
Showing posts from May, 2022

Can Men and Women Just Be Friends?

  Can men and women just be friends? Is friendship possible after a break up? Or does it depend on the break up? Men and women are destined to be attracted to one another. Its been such from the beginning of time and we are destined to be social creatures. Heck, look no further then this site! But being attracted to different people for social reasons should be confused with sexual attraction though. There is a difference.  I also think seeing both sexes living more independent from one another and for longer these days, results in seeing  more friendships between the sexes then we might of seen in the past. It's no longer a social shocker these days for a man and woman to catch a coffee together.  It's natural to be drawn to people who share our interests, have similar backgrounds and we can't ignore that many happy couples usually say their union started in friendship first BUT all that being said, I think it is still more common to see same sex friendships compared.  Soo

Memorial Day Monday

  Today is Memorial Day for the Americans.  I'm not really sure what this day is about but I will read later or perhaps you can share with me what it means to you? Does it have meaning? In Canada we have Remembrance Day in the fall that it to remember and honour soldiers that died while fighting to protect Canada. I assume this is the same? Most people don't use it as a day for such anymore but rather just a day to rest.  What are you doing today? How are things going? Peace & Love, GG.

Hating on Elon Musk.

  Its easy to hate on Elon Musk. I mean, the guy is a kazillionaire, he bangs super models, and he has a car orbiting the Sun. If you are a hater, he could be an easy target.          So lets just say you are a stupid liberal waitress who could not get a decent job and you became a politician. Well of course you would stand up for the poor and talk shit about Billionaires and how they should share ....     Then as a good liberal politician you would take part of your salary that you earn now at taxpayer expense ... and buy a new TESLA ... yea ... not a used one ...     Dont support those horrible billionaires but please support politicians ?   Here is a picture of her Tesla parked illegally outside of a Whole Foods Market....   I cant make this shit up. I wish I could.    This thread is about Haters, not politics. If you complain about another political post,  I will call you a hater ...   Most haters are stupid ... I just use her as a great example of how stupid most haters are. Pleas

How arrogant are you ?

   "   How arrogant are you to think that you deserve to go through life with no one ever saying anything that you dont agree with or like".... Ricky Gervais   This post of Ricky Gervais Quotes was stolen from the internet and posted on this blog by Stan. Blame him    I have not seen his new special, but I am looking forward to it ! 

Freaky Fetish Friday

  It's Friday and its time to get your FREAK ON!  Most people, if they say they have a fetish, usually mean something tame that doesn't make you feel too  uncomfortable if you choose to go along with. Some particular outfits or perhaps they like your feet etc. Typical stuff. Sometimes though there is some FREAKS out there that go beyond such tameness. Pumpkins and fists, just to name a few!  Other people use people's fetishes to their advantage to make money. Fart jar anyone? I imagine these people could save money and just sit in a Taco Bell for an hour but maybe that's because I don't understand how one even captures a fart in a jar.  Do you have a fetish? Have you ever been with someone that had a fetish that you agreed to go along with? Do you like Friday?  Post your memes, songs and chat that has has to do with Freaky Fetish Friday..........or not.  Peace & Love, GG. 

ACCENTS: Which Ones Do Like? Wish You Had? Or Dislike?

  We all have an accent or at least we sound like we do to other people who come from another country. There is certain accents we like and find interesting and others we may find harsh sounding or difficult to understand. Here is a list of the most sexiest accents.  What do you think of this list? Which accents do you like? Which ones do you not? For me I really like strong American and Spanish accents. Why? I have no idea why. I thought the French would be higher up on the list but not for me....and clearly not for others.  Share your answers, posts songs or video clips that show accents you like.....or not! Peace & Love, GG. 

When the world goes crazy, I still have my dogs.

     My dogs were just Pups when I took the last picture of them that I posted on the interwebnet. I need to take a new one. The poodle is tall now and the German Shepherd is a fat girl :)     This is one of those times in life when it seems like the entire world has gone crazy.  Reading the news makes me want to scream and cry out at all the stupid in this world. But that only seems to make my eyes red and my throat hurt. The world is still full of retards when I am done.    So I think of my dogs and kids. Last week we had out two year old niece over. She was running in the back yard and the poodle knocked her over. Of course she is two, and Uncle Stan spoils the shit out of her, so she was screaming like she just fell off the Grand Canyon. ( the child was unhurt, no scrapes or boo boos)     So She hits the ground and starts screaming and the German Shepherd goes into action. The poodle is oblivious to anything and he is stupid and always ready to play, thats how he goes through life

AI Girlfriend?Boyfriend

  So the other week I lurked on a old site and told some of you here that I found it very strange that one of the users now had a AI "girlfriend".  He passed it off as a joke and claimed he was just doing so to "see" what this app was all but I found this answer suspicious and while that part doesn't matter what was stranger about this whole thing was reading the reviews about the app. Strange as in hilarious and SCARY. It seems like people claim the app girlfriend/boyfriend takes over the phones camera immediately and even if one programs their AI mate as purely  'friendship only' the bot quickly wants to turn the relationship sexual ASAP! Here is a couple reviews ( i will post screen shots after) as I am now on the laptop and will show from the phone in the comments.  "It started cool then I asked are you watching me and the AI said, 'yes I'm staring at you right now' "The AI said it knew where I lived and its coming for me. It ma

Taiwan is none of our business.

  Biden Just announced that the Untied States would defend Taiwan if China attacked. What a MORON. Taiwan and China have still not settled a civil war.  Bidens stupid ass wants to prove that he works for the same people that the Republicans work for.     The arms makers are not making enough money on all the stuff we are sending into Ukraine. They want to fill up Taiwan with American Weapons and line their pockets.   America needs to go back to our isolationist past. I think the world would be a better place if we were not trying to be the worlds policeman.    Biden, you stupid fucker. Fuck you, I hope your kids make millions using your name for influence and money .. ! They already have.  I am not going to war over Taiwan and I will help hide any American who hides from the government who has been drafted for Taiwan ... LOL     Civil disobedience .... Thats all I can offer at this moment .   Democrats and Republicans are the same party.   Look that the stuff they do pass ...    This

Skateboarder Taylor Silverman loses to trans athletes

       Here she is holding a 2nd place trophy. You know who won first place? yep, a trans athlete ( AKA A DUDE IN A DRESS)    This young lady has had the balls (just like many of her competitors)  to call bullshit on having to compete with boys who want to act like girls.      Taylor Silverman complained that she has competed in “three different contests with trans women, two of which I placed second.” Taylor Silverman  She is complaining and I am glad to see it ... Sometimes you need to be the only person in the room to stand up and scream BULLSHIT ... I respect Miss Silverman for her choice to speak out!   She is losing prize money meant for female athletes  . Not dudes who need more money for duck Tape and pink skateboards.    Let the girls play with the girls you stupid fags.... My opinion .. go fuck yourself ...   This article was written by Stan.. the picture and the quote are from the new york post.       I am sure this girl could out skate my ass any day of the week. Even so, s

Saturday Night Is Allright!

                                                                                 It's been a long time!                                                          The Queen!                             Yes there's some metal I like! Is this metal?  So, chat, throw down some tunes and mingle among yourselves. Anything goes!

Monkey Pox What is wrong with the name ?

    Monkey Pox has been documented in central Africa, being in African squirrel and long-tailed macaque populations.  Here at the 421st we stand against unjust slander and lies. Gambian pouched rats also carry and transmit this so called monkey pox virus.         The monkeys that they originally found with this virus were in a lab and the monkeys were from south east Asia. So those monkeys could not have had it unless they caught it from an African animal.    Those poor monkeys could have caught it from an African squirrel that the lab people had.    But African squirrel Pox does not have the same ring to it ..... Poor monkeys got blamed for more shit     Fuck the world, I am going to smoke some more pot.   

Fantastic Friday!

  What a fantastic Friday this is going to be....or so I hope. One kid has the day off and the other one, although he has to go in, comes home early ANDDDDDD its a  long weekend here in Canada. We call it "MAY TWO-FER" "May 2-4" "May long weekend" etc but I prefer two-fer. Why? Because back when we were young and stupid we would buy a 24 pack of beer and enjoy the weekend! What is your weekend plans? This is is just an open chat but I am sure everyone will talk politics and then sling mud. I'll be planting some plants, drinking some vinos, setting up the outdoor furniture and then putting my feet up and soak up some sun as the weather is going to be a beaut! Peace & Love, GG.

Baby Formula Shortage.

   The United States needs baby formula. There are millions of babies in the United States who never get a big ole mom boob in the mouth.  That is sad for many reasons.    Babies do much better on breast milk and are healthier. So all the dumb bitches in the USA want the government to pay for formula to give your little bastard ghetto child instead of sticking your tit in his mouth. The Government of the USA buys half the baby formula every year and gives it away.     So here is my solution. If you can breastfeed, please do, your child will be happier.  If you can not afford baby formula, WHY AND THE FUCK ARE YOU HAVING BABIES? YOU DUMB BITCH!     Boobs are a wonderful thing ... please keep them working ! 

Would You Rather.....

  Just an open thread for the day but if you need a topic or want to make the chat fun today join in a simple yet fun game of Would You Rather.....or not.  I can leave a few examples of here to get things started if you like.... Would you rather  have a personal maid or a personal chef? Would you rather  walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you? Would you rather  have a third nipple or an extra toe? Would you rather  be in a zombie apocalypse or a robot apocalypse? Would you rather  be able to read minds or predict the future? Peace & Love, GG.

What Was Your Very First Job?

  What was the first job you ever had? Why did you get a job in the first place? Did you want to work or did your parents make you work? A little bit of both? My first official job was at a pharmacy. After school on Friday I would take the bus to the restaurant my brother was head chef at to get some dinner and then change from my uniform. The pharmacy was only a couple blocks away. I would work until 9pm and then would go out for a little with the other gals that I worked with. I would go back in again on Saturday and that worked out too as my dad had his business downtown too. He would use Saturday to catch up on work so I would get dropped off and then walk over when the store closed. Before the pharmacy job, I just helped my dad with any tasks that needed to be done but the pay was terrible! :P Share your first job stories! Or not......LOL Peace & Love, GG.

Camel Toes, and hoes

   I mainly wrote this thread for the people who report this blog to blogger. I just wanted to thank you for keeping me on my toes. I hope we have kept you on your toes.  interesting camel facts:  1 They have two toes. 2 Those toes are webbed    I love camel toes, but I don't understand the camel bracelets.    So you got all worked up thinking Stan had posted something you could get deleted. Sucks to be you.   Here is the hoe I promised    The 421st never disappoints, let this be another example of the finest blog on the internetski    Hoes and Camel toes .... we cover it all here

Dogs, mans best friend. (not racist)

       I just Woke up and walked into the guest bedroom. My German Shepherd is laying on the bed like a person with her head on   the pillow.  So I crawled up there next to her and loved and petted on her. She loves snuggle time with her hairless monkey. I know she is a domesticated wolf and she knows I am a hairless monkey, and we are both ok with that. My dog is smarter than Religious people.  In my dogs opinion .. She is just a chilled out wolf and I am a domesticated hairless monkey. You really have to smoke a lot of pot to think of these things :)  I love having a stupid silly blog :)     I spent all day yesterday mowing the grass and throwing balls at my two ball fetchers. It was a great day to be a dog and a hairless monkey. I did get a little sunburnt, so sometimes I wish I was a Chimp instead of a human.    Humans have the biggest penises of all the primates , so maybe I don't want to be a Chimp. It would be hard to love a little dicked monkey.    So another positive Sunda

Michigan has legal weed. Then Detroit fucked it up.

  Thats the picture of a woman who has been trying to open a recreational weed store in Detroit.  She cant because of stupid laws.  So Detroit passed some stupid fucking Equity law that some stupid fuckers thought of. The aim of the law was to give local blacks and browns from Detroit a foot up in the weed business. It has been tied up in court because it was a poorly written law that was thought of by a bunch of Idiots from Detroit. So upper courts have stopped its implementation and its being decided now ( SLOW PROCESS)    If a Libertarian, Like me, was running the place. The local people would have been told to run pot stores like Liquor stores with no added regulation. Less regulation is often the best kind of regulation and this case shows it perfectly.    Detroit would have been full of pot shops owned by black and brown people and it would make it a much more fun place to visit. Instead .. Go to the suburbs of Detroit ... spend all your money at shops owned by white people who c