
Showing posts from February, 2022

Funny Packaging or Advertisements

  Hi Everyone. This is a post about funny ads, billboards and packaging.  I love the international ones where folks try to translate to English but it doesn't quite come out in they way it was probably intended. Have fun. Have soup for sluts. Peace & Love, GG.

Monday: Sunflowers Part III

 New post because Disqus is being Disqus and has serious lag. Did you know their are over 70 types of Sunflowers? I found this one quite attractive. I rember in my youth living in Tel Aviv sunflower seeds were quite popular. There would be street venders that sold roasted nuts (yes save the jokes you pervs) and seeds. Would get a small paper sack of sunflower seeds and eat them while waiting for the bus. I remember there would always be a pile of shells on the ground of every bus stop. Beautiful city, wonderful people. Perhaps one day I will have time to go back. Enjoy you wonderful bastards and let your freak flag fly! Bob .................................................................................................................................... Thanks for making a thread Bob, These fuckers around here are lazy. I wanted to share my opinion about the current war and i did not want to make another new thread before this one had 5 comments.  The below is my silly opinion and obs

Sunday: Sunflowers cont'd

  Just opening a new page to avoid lag. Happy Sunday! Peace & Love, GG.


     The picture above is from NBC news. Those are Ukrainian troops outside the city of Donetsk    on Wednesday.     I think everyone on the internet has seen the video of the Ukrainian woman cursing Russian Troops. Her bravery and no fucks given attitude should be a lesson to the world.    This was the exchange between her and the Russian soldier.     Woman : Who are you ?      Russian Soldier : We have exercises here, please go this way.     Woman : What kind of exercises? Are you Russian?    Soldier: Yes   Woman : What the fuck are you doing here?   Soldier: Right now, our discussion will lead to nothing.  Woman:   You're occupiers. You're  fascists. What the fuck are you doing on our land with all these guns? Take these seeds and put them in your pockets so at least the sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here.      Soldier: Right now our discussion will go nowhere. Lets not escalate the situation, please.   Woman: What situation? Guys, Guys, Put the sunflower seeds

Drunk, Stoned or Stupid: Friday Edition

  Here is a fun game that can be played throughout the day today (or just use this thread as an open chat). Its called Drunk, Stoned or Stupid. I didn't know about this game until this morning and it seems like a fun party game. Basically it proposes various questions or scenarios such as, 'Who always tells the SAME DAMN story?' and everyone in the group tags who is most likely to do such. In this case, my answer would be Char and her trans stories. Make sense?  I'll leave some of the cards here or you can make up some of your own.....or just chat. Whatever. It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace & Love, GG.

Russia is almost as bad as America

 Recently Russia has acknowledged the independence of two areas of Ukraine. These two areas split off after a pro Russian president was not elected. 2014 I think that was the year.  So an area fills up with Russians and then all these Russians get pissed at the Ukrainians, and guess who they ask for help? Yep ... Putin.    Russia already annexed the Crimean Peninsula.    Has everyone forgot about that already?   So what is Stans awesome opinion as an American? Let me tell you. Russia, even after it annexes the two areas will have been a nicer country than the United States when dealing with its neighbors.    Let me introduce you to a country called Mexico. At one time, Texas was part of Mexico. Mexico gave mexican citizenship to any American who would move to Texas and take mexican citizenship.  When a bunch of Americans moved in and forgot they were all technically Mexicans ... they thought ... hey ... lets get rid of the Mexicans.    So mexico loses a war with the Texans and then tex

Blue Waffle Wednesday.

  Blue waffle disease is a thing that happens from using bad things as sex toys. I am not a doctor and I really dont know much about Blue waffle disease except the one random web article I found on it. It might not be a real thing. I dont know . I just think that Blue Vaginas are funny.   

Taco Tuesday

  It's Tuesday and its time for tacos. Aye, aye, aye! Most Tuesdays we tend to make tacos in the GG household as they go over well and and its easy to get the kids involved with grating cheese or setting up the toppings for me on the counter. I think any food that you can control how you can assemble it or add as much or little toppings is pretty agreeably considered a crowd pleaser.  Do you make tacos often? What toppings do you like? Hard or soft shell? This is thread is just an open thread to avoid lag. You don't have to talk tacos to talk! Peace & Love, GG.


Since it is President’s Day let’s discuss a leader whom you admire and hold in high regard.  No parameters established here. You can just shoot the breeze.

Sunday Sock & Troll Sunday

  Being online brings many silly socks and trolls. I never had a sock account but before I was a gumdrop I  used Dame Edna as an avi  and would make silly comments on People Magazine's comment section.  The comments there made me laugh quite a few nights. One of the funniest was comments made during the Harambe story. Do you remember this story? Is that trolling? Not really. I think trolling is deliberate. This was just having a laugh. I think most of us here do the same. Others would disagree but they lack humour and live a miserable life.  A group of folks made a ugly GG sock. Ugly GG would go around telling people they love them. Sounds like a fail to me. LOL Share your funny sock or troll stories here. Have you ever used a sock account? LOL Would you even admit such. HAHAHA

Sex BOT Confession

  Have you ever had a sex mishap? Hey, we all have but here is your chance for all of us to laugh at you. Share your mishaps and pour a drink and know you are not alone! I remember meeting a wonderful fella and a flirt here, a flirt there and we ended up together. We started to kiss and entangle ourselves and I reached down to find.............. it was so small it made my OWN hand retreat in horror.  LOL.  Happy Saturday. Let the sex bots upvote us. Peace & Love, GG. 

Kim Potter... Why women should not be patrol cops.

      Kim Potter is a dumb ass fat cop who killed a 20 year old man because she sucked at her job!      Here is her intake photo from the Prison where she will serve 16 months. She shot and killed a young man and got 16 months. You would get more than 16 months in prison for spitting on a cop, and they get 16 moths if they shoot you for no good reason at all. That seems fair. (the picture of her smiling makes me want to punch her in the face)      So why do I say that Daundte Wright died because this lady sucked at her job. Well, let me explain myself. Daunte was not a large fellow and the only thing Deunte did was not exit the car when told. Most male cops that I know would have reached in and grabbed his little 120 pound ass and drug him out into the road and arrested him. That is what should have happened.  No police weapons were needed.    Insert little miss fat grandma cop who wants to get into the action .... and BLAM ... someone just shot the fuyking kid... That fast .... he is

Friday: Not Thursday or Saturday

  Friday has finally arrived! I hope everyone has had a fantastic week. My week has been pretty good as I continue my training to run 5km again without stopping or dying. I'm not there yet but completing week 3 has shown some success. This Monday is something called Family Day for us so I have a 3 day weekend on my hands which is nice.  I don't really have much to say other then What are your weekend plans?   And this is basically a new thread to avoid lag.  Wine time tonight! Peace & Love, GG. 

Thirsty Thursday!

  Its Thursday. Not Wednesday and definitely not Friday so have a drink and enjoy! What do you like to drink?  I have water mostly. I also have a soda stream so I like to have sparkling water too.  I always have a coffee in the morning and then a herbal tea or two during the day. Friday and Saturday includes wine in the evening. I normally do not have any other type of alcoholic. Peace & Love, GG.

Testosterone: What It Isn't!

  Lately there has been a lot of confusion on what testosterone is but sometimes its far simpler to clarify the things it is not. Testosterone is not a boot. In fact, its not ANY type of footwear at all. You can't cook with testosterone or use it as a pizza topping either. Sorry, but it seems that pineapples are still the hot debate with that one. Testosterone isn't a tuba but some who use it can end up with a singing voice that sounds like a broken trombone. Testosterone can't knit a sweater or milk a cow. I would be so much easier if it could do such tasks but until Elon Musk gets involved, we will have to rely on ourselves for that one.  Lastly, testosterone can't make your car or truck run faster but we can confirm that those who naturally have significant levels of testosterone seem to run faster then those who naturally produce something called estrogen(we will have to make another thread about that another time). It also seems that those who naturally

Steroid Clitoris... Yes, its a thing.

             The lady posted above is a female bodybuilder. Female bodybuilders often take steroids.    Steroids are dangerous and I would not take them even if prescribed by a doctor. I will also not take pain medication that doctors love to give out. No thanks, you can keep the dangerous stuff.     The Clitoris has been reported to grow from one to three inches (25-75mm) in some ladies who take steroids. That is one huge Clit.   Be good to yourself and be good to your clit and dont take harmful drugs and hormones. Thank you and have a great day.       

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

  Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!!!! I hope that today is filled with happiness and love for you all and at some point today someone makes you feel appreciated and special. To me, that is what Valentine's Day is all about. For others its about a man that died in the 3rd century and spending no more then 99 cents on a card because ONE PENNY MORE would upset the deities above and equate to commie commercialism. And hey, for someone that cooks and cleans all day, do they really need a card worth $5? A whole five dollars can buy a bag of oranges. Who needs candy when you can have citrus? I like candy. I love chocolates and flowers and cards. Not that I need it but it does make me appreciated. I have kept all the cards my kids made for me over the years. Its nice to look back at them trying to spell their own name, trying to draw a heart etc. I guess I am just sentimental. Do you like celebrating Valentine's Day? If so, how do you celebrate it? What have been some of your bes

421st's Disgusting Super Bowl Sunday

Today is the Super Bowl and that's about all I can say about that. LOL. I don't really watch football as we follow hockey in our household but I do enjoy watching the super bowl or perhaps I just like to use the game as an excuse to eat badly. Today we will be having some appies and then some pizza and wings. The other reason I enjoy watching is for the half time show. This year there will 5 (I think) performers. Snoop, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Mary J Blige and Kendrick Lamar.  Will you be watching the game? If so, who are you cheering for? Do you generally follow any particular sport/s? Do you play a sport and if so what sport do you like? Peace & Love, GG.

421st The most Disgusting Blog post ever put on Blogger

    I expect Blogger to get many reports about this blog soon.  Each Post is more disgusting than the last.     Just keep smoking your pot and thinking this is all funny. Soon this thread will be removed because of some butthurt nancypants. It has happened before.     Let us all unite against nancypants and disgusting people like the one who post on this blog.      In Jesus name, Ramen   

421st. NOW...Even more disgusting than yesterday

    If you want to have your rights respected, should you not respect the rights of others ?  Sometimes people forget we all suffer through this world and then we all unceremoniously die and most people wont care.            I just posted a Bill Cosby meme and a picture of a vegemite sandwich. Thats fucking disgusting and you should feel ashamed to post at such a disgusting blog.    We miss you She Dong ! 

421 St: The Most Disgusting Individuals on Disqus

  When a midget tells you that you and your friends are disgusting, you know you are having some fun in life!!!! Personally I find it disgusting when midget mods downvote you and close discussions yet claim in the same breath they love free speech and are open to every view.  Miserable people are everywhere but who needs them when you can be disgusting! What do you find disgusting? What foods do you find disgusting? Who do you find disgusting? Peace & Love, GG.

Paul and his dead hooker jokes.

  I think Dead hooker jokes are horrible. I am abhorred at Paul and all the people here who encourage his irresponsible and rude behavior.     Dead hooker jokes are never funny and you are all trashy people for giving an audience to his silly shenanigans.     Thank you for reading this and please tell everyone you know that a hooker in a freezer is not funny ....  Its a frostitute...... 

Paint a pony. Discussing the Moderators.

        Some native American peoples would paint their horses. Most native American people practiced slavery and kidnapping also.     The above horse feels very patriotic (if from commonwealth or USA)     I like to come here and have fun with pony. The fact that he is not here will not stop me. That is why I found this printable and paintable pony for all to enjoy.       I was Skyping with the mods like I do every week and look what I saw.  In other news, I was wishin for a weak insult so that someone would make a meme and I could have my Wish fulfilled. Wishes come true :)   

The Mandalorian ... my opinion

       Its a cute show. The plot line they are using could have been written by most sixth graders, but hey .. Lucas is gone.     So I have some questions that I need answered.   Why did they show the Mandalorians face in season two ? YOU STUPID FUCKING DISNEY FUCKERS ... that was one of the coolest things about this new show ... you left a little for the imagination ... now you fucked that up.   What a cool thing could have been done at the end of the series with the Identity of the Mandalorian ... You guys fucked the pooch on that one Disney ... Hate to say it.       Why does Growgu have those big tadpole eyes ? Yoda had regular eyes and you can show more emotion and movement with normal eyes ... instead Growgu has zombie eyes ... You fucked the pooch on that one also Disney.       One extra bit of advice .. If you are going to come to this blog and act outraged ... hide your history .. if I find out that you post here and other silly blogs, I might laugh next time you claim to be sh

Why I hate horses and the people who love them.

       I hate horse people. Why? because they are stupid.    First off ... what can you do on a horse that you can not do on a motorcycle or bicycle ...?   Not a damn thing ... Those sill people and their big old pickups with the horse trailer ... I dont understand the attraction to a big stupid draft animal that we no longer need as a species...    Some people say ... Horses are sweet and they are as smart as dogs ... Well get a fucking dog.   If God was real and he wanted me to ride a big stupid fucking horse ... he would not have given us the men who invented the bicycle and the motorcycle ...    Fuck your horse... and the guy who bought it.  Happy sunday