
Showing posts from January, 2023

Poet tree

no text needed  thanks for playing 

Being a good neighbor

    What would you do if your neighbor from WAYYYYYY down the street come to your house and told you that he did not like the color of your car ? Then he explained that you mowed your grass wrong, raised your kids wrong and he does not like how you treat your wife.  How would you feel if someone who had nothing to do with your home and contributed nothing to your home, came over and told you you were doing it wrong?   Most people that I know would not be very nice to this neighbor from way down the street.     Now imagine, you knew this neighbor from down the street had way fewer kids than you,  his house was not even half as nice as yours, you knew his wife was a whore and his daughter was learning from her mother and they had to buy their cars from the "buy here-pay here lot" because they dont have any money.     This is also the same neighbor who got in a fight and you had to go save his ass from his Japanese neighbor.   Would you take advice from this idiot from down the

Whoopi Goldberg Posters Aren't As Popular After All.

  Yesterday after a very lively discussion about feminism, one of the posters here accused another of being so woke that she must have a poster of Whoopi Goldberg in her home. Feminists apparently like watching The View and have Whoopi Goldberg posters in their home to show their loyalty to wokeness. This made me laugh.  It also made made me think how much does a Whoopi Goldberg poster go for these days. Most posters weren't as high valued as I thought. You would think that with this many feminists, the Whoopi Goldberg posters would be high valued and sought after items.  Sadly, most were around $10 but one stood out because it was around $70. I guess you have to pay for the pompoms.  What posters did you have in your room growing up as a child? Beside Whoopi posters, what posters do you think would represent some of the other users here? Here is a poster I think Stan would have...

Tyre Nichols

    This man, Tyre Nichols was recently beat to death by the police.    We have and have had a huge problem in the USA with police brutality. This man did nothing that required him to be beat to death.  The five police officers are awaiting trial in jail.   This is when I totally support burning down police stations, city halls, and other government buildings and any government vehicles you see parked.   This is OUR country... not the governments.   Tyre Nichols is dead. He did not get a day in court. I have not and will not watch the video of him being beat to death. It is too upsetting to me. The five cops will get a day in court. Its a shame none of them will be treated like Tyre was.   This is Stans opinion. You are welcome to agree or disagree or fuck off.      

Things to improve

The 421st is a place where everyone can express their opinions, a place to share your values and point of view about the world but sometimes things getting really heated and the conversations going from a dialog to just a batshit crazy and pointless fights with insults and attacks on each other, sometimes it is very entertaining but sometimes it seems like things getting out of hands and this is what this thread is for, what do you think should be done to improve the level of conversation on the 421st? What could we improve in thread creation? What the mods might do to improve other aspects of the conversation here? This is a thread is for you to give your sense about it and add any criticism to everyone involved to make this place a better place. Hopefully you’ll have a calm and wonderful weekend.

The TERF Girls

 Yesterday during a conversation I’ve had with Stan I’ve suggested this idea about contacting Jk Rowling and creating all girl band called TERF Girls, we would be even bigger than the Spice Girls I’m sure of it, so here’s the thing, to create the band we first need a crew, so who’s from the 421st would be great addition for the band and in what role? What instrument everyone would play and who’s going to lead the group? We also are open to receive a manager and behind the scenes crew to make sure everything is up and running, also what kind of band we should be? What kind of songs? you can nominate yourself and add your suggestions in Stan’s office. Let’s make it happen and make the TERF Girls go viral.

Who’s in the wrong here?

  This story was blown out in the last few days and it was about 2 people at a gym, a man and a woman. the story was like this, this woman she’s a “influencer “ and she was filming while at the gym, she kept complaining she kept getting harassed while you clearly see in the video the guy only glanced at her direction maybe 2-3 times, maybe he saw her filming him? Maybe he just want to use this area of the gym and just looked to check when she’s done with the equipment, who knows? But she was so self centered and probably decided she’s getting harassed and kept complaining and crying while she’s doing a online live shaming at him but after the video was posted the entire internet flipped on her and everyone called her out for her bs, then she posted a number of tweets and doubled down on the narrative she so called got harassed and sexualized and she wasn’t feeling safe so people decided to look her up to see who is she and what’s her deal, on her series of tweets she said she hate to b

50 Shades of 421st

  Since we have such a diverse group here and  many of us have read the books, I thought I'd ask where do you stand on the grey scale? And does vanilla count as a shade of grey? When it comes to "romance" do you tend to take the lead? Do you prefer someone else to take charge? Perhaps a little of both or neither or do you stand back while another woman approaches your 2 grooving women on the dance floor leaving you standing there like a cuck? Hey, we don't judge here. OK. We do but if that's who you are......ALWAYS BE YOURSELF!

Disqus Diapers: Are They Right For You?

  Sometimes I think certain folks here need disqus diapers when commenting  about certain topics here on the 421st blog. These disqus diapers absorb the shit they speak about while saving the rest of us from their stinky thoughts at the same time! This image captures a sensible person reading a diaper person's shitty comments and not being affected by the stank it gives off.  Some posters here are so stupid and retarded that they've started to respond to other persons comments, that they very well know has blocked them, yet respond anyways thinking it makes a point or does any good knowing full well it doesn't. Wasting such time requires extra big diapers because even the folks that haven't blocked these few trolls don't waste their time to read/care about the shit points the trolls are making. In conclusion I think these few trolls need a new name. This group shall be called the DIAPER GANG!

Foody Wednesday

Food is a form of art, a creative way to express yourself and to enjoy life, what is your favorite meal? Do you cook for yourself or you one of those people who can burn even something easy as boiled egg? what are your favorite foreign food? Have anything special to add about food this is the place. A Final note, pineapple should be banned worldwide.

Things that should be illegal

Mental illness is in all time high, personal accountability and values are in all time low, people trying to affirm their own delusions, teachers brainwashing students, doctors do horrific things and forgetting their oath for money, women pushed away from private and safe spaces, people keep getting silenced and attacked for their opinions and values, facts considered misinformation, feelings are more important than logic, so much corruption and dishonesty everywhere, people put pineapple and coconut on a pizza, this world is a complete shit show!  If you had the power to make things illegal, what would you do? What would be the first law you create? What would be the punishment for breaking the law? 

Should The Wealthy Be Fined More For Traffic Tickets?

  A few BC City Councillors  recently brought forth the idea that our province needs to change how and how much we charge for traffic fines in order to better reflect the income of the offender. The main drive behind this is someone given $100 infraction for speeding will have a more difficult time paying such fine if they hold a minimum waged job. This idea is not new and is currently being used in other countries such as Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Finland and few others. The reasoning for using this besides compassion for the lower income offender is that $100 fine would most likely not deter a wealthy person as such amount is chump change to them. Do you think traffic tickets should be income based fines? Do you think our personal income should be reviewed by the traffic court system in the first place? Do you think this system will deter things like speeding?

Animals being funny

Sorry for the clickbait title, so let’s talk about climate change…  Ok now for real, let’s just make a calm thread about funny things animals do or did, feel free to share anything about the subject, it could be a video, photo or even just a funny story you had with any type of animal. Hopefully you all have a wonderful day.

Climate change Monday

It seems like climate change is the reason for everything happens lately in the world, they literally use climate change as the main excuse for everything today, it’s so dramatic that a bunch of very rich people that obviously caring so much for the environment and that’s why they all took their very environmental friendly private jets and made a giant big meeting in Davos to fight those evil gas stoves… oops, I meant to fight this evil climate change. So since climate change is such a powerful force what more do you think it can do? Share your thoughts and have a lovely day.

Konstantin Kisin on Woke Culture & Climate Change

Climate Change.  We all know about it. Whether you agree or disagree, we need to discuss it because its being discussed. The question is how important of an issue is it to you?  How important is climate change to you? To us? To the world? Is this the most pressing issue of 2023? There always has been changes in the climate that has brought CRAZY changes to the earth. I have listened to my FIL, a geologist, who's sole job is understanding this, and before us humans there was some climate changes.  HOWEVER, we have to acknowledge that our human tendencies has impacted where we lay our heads.  I hope the video plays (if not, I will replay it as the first comment) because this fellow brings up a great point. Climate or not, when you live on a earth where people live in such climate your first concern? How these people use coal or other means to warm homes, cook etc. is really less important when you can't even get by with basic nutrition? Remember the environment pr

What if Chickens got to vote?

    Chickens are the most numerous bird in the world. The only animals that outnumber chickens are food for chickens, like mice and bugs. That is why chickens are unstoppable.      If you have any ideas on how  can keep the chickens from taking over the world, please share the secret now. Share it ... BEFORE ITS TOO LATE ...    

Virus talk for the mentally challenged

  At the 421st we celebrate and support people with mental defects. We dont care if you burned up you brain with 8 balls and hookers. We are also not concerned if you talk incessantly about a crazy conspiracy theory.   We celebrate freedom, and we celebrate freedom for people with serious brain injuries and birth defects that effect brain development.   These people can post all their crazy whackadoodle shit here.  NO ONE IS BANNED. Its not even a conspiracy.  

Let's Discuss The Proposal Of The 421st Gang Proposal

  Another site recently posted an OP with suggested questions one should ask when looking for a life partner. They suggested that you ask  hard hitting questions like "DO YOU SMOKE MARIJAUNA?" and "DO YOU MASTURABTE AND IF SO, HOW OFTEN?". Although,  I think that one was a trick question so the guy could just get off  to her answer. MEH....Perhaps such question do bring you closer together after all.  Another important topic covered asked the women if they were willing to stay home to clean 'reasonably' and 'cook often'. These are the hard hitters, folks. And don't forget....does she agree to continuously have sex. Don't let a stomach bug, child birth or being beaten make her say no! NO SEX = NO DEAL! The OP concluded with advising the men to thank the women for answering these 'interview questions' and then send them on they merry way for the men to do the "IMPORTANT THINKING". EDIT: I went on to see that this author has da

Thursday Politics for Australians

  George Santos (recent name change)is the best thing to happen to American politics since Abraham Lincoln trademarked that hat.  He committed fraud and he lies about every damned thing. New York and the Republican party just thought Trump made their mouths taste of dicks.  This guy is reported to have stole $3,000 in money he collected to save a disabled veterans dog. The dog died.  This story is just developing. Some people are reporting that he committed check fraud in Brazil and he is an ugly drag queen. Love those Republican family values.   This guy is a first class scum bag and thats my opinion.    Lets not forget about Biden, our latest president with dementia, who has already forgot. He gets caught with stolen documents and all of a sudden Republicans and Democrats all switch opinions about stolen documents overnight. This has been very amusing to me.    Possession of classified material is against the law. They should lock up Trump and Biden and make them serve time in the sa

No Politics Thursday

You might call me optimistic and i know this would happen anyways but it’s worth trying and since everything is becoming political this days in the 421st maybe it’s time to create a thread that would push away all the political discussions and let’s make a thread full of funny memes, hilarious videos and anything else that doesn’t involved political discussions and arguments in it, hope for the 421st we could achieve this at least for 24 hours. Have a calm and loving day everyone.

To the authors of this blog.

     I, Stan recently posted a new article or thread that Camilla had made about hedgehogs. I am not sure if I posted it before she was done with it. I think I did and I am sorry if I messed up something you were working on.      In other blog news, babies with puppy pictures are more popular than conspiracy theories.    Thank you all for your Contributions to this free speech masterpiece known as the 421st. 

The 421st just won the internet !

 The First annual award goes to the 421st.   This distinction of honor has been long in coming.  We have recently set new records on conspiracy and the opinions of Australians.  No one is banned here and sometimes Blogger takes down our threads because we are bad and sometimes we just dont know how to use Blogger.   YOU WIN  

Classified documents are not Conspiracies

    If you are rich and powerful, you will not face any kind of meaningful justice in the USA unless you steal from other rich people.      Trump AND Biden have both been caught RED HANDED with classified material in their possession. This is a fact that can not be argued.    I dont expect this article to change anyone's opinion. I dont expect this stupid blog thread to help take down the criminals.  I will continue to vote for the Libertarian party. If you come up with a better plan please tell me.   

The life of a hedgehog

Hedgehog lives are very demanding and exhausting, it’s hard to be such a cute animal without dealing with a lot in life. The first thing hedgehogs do in the morning is waking up, yes I know, it’s shocking, right?  Hedgehog are not a morning animal so don’t bother them so early before the first cup of coffee, just like humans it can be dangerous move so don’t say haven’t warned you. After that they getting ready, thanking a bath and looking for something good to wear, after all they are cute and need to look cute. After they are clean and dressed they’re getting ready to work, getting their car keys and going out to the world. It’s time to work, hedgehogs have a really busy working schedule, they have no time to fooling around during the working hours, they need to earn the big money. After work hours they go to the gym so they can keep the healthy life style, hedgehog are really into healthy lifestyle. After that they taking a bath to remove all the sweat and dirt from the very long da