
Showing posts from December, 2021

2021 .. Blog new year celebration

  It looks like bob started this thread and never posted it. I dont know if it will show that he wrote it or not ... but it was unused so Here it is.   This year was really fun. In July this blog was started and it has been a hoot ever since.   I want to thank the moderators who do stuff and the lazy moderators who dont do anything.   I want to thank all the people who post here and who like to post without any fear of unfair moderation.      HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Elizabeth Holmes is funny.

       This lady is awesome. She dropped out of school to start her own business. She was just like Bill Gates. The only difference is that Bill gates had computer programs that people wanted and Elizabeth had a load of horse shit she sold as magic.      She made up a huge lie and made and wasted millions of people investments. She paid well known people to be on a "board of directors" or some stupid shit and the world fell for it.      Its a shame ... She is an attractive woman. She stole all that money and never got bigger boobs.     Thank you for the laughs Elizabeth. I hope you dont spend too much time in prison, most of the people you ripped off were rich and stupid.   

Lia Thomas is a girl who swims. .

     Lia Thomas is a nice young lady who spent three unremarkable years on Penn States male swim team. She has recently transitioned to being a female and her team mates are so happy about it.         Here is Lia next to her normal sized friend who does not have testicles. He is now exactly the same as a regular female because to say otherwise would hurt her feelings.       Lia is currently crushing all female swimming records and her female competitors think this is just awesome. No one will say anything negative or it might make others think they are horrible people.    Here is Lia just being one of the girls. She does not look like she would have any physical advantages over these non trans ladies who are half her size, have half as much muscle and have bones that are much less dense because of 20 years of testosterone from a set of testicles.   Lets all give three big cheers for equality and fairness in sports. I hope Lia makes it to the Olympics .... Just wait until the Chinese sw


     If you are a mod and you would like to contribute articles, please post your e mail address on one of the open threads and immediately  delete it.      I will look through the deleted comments and write down the e-mail addresses and then put them in the boxy thing on the blogger page.    This seems like a secure way to do it. It also seems like the easiest way to do it. I think it needs to be a gmail account ... maybe not ...   I will have most of today to mess with Disqus and then its back to the grindstone of life. The next few weeks will be very busy for me and I wont be around much, thats why I would like to add people today if anyone sees this thread today.    I am so high. I am going to walk my dogs.     I suggest everyone gets a good spouse and a good dog before they die. It makes life pretty cool and laid back.     This is a cute dog from the internet ....  My dog would sit on it :)   

Having a dumpster fire Christmas

     Christmas is a time to celebrate a Jewish guy who was also God who sacrificed himself to himself to prove something. I cant get my mind around this concept and I have given it much thought.     I want to thank everyone who has given me directions on how to add other authors. I looked and  I understand what is to be done, but I don't know anyone's e-mail address.      Is there a way I get that from the Disqus profile or do I have to ask people for their e-mail address?    This blog will be much more fun with other people posting articles.     I really don't care what kind of articles you guys post on this blog and of course there will be no rules made about content except for what blogger does, and blogger will zap threads on this blog. They have done it.     To not get threads zapped by blogger, you cannot do anything that even resembles in the slightest way harassment of a person who reads this blog.  If you mention someone's name, and someone complains, they will

We are going to add people to write articles here.

      Contrary to what many people have accused me of over the years, I have to admit that I suck with computers. I am not a hacker. Never had the ability.     So here in lies my problem, I get confused easily and I smoke lots of pot. I didn't start out with the highest I.Q. ever, and I have suffered a few concussions.      I need someone to explain to me how to add other authors on bloggers .... There I said it ...     Leslie recently suggested it and others have before.  I think its a great idea and it would have already been done, except for the fact that I am the guy who has to do it.  So there. I will now offically get off my ass and try to change something on the mysterious computer thing. The last time I tried to change something on this blog I removed the Disqus comments ... I have not touched anything on blogger since.    Thanks for the help in advance ... looking at you Mat and Jon snow ....       

Major has a message for you.

         Hello everyone. My name is Major. I am President Joe Bidens Libertarian German Shepherd. I will explain why I am obviously a Libertarian.     So one day my owner person who I watch, gets a new job at some fancy new white house. This house sucks for me because it full of strange people and its my job to protect my person from other persons.    So this new house comes with all these over paid government employees who watch my human person and I tried to convey to these idiots that was my job and i had it under control. These guys in black suits who live on government money and dont produce anything, try to tell me how to do my job so I bit a couple of those overpaid assholes. He is my person, I will guard him.    Then my person who is some big shot president of some big country or something tells me about how both political parties work for the big defence corporations and how they keep America divided over stupid issues like abortion and immigration.     So I took a ball into h

Disney land in 2021

    The Peter Pan on the float was a girl. It was so obvious. Not that there is anything wrong with that.    There should be a weight limit imposed on people who wear workout pants in public. I know you people have mirrors and friends.   This was my first visit to the great Disney park where I only saw one Japanese guy with a huge camera. Back in the 80s, thats how you could tell who was from Japan .Now they blend in with the other asians, just a heads up.   Here is my only real complaint about Disney in 2021.  People on smart phones. I dont have one, and I dont want one.  Last time I visited Disney smart phones did not exist. I liked it better then.     Next time you go for a walk of play with your dog,or spend time with your romantic person .... try doing it like  we did it in the old days.     Look at something to capture the memory, pay attention to those cute things your adorable kids are doing as you fumble around with that stupid god damned smart phone trying to get the perfect

My Robot has a broken fist.

          I make Robots. Mostly imaginary ones. And by mostly, I mean all of them are imaginary.  Have you ever created a broken robot with a fist that never works the way you want it ?        

Weather alert.

  This is a map of the severe weather friday night.  It looks like the midwest got a big one stuck up in them after they got moistened up by a stiff wet one earlier in the evening.   This thing was huge and plowed many a lady like they had never been plowed before.  If you are a hater of all beautiful things, please report this thread to Blogger. The rest of you are welcome to tell of your encounters with this big one. If you are not a resident of the midwestern USA you could tell us about the last time your area got plowed by a huge wet one.   

FREE Jussie Smollett

       This man is being held as a political prisoner. He is being persecuted for having great fashion taste and paying two africans to beat him up. Gay men in Chicago and elsewhere pay for these kinds of things everyday and no one says a word.     Jussie is just a misunderstood pillar of his society with a noose fetish. Thats not really something anyone needs to be locked up for.  He worked for fox and Trump loves Fox. I am surprised he did not get a pardon.     


        Revenge Porn is quite a problem in modern times. Even if you are a performer who webcams himself with various fruits and vegetables, this could one day be used by people whose ideas you cannot fathom.       Trail Cams are also becoming a problem. Lets say you are a bear and you decide to lay on your back and air out your stuff... Blammo .... you can now be blackmailed... or bearmailed... It can happen.     Please be aware that not all people will think you are as sexy as you think you are. (looking at you patriotic american mods, I know you guys are reading this shit now.. ha ha f#$k you you wear too much eye makeup.)      So please be aware of trail cams and the danger they pose in being viewed by perverts and then posted on the interwebnet.  Do you have a trail cam ? Post pictures of any desert creatures you have found.    Blogger will delete these threads if they get anything that looks like a legitimate complaint from our haters, and we do have some. Disqus does not care wh

The Votes have been tallied.

      The Votes were counted (kind of). Democratic ideals are awesome. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the great democratic experience that we all experienced together.     I would like to ask another moderator to do the actual banning. You guys can pick straws if you want :)  You could even vote on it to see who gets the job.     You have all probably noticed the Rated G theme of the new threads. This blog has gained more than one person who will report it.   I think that is hilarious  by the way.     So this is how I beat them. Out in the open right out in front of everyone in large text. Nothing to report.    The weirdest free speech blog around. The one where they break all the rules ..... and there is nothing for you to report... notice there is no adult warning to press on to get here?     You cant kill an Idea.... Silly haters ... Thats why you will never win! But we appreciate and laugh at the effort. DISQUS IS SILLY ...pony said that

When to ban someone...

      Someone recently said some things that are ban worthy. There was a threat of personal harm and that is not allowed most of the time. The person who is threatened gets to decide if you get banned and that person asked me to make this thread so everyone could vote on it.     That is cool with me and very democratic. So vote your desires.  To make it easy to vote .... please post the words  VOTE: and Yes ban or not to ban.  I am not sure of all the specifics of this stuff.  I was unfortunately not surprised by the activities of the person in question.   So speak your mind and get your vote counted .... 

Dyke Creek ... Location and activities

  I was recently doing a web search to find great waterways. Dyke creek is in New York state. You can catch rainbow trout, brown trout and red bellied sunfish.   I have never fished Dyke creek. I dont fish, I find it boring as hell. I would fish if you were allowed to use hand grenades or RPGs, but the FBI and the BATF frown on such clever fishing tactics.    Have you ever fished at Dyke creek ? I have never fisted at Dyke creek.       Trust me when I tell you that you don't want to go up Dykes creek without a paddle . 

The beacon of freedom, the light on the hill.

  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights,blogs  are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the moderated , –That whenever any Form of moderation  becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new mods and blogs, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness  This place is awesome and I want to thank everyone for keeping it REAL .... really fun :)  .

Flowers and love and everything pure and clean.

  I love Flowers  Each one is like a little work of art made by mother nature just for you.   Peace and love to all of mankind during this wonderful holiday season.