
Showing posts from September, 2021


ASTROTURFING  Astroturfing is a sex act involving rubbing a shaved head  on a partners  vagina or anus for pleasure..  I did not know that.  Did you ?  And why we are on the subject ... remember the early 90s .. in 1989 all girls had a bush ....  By 1995 every bush in the country had been shaved off ...  It was a crazy time the 90s ....  and a girl with stubble down there .... rub the skin off your cheeks ...  We have been getting some new people to the blog ....  Welcome new people ...  Say anything you like to anyone you like and no one gets banned or spammed .... and only porn bots gets comments changed ... and those are funny (thank you pony)   

421st No Homo Erectus

  I told all of you that I would suck as a moderator. While i was trying to make the page look different I unhooked something or some shit ....  Well its back to the same as before. The blogger page will never even be looked at again.    I dont want my poor to nonexistent  moderating skills to make the Outstanding Moderation team at the 421st look bad.   I mean URSA doesnt do shit and I dont do shit... So yea .. PONY is the best moderation team ever.   I smoked a bunch of pot and i fixed it.  I also smoked a bunch of pot when i broke it ... and i didnt know it was broke for a day :)   

I have a proposition for Ya'll.

I have started a one manned mission to get Charlotte a mod spot over at Covert Pauls.   I mentioned this to Paul and the sneaky fucker said he would If i made Gus a mod.   Thats why you dont deal with the English. Those people are sneaky. They talked the Chinese into becoming one huge opium den just so they could make money.   But on the other hand .... watching Charlotte at pauls having a mod spot would be priceless ...  But should we let the rat in the cheese just to see a monkey fuck a goat ?  We do possess the perfect moderation team and i dont want to upset the perfect balance of nothingness that this moderation team is famous for not doing. The last sentance was too long ... I am high ... fuck it, its sunday :)   What do you guys think ?  Big decisions scare me.   Might be my dumbest idea yet.  What would She Dong do ?  Nothing would change here of course and Gus would not be allowed to do stupid shit and ban people like if he had banned camp flashbacks.   what do yall think ....


  The blog is going very well.  I would like to announce victory over nancypants and other haters of free expression.  No one is banned. Even spammers dont get marked as spam, and the only words in the word filter are funny ones thought of by the moderators.  We have recently had an influx of porn bots. Pony has done a great job of changing their comments and taking the links to russian midget porn down. Please do  yourself a favor and dont click on the porn bots. Russian midgets are not that hot and the computer virus you get is worse than covid for a computer.  For all the mods on all the blogs who have me banned, I would just like to say, THIS IS HOW YOU RUN A BLOG ... you nancypants mother fuckers.  Carry on good people and do as you wish. I will :)    

Explaining gay people to my 5 year old.

  This Story takes place in the late 90s. Little Stan and myself were watching Will and Grace.  Little Stan : Daddy, why does Jack act like a girl ?  Me : Because he is queer as a three dollar bill.  Little Stan: What does that mean?  Me" Queer means weird and three dollar bills dont exist, so they are really weird. Thats just a funny way of saying Gay.  Little Stan: What is gay ?  Me: You know how daddy has girlfriends and your mommy has a husband, well Jack likes other boys like that instead of liking girls.  Little Stan: Thats gross ....  Me: Well I agree, but thats what some people like to do.   I thought I had explained the situation well enough and my son seemed satisfied with the answer he received and he understood the concept.   or so I thought .............   Soon after we were in a store .. me and my boy. We were walking down the aisle when a very flamboyant gay man walked by.   So of course my son looks at me and says in a really loud voice ...  "daddy, look... It

I worked with a real transexual person.

  I worked with a person who started life as a girl and is currently a man in most aspects, even legal.   This person started life as a cute normal little white girl and decided that after reaching adulthood that she was really a black man.   Thats the funny part about this person, straight up gangster hood talk like the hardest black dude on deaf row. This person still had the body of a 5 foot three overweight woman but "his" attitude let you know he was all business.   I guess in some peoples eyes ... ugly tats and a shaved head make you look like a mean dude ... even if those things are on the body of a five foot tall fat girl. Girl hips and everything ... not kidding... like 200 pounds. He had the surgery so he had a peen and everything ... legally a man in every aspect .  Now it gets funny. So i see the persons face in the local paper a couple years after I left that place. Arrested for assault on a female.  ASSAULT ON A FEMALE ... I laughed my ass off ....  Thats a much

Pony is drunk with Mod power

   Recently it was brought to my attention that Pony is drunk. Drunk with mod power. I have only been drunk on alcohol so I am not familiar with the mod power.   Charlotte has recently explained how happy she is about the new hidden word filter game. I think that Pony thought of that. Thank you Pony.   I would just like everyone to know that URSA and myself obviously did not do it as we dont waste time on a moderator panel. Pony likes the mod panel so pony can have the word filter also.  Today is the start of a game ... GUESS THE WORD IN THE FILTER ...  If you guess correctly.. you will get something ... probably herpes ... or tetanus... we will let you pick your own prize.   Play on Drunk Pony ... Play on  

To all the moms I never banged.

  I would bang the hell outa this one  AND THIS ONE  I would beat that thing like a drum !!!!!! And lets not forget our favorite mom position. I know she wont. 

The most thought provoking shape.

  I was contemplating a new masterpiece with Windows Paint when this happened. I got to this point and just stopped and stared for a few moments.  The perfect shape for daydreaming. Just look at it for a moment. It could be so many things.  It could be the start of something magnificent or it could be finished already. Maybe its only finished after you look at it for a moment.  Did you finish it? What did your brain make it into ? What do you see ? 

Time to copy and paste an article here.

Just pretend that I copy and pasted some lame ass article up here to promote whatever stupid agenda I have, or want to appear to have.  I spent almost 30 seconds looking at google before I stole the thoughts of another person so we could comment about them.  If you have anything you would like to copy and paste, please share with the rest of us, because none of us have fucking google.  Thank you in advance.  We also support screen shots and late night Skype calls with other moderators. 

I love my Dog.

   Yesterday, My wife was getting ready for work after I had left the house. She had put the German Shepherd outside in the fenced dog run and went back to getting ready. She heard the Dog raising hell and this dog does not raise hell over stupid shit.   So, she looks outside and there is some fella looking in the neighbors window. She watches him as he proceeds to go from the back of their home to the building behind our home.   When he ducks in behind the building in the back yard, my wife goes out the back door where the dog is located. My wife said the Dog was freaking out in attack mode and was biting at the metal gate to get out and kill this guy.   She yelled "hey buddy get out from behind my building". He ignored her and started walking into some woods behind the building. My wife yells again. "Hey buddy, If you dont come out from behind that building i am going to let my German Shepherd go"    He came out from behind the building and told her that he had ra

I saw a chipmunk in my back yard today for the first time !!!!!

Today I saw a chipmunk in my yard for the first time since I have lived here. When i moved in there were some feral cats living in the woods behind my house. They no longer live in the woods behind my house and I think that might have something to do with the chipmunks showing up.   I love Chipmunks. I lived in a house that had them, lots of them. They are horribly entertaining to watch and much more interesting than squirrels. They are the coolest little animals.   They just want to run around and be super cute and eat nuts and shit. They also like to eat baby rats. (many people dont know this)   They encompass the most important attributes I think you can find in a wild animal. They dont want to hurt anything except baby rats and they have attitude. They dont want to be fucked with and they dont fuck with others. They are just looking for a nut. Even I have done that before.  I once was outside at my old house and i heard a commotion in a bush and i was thinking ... GREAT .. Another

New Mods ... New text size ..... same old shit ... enjoy

  Ok ... So I have made a few changes.  I have been absent recently and some sock had posted porn pictures that I had to delete.   I made Pony a mod. Pony is an awesome mod and liked by most people who have half a brain. He likes to play on the mod panel and will probably be the saving grace for this shithole of a blog. He had previously volunteered for the job so he was on the top of my list. Thanks for all the help Pony ... for now and for what you do in the future ... you will be a huge help and probably make this place more popular and more fun with more people.  I made URSA a mod. Ursa has no interest in modding. URSA is a stand up dude and will probably never even look at the mod panel. I did it just to make Gus happy. Gus wanted to be a mod here (LMAO)  Ursa is the only guy who makes gus happier than I do :)   If I say anything bad about a certain person or their mom, they will have this Thread deleted after they complain like a 50 year old man/baby to blogger.   Do you guys app

Whats new and whats happening ... and i suck as a moderator

  I have been away from Disqus and blogger for a couple weeks or three ... life gets you busy and distracted sometimes. Sometimes Its not as fun as i want it to be so I step away for a while.  So there is nothing new in my life.... My 5 year old nephew gave me a horrible cold (not covid) and me and my wife got into the worst fight ever and we made up... I really love that girl and have no idea why she stays with a man who has such a wicked tongue. She is not perfect either and so we worked it out ...  Marriage is not always easy... It is most of the time ... but shit happens ....   So tonight i was bored and was like ... I need a little disqus in my life tonight .... check up on the shit blog and make sure all the assholes have not posted anything to have me arrested ....  The first place i went after logging on was TGO ... Thats normal for me as i usually get a chuckle out of that crazy guys bullshit ..... and the video i watched is someone posting his address on the interwebnet thing