
Showing posts from February, 2023

Art: Share Yours or Ones You Love (Visual)

  Is there a particular artist or time period you admire? Share works of art you admire! Share your own works of art too!  Do you enjoy sculpture? Painting? Photography? Let's all participate!

GG. IT means good game

   Lots of people have been have been talking about GG lately. I think that is a positive thing for a blog like this.  The first G stands for Good. I think good is a great word.  The second G stands for Game.  A game is something you do for fun.   Good Game everyone .... GG   I love GG. How about you? What do you think?   This thread was written by Stan and his opinions are not necessarily the opinions of the 421st blog or its advertisers.  

What if Mr. Rogers had facial hair ?

 Here he is with a nice stache  A beard  A Tom Selleck     What do you think ?   

Secret Disqus Society: It's All About The GG!

  Did you know there is a secret disqus society that discusses all things GG? Did you know I was the secret police of disqus. SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's true because Ivor said so! Ivor Biggun    6 hours ago Yes, it is known, widely. You're not just here you liar, you're everywhere, policing Disqus. They spend night and day going over the GG numbers. The higher rank you become the more GG information you are given. Last night Ivor received his first GG medal. Do you have a secret society dedicated to you?  Do you want to become a secret disqus policeman? You have to be very discreet. Serious applicants only! I haven't seen this lunacy since that Vampire Jesus accused us all for working for disqus. I still haven't gotten my pay cheque! Oh well. Happy Sunday, folks. Happy Sunday. It's snowing like a MO-FO here and we will see if I can get to work later. I am sure the secret disqus society already know this!!!!!!!

Sexy Saturday: Music & Whole Lotta Sexy Stuff (but not too sexy because Big Brother Disqus sees all)

  I figured we did a Thursday and a Friday themed OP,  so we should do a Saturday one too. Today's topic is ALL THINGS SEXY There is lots of qualities that are attractive in a person BUT WHAT DO YOU FIND SEXY? Women...Is it confidence? A man that can fix things? Coat hanger shoulders?  Men.....Is it your lady wearing something sexy like lingerie or nothing but a pair of stockings and stilettos?  POST YOUR SEXY SONGS, THINGS YOU FIND SEXY OR SHARE YOUR "SEXY NAME" USING THE NAME GENERATOR BELOW (NOTE: NO NEED TO SHARE YOUR BIRTHDAY) -BROWN SUGAR THRUSTER!!!!!!!!!!

One Year of War.

  87% of Ukrainians recently polled in Ukraine, said that they would be willing to keep up the fight even after Russia uses nuclear weapons.   You have to respect their defense of their country and the impressive job they have done as a nation.   Russia has likely lost twice as many men in Ukraine in one year as the USA lost in Vietnam in 10 years.   War is horrible, I hope Ukraine can achieve victory this year. Slava Ukraine   

Flippant Friday

          Welcome to Flippant Friday.  Please post anything you want and try not to stay on topic. 

Thumping Thursday

It's Thumping Thursday, unlike Humping Wednesday, so let's get our Thump on!  What is Thump you ask? It's anything you want it to be direct from Molly's tired brain. hahaha Songs, pics, memes, gifs, vids...all your favorites and for those who want to argue, Thump On!  For those that need help getting up...Git Up! I'm just winging this off the top of my head and I'm not saying I'm sorry!  As we all know, y'all are gonna do what you do anyway so...Carry On! And have a wonderful Thursday...Friday for those in the land of Friday. 😚

421st Safe Space Zone

  If the people at the 421st make you upset, if you think the site is a sh!thole or perhaps you think the site owner is a jerk who knows exactly how old he is; then look no further because there is a new feature here called: THE 421ST SAFE SPACE ZONE Here you can visit the site you hate while pretending to have a say on how this site should be run. I mean, it's not like you should just make your own site or chat with friends at another place. NO. You should be able to come here and be safe while complaining about the very site you hate! Are you a loser with no life, no friends and a 24/7 meth problem? Don't worry, the door is always open. You can pretend that you are making a point and that your non-sensical ramblings  actually affect the real lives of the users here! Hate every single person here but come back every day? This is YOUR safe space to do so. We will make sure you get acknowledged the way you deserve!!!!

Best & Worst Gifts: What Are Yours?

  So I just got off the phone with my brother and we were discussing what to get our mom for her upcoming birthday.  My mom has a massive collection of angels, Eiffel towers (gemmed, one that lights up, a clock version) and enough religious items to fill up 3 churches so we were thinking a new plant and deck chair for her patio. Over the years the gifts my mom has given me has been less then stellar. Dollar store socks and Mary Kay discount or discontinued products are her generally go to. For my brother she usually gives him kitchen gadgets such as cheap off brand Tupperware and soap dish with a fish on it. LOL  We love her and wouldn't trade this for anything but once in awhile it would be nice to get something I actually like.  Are you a thoughtful gift giver? Do you use a budget when it comes to gift giving? What are some of the best or worst gifts you have received over the years? Have you ever re-gifted? Is re-gifting ever ok? What type of gifts do appreciate receiving? 

Discuss Disqus . Disqus Employees invited to discuss Disqus

   Recently, some people have complained about the 421st to someone at Disqus headquarters, or someone there posted to someone else there... or so the rumor goes .   This blog does not and never has broke any Disqus rules. We dont allow threats, doxing or porn. Our moderators do a fine job and offending messages and photos are quickly taken down. Much quicker than on most blogs. We do ban when people refuse to follow our simple rules that totally comply with Disqus rules.   We also Comply with the Blogger rules for posting blogs.    I dont understand someone who would complain about this blog. I thought my life was boring.      You can not kill an Idea and the idea is loose and its not reliant on this blog. Maybe thats what you hate about it ? I dont try to understand crazy.      So good luck getting this blog shut down. No one has got it shut down yet. We all appreciate the effort and the laughs .   And yes, if you complain about this blog, whoever you are, you really need a fucking h

Jimmy Carter is in Hospice.

  Jimmy Carter is the first president I can remember. I was 8 when he left office. I remember peanut jokes and I remember Ronald Regan because all the old people told me he was a movie star and I had no idea who he was.   Jimmy Carter is my favorite living president. He left the white house and helped to cure some horrible worm shit in Africa and he built habitat for humanity homes.     He helped to get the Egyptians And Israelis to sign a peace treaty and he was an advocate of socialized medicine.     He just always seemed like a very caring and thoughtful man. He also pardoned all the draft dodgers. He tried to make the world a better place overall and I think he did it.  He also won the Nobel peace prize in 2002 for promoting human rights.    He came from a time when you would not get elected if someone had a recording of you saying you could grab women by the pussy because you were rich.   When Spock said live long and prosper, Jimmy took that shit serious .             Well done M

Soul Sunday!

  Amen and HalleluJAH, it's Sunday. It's time to let your soul shine, shine, shine, let it shine! There is another important discussion going on a secondary OP today but let this OP just be a place to post SOUL music, soul MAGIC and soul FOOD??? Yeah, why not. All aboard the soul train.......let's go! 

Someone is about to find out

   Here at the 421st we pride ourselves on having the best moderators on any blog available on any internet that might be available on any planet. We are pretty good.  This blog is like a year and a half old and no one is banned.  Recently I said howdy to a guy here and he posted a picture of an adult who looked young like a child who was about to lick a dogs butthole. That kind of made me mad that he would do that here.... But it was almost not breaking the rules.   Yesterday I said Howdy to a guy and he posted a picture of some little girl who had transitional sex surgery and had become a boy and he posted the pictures of the child without a shirt on after surgery. It was like Chars Picture... but Char is an adult and she posted her pictures... That kid had surgery and did not have a shirt on ... even if it was a young man at that point.   Anyways, I just want everyone to know what is going on so there wont be any allegations of nancy pants moderators here.   Push the limits here and

Stalkers Saturday

    We love to celebrate all the different people and viewpoints that this blog brings together. We have quite a mixture from all over the world and we would have it no other way.        Today we can celebrate the love and comradery that only the 421st can deliver.    Its all about spreading the love all over the world, one thingy at a time.   Show us that thing ! 

Lurkers: Friday Edition

  We've all lurked on another site from time to time but did you know that some folks  not only lurk the 421st Blog 24/7 but also report back their findings to their fictitious team leader that begs to be a mod every blog she's on now but all the site owners deny her such given her past reputation?  That is far too long to spend lurking or begging  but hey, we're not telling you what to do because that would go against the 421st values. We have none so we ain't bothered! The particular group  lurking is known online as  "THE FRIENDS" and "the friends" have now teamed up with "THE NUMBERS GANG" to form an alliance. The "numbers gang" only has 2 members currently but they have a couple of "side chicks" hooking up with them so they're good with the two. One chick is old, very old and angry and the other has an obsession with midgets which is good because the "numbers gang" leader is an actual midget! This is j

George Santos, the greatest American hero.

    George Santos is a Republican hero and a hero for all Americans. We have discovered some interesting details about this mans exciting life before he got a seat in congress.   He invented the moon walk and thats not the best part. He invented the moon walk on the moon and on Earth.  If George Santos has inspired you to do wonderful things, please share in the comments section.   

Milf runs for President of the United States.

       Nikki Haley is running for president. I am so happy that someone who is not a great grandparent is running for president.    She is way hotter than Hillary Clinton. She is also not nearly as much of a hoe as the Vice President Kamala Harris.         I doubt I will vote for any Republicans anytime soon, but I might vote for her if she put up a stripper pole in the White House.   If we only get to vote for corrupt, rich politicians, we should at least vote for one that is good looking.    I am sick of hearing about and looking at Trumps fat ass.   What do you think ?