
Showing posts from April, 2022

The Evolution of the Penis!

  Did you know that penises endured their own evolution? It has been studied and concluded that penises have become smoother with their skin over the years due to more monogamous strategies compared to their ancestors. Previous to this, penises had spikes or spines to ward of competitors but it didn't do much for winning over the ladies.  Looks like we need a good dick after all! Happy Saturday! 


  It's finally Friday. Time to let go of the past week troubles and get your liver and lungs ready for the weekend festivities. LOL Time to let shit go and remember that life can be fun. Happy Friday! Peace & Love, GG.

Do you prefer big hangers ?

  Sometimes you just get sick and tired of regular sized hangers.   Sometimes you can do things with big hangers that regular hangers are not capable of doing.  Sometimes you can be picky with hangers and get the one you want from a large selection. They also come in many colors .   What kind of hangers do you use and what do you use them for ?  

Smart phones ... are you stupid ? LONG STAN RANT

     I hate cell phones. I hated them when they first came out, I hated them when they turned into smart phones, and I hate them more now.    I was 28 when i got my first Nokia shit phone back in 2000. The only reason I got it was for work.   I can not stand the thought of people keeping me on a leash. I don't like the feeling of being under someone's thumb or being observed when I don't need to be observed.    So I made peace with cell phones and I had a flip phone until recently. Flip phones are the lesser and cheaper of two evils when compared to smart phones.   Last month they get rid of 3 G and my flip phone gets disconnected ... no more service available ... and my wife said it was time to get me a smart phone and got me one with a fancy case and all the extra bullshit ....     So I hate smart phones. Let me give the reasons why .   1. Its a sheet of glass .... what the fuck is ergonomic about holding a piece of glass to your face and talking ?   Other shapes are much

@ PART THREAD : Most Iconic Movie Quotes and why Elon mush is stupid

  Movies have entertained and delighted us over the years but how many times have we found ourselves quoting a line from a movie over and over again? Perhaps we quote such a line because it made an impact with us or perhaps it sums up a situation you find yourself in. Share your most memorable movie quotes. Why do you like that quote/movie? Feel free to post a quote and have the other 421st'ers guess the movie. Peace & Love, GG. .................................................................................................................................... Elon Musk could have saved 44 billion dollars and just posted at the 421st. Poor guy thought that expressing himself was expensive.  So say what you want at the 421st .. and save yourself 44 billion ..... Poor guy is gonna piss all his money away and end up making biscuits at Jimmy Johns while Jimmy is having fun shooting stuff and pissing off hypocrites .... Poor Elon .  The bottom part of this post was written by Stan be

Cute animals napping

  This picture of this guy chilling while his pet cow sleeps is adorable.  This cute little girl is helping her deer hold his head up. He must have been very tired.    The beefalo catches a nap while his human shows off his new rifle.. Who said dogs were mans best friend ?  ............................................................... There were some people hating on big game hunters on this blog. So even if you get your meat from farms where they pet the animals and only feed them organic honey from organic honey bees who only eat from organic flowers ....  THERE IS AN UNBELEIVABLE AMOUNT OF CRUELTY DONE TO ANIMALS FOR MEAT PRODUCTION...  So quit bitching about some rich asshole going to Africa and shooting some stupid animal .. If those stupid rich hunters were not doing this ... the locals would have ate all the endangered species a while ago.   I just like to point out hypocrisy when I see it . The pig who made up your last fast food sausage biscuit suffered way more than any ani

Monday: New Day Open Chat

  Happy Monday Everyone! Just a new thread for a new day. Todays theme chat. LOL  I had the worse sleep last night, if I slept at all but here I am with coffee in hand ready for another week ahead. Do you have any plans for the week? Will it be a busy one or just an average week? Let me know in the comments! Peace & Love, GG.

Cancel Culture: What Is It and Should It Be Happening

  We've all heard the term CANCEL CULTURE but what is it really? We are hearing this term more often these days but I can't really find a definition that's fitting. Back in the day we had something called "calling out". To call someone out was not only brave but it was for the sake of truth! It  was considered brave to be bold enough to spare feelings for the sake of such truth.  A bearded man in a dress? "Hey buddy, nice try but wearing a dress doesn't make you a woman. It makes you a man in a dress". Saying this truth was to set things straight and to respect both parties, the bloke and the woman.  Now? One owner of a soap company or a fried chicken chain gets caught saying the wrong words or attends a church you don't agree with? CANCEL THEM. COYCOTT THEM. SHAME THEM. Look at J.K. Rowling. Who used the name J.K. because it was suggested that her books would sell better if the readers didn't see the name Joanne on the cover (we can talk mis



Hungover Regrets and Drunk Stories

  Have you ever been so hungover the next day that you can't remember a thing? I think a few here have some stories to tell. While Vinny wakes up later this afternoon to a throbbing headache, lets chat ALL things drunk regret stories!!!! I don't have many crazy stories but a few years back I did attend a mom game night and drank myself silly. I did smoke a ciggy or two but I think the last one I smoked might of been not a ciggy. I left to walk home (down the block) and went to tie my shoes and fell over ass/tea kettle situation. All the moms picked me up and walked me home. The next morning I had a headache, my tshirt half on/half around my neck and my neighbours said the girls were all singing Beyonce's "put a ring on it" as they left. time in the whole time I had kids. I regret nothing.  Before kids I wasn't really crazy either. I think I've said this story before. I drank myself up stage and "corrected" the lyrics a guy was trying t


 just testing something out

Disqus Posters: The Best, The Worst and The Quotable!

  We've all seen some epic replies/posts over the years while using Disqus. Some replies have made us laugh while others have made us angry and some still have our heads scratching WTF to this date! Pumpkins anyone??????? Dead bodies in the street?????? OH SORRY.....poisoned DEAD bodies. (my bad). Let's have some fun EVERYONE's expense.  SHARE THE FUNNIEST REPLIES YOU HAVE MADE OR READ OVER THE YEARS. HAVE YOU EVER FIGURED OUT A SOCK ACCOUNT? HAVE YOU USED A SOCK ACCOUNT AND HAD IT UNCOVERED?   HAS ANYONE EVER GONE OFF ON YOU? SHARE THE SCREEN SHOT IF YOU STILL HAVE IT OR SHARE THE STORY. DID YOU ALL KNOW THAT OXY IS BETTER LOOKING THEN GG? SHE SAID SO HERSELF SO IT MUST BE TRUE! WHAT PEOPLE OR REPLIES HAVE BEEN THE ABSOLUTE STRANGEST POSTS YOU HAVE READ ONLINE? Beside swapping stories, Pony came up with a fun idea for a game that we can play throughout the day.  We can play a GUESS WHO type game. Start your post with the words GUESS WHO (maybe in bold?) and th

HAPPY 4-21st

   To celebrate the first 421st at the 421st I would like to remember all the great things we have done on this blog.     We have spoken our minds, told our opinions and had many laughs. We have made rules, ignored rules and broken rules.   We have one person on the banned list and its a doxxing bot.    So thank you all for helping me to celebrate the 421st. The newest holiday on Disqus.    In the next season we are expecting to have some cross blog drama, some internal blog drama, and maybe a few relevant thoughts thrown in to spice things up.    Stay tuned for the next season of the 421st. Same bat time, Same bat channel. 

Happy 4/20!

 Happy 4/20 to the 421st group. I’m making this post through my phone and have no idea how to insert pictures.  This thread is to celebrate all things marijuana. I have no idea what else to say as I don’t smoke it personally. So fire your bongs, eat your gummies and let’s have a gay old time! Yes, gay! Post your weed stories, memes, songs etc Peace & Love, GG. 

Why Personal Pronouns is Compelled Speech.

  Hi. My name is GG. I use the internet and my avi is a gumdrop. Sometimes people think I am a man. Then I correct them and tell them I am woman. They generally say "oh sorry" and then I respond, "no problem" No feelings need to get hurt about an honest mistake. No one needs to go to jail. No one needs to die because of a mistake.  Its not offensive. PERIOD! Being offended isn't a crime and nor should it be.  What is a crime? Compelling and demanding that people MUST address and view you in a way that does not offend you and only you alone. Heaven to Betsy, if they do get offended because now they can use their tears along with a new amendment to fine people by their own government and be deemed guilty of a hate crime! What country would do such a thing? Canada, of course! The amendment is called Bill C-16. It was an amendment to our Human Rights and Criminal Code. It basically  makes A DEMAND on speech simply on the basis of not offending someone's gender e

Should Stan be banned?

       I just wanted to say that I broke the rules the other day. I did not loose touch with reality and become delusional.     I would like to thank everyone who pointed out that I had broken the rules. Because I did.    I dont want to make this thread about the other person because I knew better and I did it anyways.    I knew I was breaking the rules when i wrote it. I was laughing and giggling uncontrollably while I typed.   This place is a republic and no one is above the rules. I should be banned. So i will leave the decision up to you guys.   In my defence, I would like to point out that the guy is not intimidated by me and its not like I tried to kill anyone.   I choked under pressure and this is killing me.    If you guys want me to turn this blog over to someone else, I would. If you guys want to ban me thats fine, but remember that even JJ only got banned for like a week here :)   This blog is fun. the blog is entertaining and its silly most of the time. This blog does not s

Choosing A SuperPower: A Blessing or a Curse?

  What if you could choose ONE super power? Would you do it? If so, what super power would you choose? What is your reason/logic for your choice? Invisibility? Sounds good, at first, but then would your clothes be invisible too? If not, that means getting naked every time and where would you put your clothes? And I'm curious if you could still feel cold while invisible? Being invisible wouldn't be very effective if you're freezing and sneezing. LOL How about reading minds? Would it not get very noisy very quickly? Imagine yourself walking down the street and hearing hundreds of voices shouting in your mind "Did I lock the door?" "Why can't this person drive faster" "My poop was epic this morning". Personally, I would find this overwhelming.  Here are some super powers to pick from.  Which one would you choose? Peace & Love, GG

Sunday Night Chat!

It's Sunday Night! Did you have a nice weekend? What did you do? What did you cook? Did you celebrate easter with your family? Let's chat! Peace & Love, GG.

When a Banned Camp Mod gets charged with attempted murder !
