
Showing posts from November, 2023

Move Over Furries....There's A New Kink In Town.

  I was on another site and LAUGHED at this story that they posted. They have great topics there so I had to borrow this one because it was too good not to share. The story is from the Washington Post. Author: Hallie Lieberman. R oxie Rae is lying on her pink bedspread, her bleached-blond hair draped on her black teddy, thigh-high stockings emerging from her leopard-print stilettos. She turns her backside to the camera and purrs, “Mmm, that looks like just the view to persuade you to vote Republican for daddy Trump. We both know you don’t know what it’s like to be an alpha. You’re just a beta, obeying, doing everything I say. Pretty soon you’ll be preaching and posting the Republican way all over your social media. The best part is, you’ll really believe in it Link to article.

Have You Started Your Christmas Shopping?

  Have you started shopping for Christmas gifts? Are you spending more or less this year? Have you changed your shopping habits over the last couple years?

Customer Service : Good & Bad Stories

  Share your stories about your best and worst customer service interactions!

In Memorium of Ol' Red

   Ol' Red was a chicken. He was not just any chicken, he was special. He came into this world as an Egg and he leaves us all much richer in his passing.      Red was an Aussie Chicken, he spoke with that super cool accent, but he never said much. It was always "cock a doodle doo, Mate" or "bawk, bawk, bawk, mate" Ol' Red never mixed his words and you always knew where he stood on a subject, especially early in the morning.    Does anyone remember when he was first laid and he looked so happy with his siblings?   Those were much happier times.  So if your poodle chews up your cock, make sure its not the one everyone loves.  Please remember Ol' Red in your prayers  Thank you 

When Will You Decorate For Christmas and Friday Fun Facts

  It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas but is it for you? Will you be putting up any Christmas decorations this weekend? Perhaps next? How much holiday decorating will you do this year? Will you be keeping things low key or going full Griswald? Fun fact... One of the earliest Christmas tree decorations were made from dried fruit. Share some fun facts today!

Celebrating Trukeys

     I am thankful that Trump has not gotten rid of our Constitution like he said he wanted to.   I am thankful that Trump was unsuccessful in stealing the 2020 election.   I am thankful that Melania is spending more time with her gardener than with her fat, twice impeached husband who was found guilty by a jury of rape.    I am thankful that I live in a country where I cant go to prison for disagreeing with Trump. (yet)     I am so glad my last name is not Trump.    I am thankful that Trump is facing 91 felonies in four courts.   So much to be thankful for this year.   I am thankful to all of Trumps attorneys who have already plead guilty ...  So many things to be thankful for 

Do The Holidays Mean Much To You Anymore? Did They Ever?

  I know the American folks here will be celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow and soon after it will be Christmas. We will all be shopping away, decorating, cooking and trying to stamp out our to-do list by checking it twice and remembering who is naughty and forgetting who is nice. Do the holidays mean anything to you anymore? Do you celebrate it for tradition but tradition only? Or do you really take the time each Thanksgiving to really sit with what you are thankful for?  Has Christmas really lost its meaning?  Did we commercialize it so much so that we can't take back the beast we created in the first place?

How Many Chickens Would It Take To Kill An Elephant ?

     Some elephants weigh almost 4 tons. The African Forest Elephant is the smallest species and they still weigh 2.5 tons.   So after this, its just simple math. What species of elephant do you want dead and what is the terminal velocity of a chicken.?     I am glad that we could all clear this mystery up together. 

Old Men + Young Women = Good? No Good?

  Recently a case was settled out of court that accused music star Sean Combs of being violent to his ex "in all aspects of her personal life". She went on to blame him for luring her with drugs, alcohol etc to sleep with him when she turned 19 and continued to use such to keep her addicted and with him. The night she finally broke things off with him, Combs was accused of r*ping her . He said all of this was false but clearly did not want to go to court to prove his innocence???? Combs was just shy of 40 at the time. We all remember the Anna Nicole Smith marriage. Did anyone believe they were in love? When it comes to relationships, does age matter?  How much of an age gap is too much? Do you think men and women view what is an acceptable age gap differently?

The History of Velcro

     George de Mestral invented Velcro.   He was taking his dogs for a walk in the Alps and the burdock seeds stuck to him and his dog.   Instead of bitching and complaining about the seeds stuck to him, he took a look at them and invented Velcro. Today Velcro has many uses. From the military to space flight to women with big old ho-has who dont have the time for traditional bra fasteners.     Do you have any velcro on things you use ? Did you know velcro came from a dog walk ?

Fork or Spoon ?

     Do you prefer forks or spoons? Each has a few things its good at but they are often not interchangeable. Would you bale hay with a pitch spoon ? I think not ? When you cuddle with your significant other, are you forking ? NO WAY    So lets celebrate the differences and similarities of forks and spoons.     What is your preference ?   This Thread title and idea was taken from our latest help Stan out with Ideas thread.  I dont remember who recommended Spoons and forks as a focus on our  Blog. But I would like to thank you for not doing much.  This spoon is from 1492 

Bowls or Plates ?

   Sometimes you have to make choices in life.  Do you need a bowl or a plate? What is your preference or do you even have one?    Each is good at different things.    I think it was One Mat Gang who said " no one ever smoked a plate" ...     And that is why I have bowl/plates. We use these at my house.   These things are like the Libertarians of the food serving world. They do everything well.      What do you prefer and why ?   

Do Politicians Deserve Privacy While Out In Public On Personal Or Down Time?

  The other night PM Justine Trudeau was in downtown Vancouver dining at a local hot spot when protestors stormed in the restaurant demanding  for the call of a "CEASE FIRE" in Gaza. Justina spoke with the protestors, apologized to the surrounding tables and owner and left.  Later he went for an after dinner drink at another location and over 100 officers had to be called out as the mob grew. One officer had her eyes gouged during the incident as some of the protestors became aggressively angry turning the incident from peaceful protest to violent mob. Do politicians deserve or should expect that they can have a peaceful night out once in awhile or should it be part of the job to expect protest everywhere you go?

Topics for discussion.

    Here at the 421th we have a tradition of not doing much. I am not sure who started it. So in the tradition of not doing much I was gonna ask ya'll for help.    I would like some silly headlines or ideas for threads to write.   Our hardcore Republican blog users can recommend  serious ideas and we will treat them as silly ideas for the next few years at least.  If you want me to write an article on watermelon farmers of the near east. I could do it.  But that sounds kind of boring.   So please recommend some ideas for threads that I could write. I think it would be fun to write the next few days worth of threads from recommendations from this thread. Then I could blame the thread on whoever suggested it. So its will be a team effort of doing as little as possible.    

Australian Politics

    This is a discussion about Aussie Politics. I dont really know anything about the government there except they get to vote and they keep their King in England.   In Aussieland they have the Queen/King on their money.   Here in America our $1 bill has a picture of a man who killed more English than the Spanish Flu.   So lets talk Aussie Politics ...  Tell everyone what you know .. because I dont know shit ... Or would that be Kangaroo shit ?  

Do Trumptards catch a buzz ?

 I recently watched Rosanne Barr scream some stupid shit at a Trumptard rally.   So many retard Americans support this human piece of snail shit.  So today ... Lets celebrate Americans we hate.  About half of the regular people at this blog are not Americans and I would love to hear your opinions of America, American politics or anything American.   You can catch a Buzz while you discuss Trumptards .. Marijuana is legal in many states. 

Bitches with big tits

   Here at the 421st, we try to encourage everyone to say what they want and do what they want.   So today I thought I would post a thread that Blogger wont take down until Monday morning.(if they even do)    Today is a good day to break the rules and get away with it because we are not really breaking the rules, or are we ? Tough call.  So lets get things started with some Pretty bitches who dont mind showing off their tits.  You all know that if Stan is posting the pictures, The bitches will be thick. Thats how Stan likes his bitches.    I know you are thinking. "this is not allowed on Disqus." Its ok. This is not Disqus. This is Blogger... Disqus is in charge of the comments section. So many idiots did not realize how Stan could break the rules at a company while not breaking the rules, because I am using a different company.  Ask Jag2727 if you have any questions about how I do it.        The 421st was meant to be silly and confrontational while also being very serious an

The dog I never wanted

     When me and my wife got married she had a retard poodle mix that would bite everyone. She gave the dog away when we got married and the dog died about a year later from a brain tumor. I knew that dog was fucked up and I was correct. Poor dog.      So after a couple years, the kids move out and she wants another dog. So we Buy Anya. Well, the German Shepherd took to me as a puppy and she is very protective of my wife. Its so cute. One time we were talking politics and I guess I got a little loud,,, and the 10 week old German Shepherd backs up to my wifes leg starts to growl at me.   The Shepherd is the regulator in our home. If any dog/person/child gets out of line.. She will let everyone know that this is her area and she does not like anyone being aggressive or loud without her permission.   Our German Shepherd is a mean bitch when she wants to be and the sweetest dog you ever saw when she is not. She knows when to turn it on and turn it off ... Like any good German Shepherd ... 

Age Old Debate: What is Sexy and What is....

  Women all over the world spend countless time and dollars to look "sexy" for men. The thing is most men actually don't find the overly made up look to be very sexy YET they enjoy looking at pictures of slutty looking women who wear full make up all the time. Men perhaps separate the two? Fake/slut vs real/sexy.   Where do you draw the line between sexy and slutty behaviour or looks.  It seems for women the mere mention of even being called a slut can haunt/follow you for a life time yet for men?????????