reason it's called deadnaming is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus." What do you think of this? Is there some truth to his statement or was this all calculated to just piss of the 2SLGBTQiA  community for shits and giggles?

Do Women Without Children Get Treated Differently From Those That Do?

   "bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives". -JD Vance. I was struck by the comment from Jennifer Ainiston to all this. She responded, "I truly can't believe this is coming from a potential VP candidate. She followed up by asking what if his daughter was unable to get pregnant when she was older wondering if that too would make her such.  Vance later reported his comment was take the wrong way by stating,  "Obviously it was a sarcastic comment. People are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what I actually said," Was the comment taken the wrong way? Are women who choose career over family treated less than? Is there still a stigma towards women who cannot have a child? Do older men who have no children get treated the same? Are they cat men? Discuss this, more or none of it.

What Did You Think Of The Paris Opening Olympic Ceremony?

  Did you even bother watching or are you more interested in the sport aspect and less the song and dance of the opening ceremony? If so, which summer sport do you enjoy watching? Share your thoughts.......or not.

Modding like a Libertarian.

   As the Libertarian parties most influential Disqus personality, I will take this time to show the world the advantages of the Libertarian party.   Or I might be an alcoholic cabinet maker with grandiose ideas about how important and influential the Libertarian party could ever be.      Or both things could be true. (probably the second one only)    I have tried to be fair and have fair moderation on this blog. I think for the most part, we have done a pretty good job with just a few hiccups.  I have seen some rumblings about us needing another mod because Paul cant be here all the time and Stan kinda sucks at it. GG is still a mod but she is obviously taking some time off.   So here is my Libertarian proposal to you fuckers about this whole new mod thing.  How about you guys pick the next mod ?   Any of the regulars here can be considered.  I have only one request, and its just a request. Dont vote for Pony and/or URSA    Pony and URSA both claim to be the one who fucked up the mod

How to get rid of dirty Immigrants

     Between 1880 and 1920, four million Italians immigrated to the United States.   The vast majority of these immigrants were from southern Italy and most had backgrounds in agriculture and farming.  There was much backlash about these Italians taking jobs away from Americans.   Most of them were Catholics and the United States had a Protestant majority.    Southern Italians also tend to be of a slightly darker complexion than Northern Europeans.   So imagine a place and time where the "native" population does not want immigrants with darker skin and a different religion. I know its hard to do.    The paragraph below was copy and pasted from Wikipedia.    One of the  largest mass-lynchings  in  American history  was the mass-lynching of eleven Italians in  New Orleans , Louisiana, in 1891. The city had been the destination for numerous Italian immigrants. [11]  Nineteen Italians who were thought to have assassinated police chief  David Hennessy  were arrested and held in th

Trump is too scared to debate Harris.

    I had already made this prediction about Trump .  This is from Newsweek earlier today (this morning)    Steven Cheung, Trump's communications director, said in a statement that it would be "inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because  Democrats  very well could still change their minds" about whom they confirm as their nominee.  What does this mean ? I think it means Trump is either too scared or too smart to debate Harris.   He is scared because the last time he went into a room with a prosecutor, he got 34 felonies. ( he is waiting to be sentenced)   Not debating Harris would probably be a good idea for Trump. Trump will be made to look like the 78 year old creepy ass felon that he is.   His excuse is that the Democrats might pick someone else , Enough electors have already said they would support Harris to guarantee her nomination.   I know this is true. You know this is true.  The Democrats know this is true ..  The Republicans know this is true ...  For

The Secret Service SUCKS

        So Trump got shot and not everyone thought it was as funny as I did.   The director of the secret service resigned.   What about all the people who were on the ground (literally) that day?   Was there not a site supervisor or a person in charge on the ground? How come that person has not lost their job?   Remember when Trump tried to overthrow a legit election and the secret service tried to usher Pence away before the votes were counted.... ?????  ALL THE SECRET SERVICE PHONES GOT WIPED BEFORE IT COULD BE INVESTIGATED ...   Everyone in the country has forgotten about this except Stan and some of his Libertarian friends.   So the same government organization that could have very well been part of Trumps effort to overthrow The election is now responsible for Trump getting his ear shot.   Karma ... Poetic Justice .. Call it what you want.   They fired one secret service agent ... they should have fired like 7,000.   What do you think ?   

The definition of whore

 The definition to this word is quite easy to find with a google search.      This has been a public service announcement by Stan for all the retard fucking Democrats and Republicans who like to argue here . 

Democrat Whore VS Republican Rapist

    In the Blue corner we have Kamala Harris. A democrat whore who fucked her way into California Politics. She always wanted to be successful and fucking an old married fat politician was a small price to pay. Kamala knows what men find valuable and Willie said she had a good one.   In the red corner we have a micro penis having felon. He is an adjudicated rapist and 34 time FELON.  When he is not being accused of slander and sexual abuse he can be found in a variety of courthouses defending himself and telling lies. He also likes to file for bankruptcy, not pay taxes and charge the secret service thousands of dollars every night to rent out rooms in his resorts.  In 2011   Trump donated $1,000 to Kamala Harris.    In 2014 Trump donated $5,000 to Kamala Harris's California Attorney General campaign.  In 2014  Ivanka Trump Donated $2,000 to Kamalas campaign   So when the Democrats talk shit about Trump.. Just remember .. He was not too crooked when he was writing them checks.  So w

Biden gets out with two good ears.

     Joe Biden just ended his run for reelection.  He is old a/f and he looks like he is loosing it. He ends his political career without any felony convictions. Unlike some other Democrats and Republicans   He also has two stunning ears ...  Not one crazy neckbeard has shot Biden in his 50 years of public service. That is a very nice thing to be able to say :)   Biden will spend the next few years with his grandkids and his uninjured ears 


      Bullet Proof Ear vests will be remembered as the best invention of 2024.   If you need to stop a bullet trying to go through your ear ... you need EAR VEST !   They are lightweight and fashionable while being very discreet... Like a payment to a porn star on a dark and windy night.   Also available in the square white "ghetto" model ...  When you cant afford a real bullet proof ear vest ... but you want to show your allegiance to your retard cult leader   The Secret service took the rubber chickens away from people at the Libertarian convention, but at a Republican convention, they let them have rifles and range finders ?   THIS MAKES ME LAUGH ...  STUPID AND LAZY SECRET SERVICE ASSHOLES ..  ALSO ... lets take a moment to mark this time in history.   When the Republicans start to reap a little of the crazy they like to whip up all the time ... When the Democrats act like they are horrified when they are really just glad that the shooter was not a democrat.  And the Libe


    I hate Thomas Crooks because he was a bad shot. Why do you hate him ?   I would also like to bring attention to the haters.  I was recently told that this blog was reported to blogger . So I invited that person to fuck himself and Trumps ear. There is no information if he is actually trying to fuck himself.   What is funnier than an adjudicated rapist getting shot in the ear ?  An adjudicated rapist getting shot in front of hundreds of people while cameras were rolling. I laughed so hard.   What is funnier than an ex president who stole hundreds of top secret documents and lied to the FBI about them ?  A former president who gets shot in the ear.  Do you have any ear jokes ? I have hundreds .  This is a free speech blog. We have freedom of speech so we can say controversial things.  Republicans love freedom as long as you dont use your freedom to talk shit about their felonious cult leader ....   If only Crooks was a better shot .... If only   ( no laws were broken writing this thr

Republicans go full retard

   You morons are making the rest of us laugh.  A fake wrestler, Kid Rock and a Pedo with a face full of botox   All there to support your adjudicated rapist and felon.   One day people will look back and wonder how people were so stupid.    So many lies were spread at the RNC.   Trump offered to get rid of inflation, without admitting he caused most of it.    Trump offered to strengthen the border .. even though he had his minions kill a bill that would have made the border more secure.   If only Thomas Crooks would have been a better shot .........   Fuck you if you disagree .... MAGA MORONS  


   Yea I SAID IT 

J.D. Vance is a fat P.O.S.

   So J.D. Vance is a man of his word.  He once described himself as a "Never Trump" guy.  I guess he is just full of shit.   I would list all the bad things he has previously said about Trump, but it would not matter.  This guy is a wishy washy no backbone having bullshit artist, just like TRUMP ....   Mike Pence was seen laughing and not dodging bullets from crazy neckbeards. 

Who Shot Donald Trump ?

     The retards and the conspiracy theories are running rampant.   What is your stupid conspiracy theory ?  We all know it could not be a half wit neckbeard taking advantage of lazy cops ...  LOL  NOPE .. it was a democrat plot paid for by the cubans with a candlestick in the dining room  You fucking Trump IDIOTS crack me up 

Hey Man, Nice Shot


Twin Turbo, Ass Eating Bear.

       Some people have recently noticed that our resident bear has not offered to eat anyones ass in almost two weeks.   The reason for this is simple. Twin Turbos. If you dont know what a turbo is (Gus) than you dont need two of them.   A turbo is basically an air pump powered by your exhaust. A twin turbo set up is for anyone who thought that one turbo was not enough.    So please play nice with our bear. He is the only one we have and he is almost tame.   Do you guys think that the Democrats will replace their geriatric Presidential candidate or do you think the Republicans will replace their adjudicated rapist and and thief ( 34 felonies)  ?   No one gets banned here unless they dox or threaten someone. Thats why this blog has the moral high ground on all other blogs. Thats why our moderators are better than yours ...  Thats basically why we laugh at you   We have a twin turbo ass eating bear . Top that shit  and I will show you an Aussie in a dress.     

The Auto Industry is Shit

     The car industry in America is kinda shitty. I am not just talking about quality, although that is at an all time low for many automakers.   The Government (bullshit) regulations are making cars much more expensive to make. Multiple airbags... Rear view cameras .. Electric everything.    Many more cars now have Turbos as standard equipment for gas mileage. This will wear the engines out much faster. A naturally asperated lasts much longer and the Turbo cant break if its not there.   The government regulations link fuel economy to the length of a vehicle. Thats why all the Auto makers in the USA want to sell 4 door everything. I dont need 4 doors for everything .   Only the Japanese auto makers offering quality cars for under $30,000. Excluding Nissan ... Nissan in North America is shit quality .. they are like Japans Dodge ... they suck now.   I wont drive a four door Truck because I am not an asshole . I know what Trucks are and I know what SUVs are ... I dont need a truck that i