
Showing posts from January, 2024

Alabama Tortures Death row inmate.

      Alabama Just botched an execution. I am not saying they were dumb, but it does not look good.   The guy got nitrogen given to him in a mask and it took 22 minutes for this guy to suffocate.   EDIT: MACGYVER WAS NOT EXECUTED and he does not work for the state of Alabama   There are many reasons not to torture people, legal, moral and practical. Even if the people who work for the state dont have to worry about the law, because executions are legal when sanctioned by the state.    But who wants their employees to have to watch people suffer ? Its not exactly a moral booster. It amazing the people of Alabama cant figure out a solution for a state with such a large deer population. Its not exactly Rocket surgery.    A properly placed bullet will kill before the target hears the bang.  You can still buy a decent bullet for this job for under $1.00   So Alabama just spent several hundred thousand dollars to torture that guy.   Thanks for the laugh Alabama and I hope you do better on th

Stan puts the F in NFL

       With the Super Bowl over its time to relive some great NFL highlights.   In 2007 Michael Vick was arrested for fighting dogs. He had a huge compound that he owned with 47 fighting dogs.   He plead guilty and spent 21 months in federal prison. The Atlanta Falcons kept Vick on the payroll through his prison stay and only released him shortly before he was released from prison. They wanted to take care of their boy.   By 2009 he was back to playing in the NFL and his last year was 2015.   I have not watched a NFL game since 2009 and I will never watch one again.    Michael Vick did his time in prison and deserves to be left alone. Hopefully he is a changed man. From what I know about people, he is probably still a stupid mother fucker.   As far as the NFL. FUCK YOU FOREVER You represent what I hate most about other humans.   So who won the game last night? I dont know and I could not fucking care less. 

More artists needed.

       Recently one of our most promising Windows Paint artists stopped posting at this blog. I hope she decides to return, but that will be her decision.   If you have never tried windows paint, well you are missing something.  Let me explain.   First you take a picture from anywhere and download it on to your computer.   Then you open windows paint, Paste a couple things and cut them to the correct size and BLAMMO   Its a modern creation to share with your friends and loved ones on the internet. You can make custom pictures for everyone you know. Let me give you another example.   With the above action footage I was able to make a picture of Willie Nelson as part of the 421st Hunting club ....   Dont believe me ..... you say ?      Anything is possible with Windows Paint and Marijuana.  I hope you have found this post inspirational and not offensive.     

Trump eats $83,300,000 dick.

   Yesterday, Little Donnie had to pay a woman over 83 million because he is too stupid to keep his mouth shut.   He was already found guilty by the first jury of rape and defamation and was ordered to pay her five million.   This jury was brought in because he continued to defame her within 24 hours of the five million dollar judgement against him.  Trump is a super creepy dude. Trump has always been a super creepy dude.    Its not like I can show pictures of him dancing with a convicted child molester that he joked about liking young girls. Its on You Tube. Look it up.  Trump will go down as a shit stain on American History. He will go down as the most corrupt piece of shit to ever sit in the White House. I bet Nixon would be impressed if he were still alive.    Trump even has small hands compared to Nixon... The porn star said it was tiny. 

Frolicking Friday

  It's a good day to frolic. So everyone frolic!   Sorry, didn't put a lot of thought into this one. 𝩀 What's your favorite frolicking pastime? 

This Blog is not Real

  This Blog is not a place  This place is not a blog  This not is between IS and A  Is Not A  Even with much effort, Few of you will smoke as much pot as Stan. Good Luck and Dogs Speed  Dogs are better than gods because Dogs are real

Birds are not real

   There was recently a fake drone bird who came to this blog. All Birds are drones because birds are not real ... Power lines are just recharging stations for Bird/drone spies.    Some people think Birds are real. They are fools.        Birds are fake and they spy for the government.   They have infiltrated peoples homes and yards.   The birds will never take over this blog I just found out about the "birds are not real" movement. Its fucking hilarious ...   From now on when some fuck wit starts to explain his Trump/q-anon theory to me, I will reply with talk of fake birds ... Because Trump supporters only get my scorn and mockery now .... Its fucking ridiculous.  PT earned his ban .. I saw him threaten someone. I know what I saw you silly birds.  We are still missing a bird. If anyone sees her, please tell her I never meant to make her mad. Even if she is a drone and not real. 

Who has little hands ?

   Little hands 

Who pisses you off on Disqus ?

    I have been asked this question before.   Sometimes its hard to think of an answer ...  Sometimes its not 

Moderation Thread

     First I want to thank all the Mods here except URSA and Pony. You guys do a great job of answering questions for people and removing spam and the such.   We are very moderate in our moderation of this blog and I like to keep everything in the open. Its the special sauce that makes this blog fun and fair for everyone.   I would like to request that all mods make comments when you ban someone. We dont ban often .. and we only have a few people banned. But if we dont leave comments then after a few months, no one knows what is happening in the banned list .. and confusion starts ...    I tried to clean up the banned list. I am not trying to step on anyone's toes. If I unbanned someone who earned a ban here ... I am sorry and we can always ban them again if they return and we can leave a message next to their name that explains what they did to earn the ban. ...    Thanks again for modding here at this dumpster fire. The 421st has the best moderation on Disqus ... fuck you if you

Pallet outhouse and other ideas

     Pallets can be an inexpensive and fun way to build an outdoor crapper.   Most walls made out of pallets are not solid so the ventilation is high on this design.   To make your outhouse more desirable you could also add accessories and furniture.   

Trumps Lawyer Eats a Dick

   Alina Habba is one stupid Bitch. She went into court yesterday and made a convicted rapist look even worse... Yes, trump was found liable for sexual assault by a civil Jury. Trump supporters dont mention this as they are too busy showing Hunter Biden nudes on the floor of the House of Representatives.   Alina Habba did not know how to enter things into evidence. Alina Habba had to be told to stand up while addressing the court ( A FEDERAL COURT>>>LOL)  I guess Alina Habba never watched an episode of Matlock     Trump already paid the victim in the sexual assault case five million dollars... another fact Trump supporters never mention. They are in front of the court now because Trump wont stop talking shit about the woman he raped and she is suing him for WAY MORE than 5 mil now .... and she will get it ... lololol       Bruce Rivers, criminal lawyer, summed it up this way in his video that I will post Below. " The Judge is Biased ... he Is biased about people who know

Israel's Wildcat Pub serves warm beer

   I just want to say that this Blog is soooooo much better than so many others (in my opinion)    We dont ban people for silly reasons. We dont ban people for posting one silly Trump photo. The mods here are hip and liberal.   We also have hot bitches with large boobies.     So I just want to thank the other Blog owners who use Disqus for making the 421st such a rare free speech find. It would not be possible without all your hard work and all your shitty blogs and even shittier moderation.    If you would like to complain about this blog post, please contact a 421 mod. They will probably curse you out and laugh at you, but they wont ban you ....  And thats why WE HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND .....    This Blog is a Dumpster fire ...  all you see is burning garbage  All we feel is the warmth     What is your favorite thing about the 421st?   
  So we have some young folk that work where I do and they always have exciting stories about dating etc but this one took the cake for me the other day. One young man came in looking down and I asked if he was ok. I thought, given his long face, that something happened health-wise with him or his family. Thankfully the answer was no but he then  told me something devastating that happened to his friend. Apparently, the friend was video chatting with a gal and one thing led to another and some nudity and perhaps some sole play went on. Both left the phone call pleasantly  but the next morning the gal contacted the friend and told him everything he did was recorded and she was going to post it all online, online to the university and contact the police if he didn't give her $500! What advice do you have for this young man? share any related stories.......just don't share your newds!

Socks and Rumors of Socks

          Everywhere is socks ... Socks in the east ...  Socks in the west ..... socks up north ...... socks down south ...... socks ........ socks .....   

Jive Turkeys

  The original word jive meant to describe a person being deceitful, shady or a foolish person with empty promises. Turkeys sounds all the same with their "gobble gobble gobble" after awhile hence marrying the two terms.  I think there is a lot of jive turkeys out there.