
Showing posts from July, 2023

Is The Metaverse Still Our Future Fate?

  Is the metaverse still happening? Over the last 50 years the internet has truly transformed  our human existence. That's actually a relatively short time to go from sending the first message literally from on computer to the next to shit posting here on the 421st! What's next? Many believe that the digital world will appear ingrained, without the aid of glass screens, with the real world. A mix of both virtual and reality, no longer deciphering the difference. If that happens, what will happen to humanity as a whole? Will it improve? Will we even realize the difference or will it be subtle changes over time?  Will things like schools/churches/community centres even be needed anymore? What will happen to the marginalized  people (anywhere in the world) will they included in all this?  What do you think the future holds for us when it comes to tech/internet technology? DISCUSS!

Monkey Tits

   The news is full of wars and rumors of war. Niger has a coup going on. Russia and Ukraine have each other in the Slavic death grip and no one makes a decent small pick up truck for the American market.   So fuck the world, its monkey tits all day.   This thread was Written by Stan and all complaints should be kept to yourself.  Thank you and go fuck yourself in advance :)  Here is some monkey ass for ya if the tits were not enough 

Hey DJ...Play My Song

  I don't care about your problems or whatever has your diaper in a snit. play some music, post some fun memes and have some fun. if you have to whine about yours stupid problems go do it on the other OP from this morning. 

Religious & Political Zealots vs The Woke Mob: Is There A Difference Between The Two SIdes?

  There is many religious people whose sole identity is their faith and the rituals they perform to honour their faith whether it be a attending church, preforming certain ceremonies for their dead, repeating prayers each day, holding talismans  etc. Each act strengthens the believer and confirms their faith and over time, these acts become the primary identity of that person. This person and many others like him/herself join together and become a community of sorts. For most, this is a support system that can offer some solace in a world that is chaotic HOWEVER for some, it becomes extreme. Think of a woman who wears a loose fitting hijab going from market to her home and then getting arrested or worse.... Most people keep their politics to themselves but it is easy to connect with other who hold the same voting values you do. It might be easy to converse about the latest voting polls or what's going to happen to the school district their kids both attend but for others they let t

Dude tells on aliens

     A dude who flew airplanes just told the House of Representatives that the U.S. government has alien remains and spacecraft.   Do you think its possible? Did this guy do too much acid in the 90s ? Do you think the world is ready for this information or is it all bullshit ?  If the aliens are sexy, would you bang one ? 

A Permit To Visit Europe

  Starting 2024, Canadians planning to travel or backpack across Europe will need to apply for a travel authorization. This authorization is NOT a visa for extended travel. Canadians will have to fill out a form stating their job, education status and general personal info (address, travel iternery etc) but also if they have conviction or not. Such process can take up to 14 days and may or may not now require an interview! This process will also cost $10 which goes back to ETIAS (which I think basically goes back to the EU but someone will need to correct me on such). The fee will last for as long as your passport is valid so you can go multiple times. Children and seniors are exempt. Do you think this "authorization" will help secure borders, as it claims? Is this just a cash grab? Would something like this affect you from travelling to Europe?

Loud Quitting 421st (No. Just Kidding)

  First there was quiet quitting. A term that describes workers no longer going above & beyond with their work habits or efforts. These quiet quitters claim they are just doing the bare minimum to keep employed.  So basically Ursa. Loud quitters take actions that directly harm or sabotage the company. These quitters undercut goals and management. If they aren't actually quitting they are completely disengaged from their tasks and not even trying to be productive. Think Netflix employees being unable to go into their space  office space because Dave Chappelle has a special that some people might watch in their own home, on their own time when they finish working after a long day.  Have you ever quit a job LOUDLY or quietly?

Nebraskan Woman Charged For Disposing Fetus After An Illegal Abortion

  A woman was accused of having an illegal abortion plead guilty to disposing the body. Celeste Burgess, 19, entered a guilty plea to the felony charge of removing, concealing or abandoning a dead human body. She will serve 90 days in jail followed by 2 years probation.  Nebraska signed a bill that bans most abortions after 12 weeks except for medical or assault type situations. Celeste medically induced an abortion at 28 weeks. Thoughts about the sentence? Fair? Reasonable? Unjust? Is 28 weeks too far into the pregnancy to make such a decision? If not, why do you think such. If so, please explain. Do you think this is a unique or rare case for americans and the abortion debate or just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.

Travis King

     Travis King is a U.S. Army Private. He was recently released after spending two months in a South Korean Jail for assault on a police car while drunk.  He got Drunk and kicked a police car and raised a little hell. Mr. King was going to be sent back to Texas for military discipline. I doubt he would have got much more time in a military jail. I am guessing that he would have been discharged from the military and told to go away.    Instead of flying back to Texas, Mr. King played his reverse Uno card on the world and noped right the fuck into North Korea.       I hope the North Koreans dont kill the stupid kid. Lets hope he makes it out alive. I wonder if he likes North Korean Jails better. I doubt it.  What was he thinking ?  What do you think?    

Canada is on FIRE !

   Hey Canada, you cant put out fires with maple syrup for Christ's sake. Use water !   The pot growers of Canada just got Gifted like 25 million acres of cleared land to plant marijuana on.  Next time there is a fire .. and 25 million acres of Pot burns ... no one gets mad .. Problem solved .      

Peace Negotiation at the 421st

  Let's have some peace and quiet. 'nuff said.

Trudeau Blames American Right Wing For Influencing Canadian Muslim Families When It Comes To 2sLGTQiA2sqGG

  Last week JustinE Trudeau met with various muslim families at a school to address various issues within the muslim community. One issue that was increasing in topic was LGBT curriculum in public schools. A parent asked that our PM please protect their values as muslims to which JustinE responded that he has heard this sentiment from the muslim community many times but wanted the parent, and all parents, to know that: “there is an awful lot of misinformation and disinformation out there,” due to “people on social media, particularly fuelled by the American right wing… spreading a lot of untruths about what’s actually in the provincial curriculum.”  “These are people in the far right who have consistently stood against Muslim rights and the Muslim community, but they’re weaponizing the issue of LGBT, which is something that, yes, Islam has strong opinions on, the same way that the religious right in Canada, the Christian right, has strong opinions against as well.” While there is no do

Snow White and the 7 Crips

     Disney is remaking Snow White and the 7 Crips.  I would like to stand with Disney on their eternal march towards political correctness.    The dwarfs were taking over the world and I am glad they did not get a part in Disneys new high budget feature film.  Dwarfs are always in high demand in Hollywood and I am glad to see them shut out of roles invented for them. That is being inclusive. Unless you are a little person in need of a high paying job.   Well, at least Bud light is still on sale because no one buys it now. 

Are text messages and private emails really private???????

  Today I saw an article about Jonah Hill and his ex. She went around sharing his texts to her regarding his thoughts on  her behaviour around other men and what type of clothing she wore (if I remember correctly) Jonah stated these are private conversations, while the now EX, felt it was fair game and not for him to control who she shared the text messages with as they are hers to do with as she wishes. When it comes to being online do you really think anything is private? Do you feel like anything we type on disqus is private?

The Smell Of Attraction Or Repulsive Odours

  I was researching where to purchase some rose oil and I thought scents would make for an interesting discussion. I know we discussed this a little before but hey.....its not trans stuff, right? LOL The first article I looked up listed 20 scents men find most attractive. Some of the scents included: donuts pumpkin pie musk yams (what???????) vanilla jasmine and lily of the valley There were more but I thought it was interesting that men like us smelling like food. LOL The women preferred colognes  on men that carried more rugged smells like: leather musk citrus beachy type scents tobacco I think we can all agree bad BO and breath is pretty gross but what was interesting (to me) is perfumes that are too flowery and commercial actually smell sickening to me.  What scents do you prefer for yourself when it comes to shampoo, soaps, perfumes etc? What scents do you find attractive on others? What scent or smells turns you off?

Trans "women" not allowed to compete against real women.

   The World Cycling governing body said that Trans "women" can not compete against women who never had testicles.    The ruling cited the fact that Trans "women" have a natural advantage over regular women because of the effects that nuts and testosterone have on a growing persons body.   Most people who have any common sense will agree with this ruling to protect women's sports.  I will use myself as an example. If I had my nuts cut off right now and decided that I was instantly a woman .. I would still have a mans bone structure. My shoulders and hips are much more efficient at moving myself and other objects because my bones are bigger and thicker and shaped different than my wifes bones. Males also have  lower amounts of body fat and larger muscles.   I agree with this ruling and I think female sports should be for females.  What do you think ?    

Complaint Department: File #421

  Lately there has been many complaints on this blog. Some complaints date back years and are issues dealing with old blogs that don't even exist yet somehow Stan, the Disqus Messiah (why the hell did you dumb asses give him that job) is the one to fix all this for you.  Some people complain because they think this site has a political position or affiliations  when it clearly does not. This site isn't a political site or anything else for that fact yet others come across the discuss land to find us and take war OR refuge  in hopes the great DMS (discuss messiah Stan) will save them from this internet world that can be so cruel, so real, so fake. They even go as far as to think american amendments apply to this blog despite our international group! Or that the great DMS has legal authority to follow FAKE AND PRETEND  restraining orders.   Folks, this is just a blog. What you failed to realize is that YOU made this blog the way you did. Not DMS, or GG or anyone else. YOU.  It

Stanislav Rzhitsky, When Karma knows where you run

  Stanislav Rzhitsky was a submarine commander. He was in charge of the sub when it launched missiles that killed 22 Ukrainian civilians.    He went for his usual jog in the morning and got paid a little visit from Karma and a Ukrainian.     He was reported to have been shot 7 times, twice in the back of the head.   Stanislav is such a funny name for a Slav. ITs like Stan, but even more Slavic.   So even if you have a really cool Slavic name, you should not go around killing other Slavs or one of those Slavs will pay you a visit.   Only 140 million Russians to go and Ukraine will win the war.    SLAVA UKRAINE        I wish there was some way I could send Ukraine another bicycle and some ammo.     This poorly written article was posted by Stan. Fuck you if you disagree. 

Funeral and Burial Rituals or Customs

  It's funny, well, not haha funny but my mom called me the other day to talk about life insurance and her policy because she was changing some banking etc. She mentioned AGAIN (for the umteenth time) what she wants done with herself when she dies. It got me thinking that there is so many rituals and burial traditions we have here and all over the world and thought it might make for an interesting discussion. Grim, I am aware, but interesting. In Indonesia, the body of a loved one can stay with them for months. They also get to wear the good shorts! Tombs, graves, religious services......discuss here if you need a break from the banning talk thread. Do you or your family have any traditions when it comes to funerals? Do you feel modern western funerals are becoming obsolete? Meaning all the pomp, the big grave sites etc as now days your ashes can be planted with a tree to not take up space.

To ban or not to ban ?

   The person who harasses ladies (one in particular) has started posting here using socks.   This harassment has been going on for years and it was some serious harassment in the real world that affected her in a real way.    The guy is a real POS. He adds nothing to this blog except his messages to harass her.  He has not threatened or doxxed her on this blog .. But some people seen to think that he has because of some of his comments.   So you guys decide ... Everyone gets a vote.  Ban him now or wait until he breaks the rules ?   This place is a dog damned democracy . I will not take a bunch of shit and be accused of defending this guy!    If you guys want him banned ,we can ban him and all his socks. There are like 10 mods here and most of yall are way better at it than I am !  Do whatever the fuck you want !  Thats how freedom and Democracy work .. or is supposed to ...   I wont be voting on this because I dont give a fuck about the guy and the lady has a block button ...  Yall d

Mr. Neither-Pants Wins Beauty Competition

  Buck tooth man wins beauty competition and advances to Miss Universe Winners of Miss Universe go on to win further cash prizes, $250K salary, modelling gigs and NYC apartment to cool down their man-feet after travelling all expenses free all over the world. Good job, Beauty Competitions. Life is finally fair when an ugly ass man can beat out the women.

BC Teacher Officially Fired For Having OF Account.

  A teacher in BC was suspended towards the end of the school year as it was discovered that she had an OF account that included some hard core porn of sorts. After the suspension it was determined that she will be permanently terminated from her teaching position and is no longer allowed back at the school in any capacity. Here is the wh0re    person in some glasses to show you she's not just a porn star but can read books too! She claimed many things as the sole reason for having the OF account which first  included that posing nude is freeing to women's sexuality and all women should try it. Then when the media hit with the story nationwide she went for the ol' it empowers her and  it makes her an entrepreneur. Now that she's been terminated she's claiming if the school didn't pay women a decent living wage in the first place women like her wouldn't be forced to do this. Make up your mind! Mish mashing your reasoning for making the account doesn't hel