
Showing posts from August, 2021

Did you ever do stupid things as a youth ? I sure did.

   So when i was a kid we used to ride our bikes over a bridge identical to this one to get to the next town over.  My best friend and I would cross the bridge to get to the 7-11 because thats where the slurpees were. We loved slurpees.  So we get the slurpees and we get to the top of the bridge on our way home. Now we were probably about 12 years old. We would hang out on the top of the bridge and enjoy the breeze and finish our stuff before the decent. Our little BMX bikes would be going faster than traffic by the time we reached the bottom of the bridge and that would give us enough speed to coast halfway back to town. It was really a lot of fun and lots of local kids did it.   So while on the crest of the bridge with the aforementioned frozen drink, We heard a boat horn under us and knew a boat was coming so we looked down to see the point of a large white boat starting to show its bow.   Me and my buddy both got evil looks on our faces and he looked at me and said .... YOU WONT...


    Feces is the solid or semi-solid remains of food that was not digested in the small intestine, and has been broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. Feces contains a relatively small amount of metabolic waste products such as bacterially altered bilirubin, and dead epithelial cells from the lining of the gut  I got the idea for this from Mat. Blame him  I once saw him discussing his blog with a person who did not like his blog and told him his blog was not much good (not an exact quote)  And mat replied with " I made a thread about cheese and got 800 comments"  And he did .... and i laughed so hard because its true and mat makes me laugh.  So next time someone tells me my blog sucks ... I will get to brag about how many comments my blog gets on a thread about shit .    Now thats funny ... I dont give a fuck who ya are ! 

I would like to help everyone UnderSTANd this guy who started this blog.

 I really dont like telling some stories because people dont believe I can really be this big of an asshole and this nice of a guy all at the same time ... like I make up some alter-ego to post stupid shit on a blog that is only looked at by 10 people .... So let me give an example . I had a first period science class in the 11th grade. I missed it about half the time and the teacher actually quit telling on me for missing class. He was a young Polish guy who was pretty cool.  I would get high every morning before his class... he even threatened to call the cops on me once.  So one day i am in Algebra class and i get called out and was told to go the the polock science teachers class... so i did ....  What did i see when i entered .... my mom ... my step dad and the school counselor.  So they sat me down and told me how smart i was and that i could have the world if i would just do what was expected of me.  My mom who was a horrible mom most of the time and never gave two fucks if i ev

Blogger killed two threads

 I was gonna come on here with a funny story about my youth.  But nooooo Blogger had to delete two of my threads because they violate community guidelines ...   Anywhooo  Stuff happens .....  I thought about changing them to get with the guidelines ....  Then i thought .... I will show them how i jump through hoops ...  So I deleted both threads ... I dont jump through hoops ....  they were both closed anyways ... no loss no foul ....  I still love blogger ..... like how you still love a girlfriend after she cheats on you ....  I will be more careful about such things :) 

Afghanistan ... it was all bullshit

  Paid Vacation Circle Jerks I hope you're having fun Where's your uniform, where's your gun? Better rub up that suntan lotion 'cause you'll be fighting in the hot sun It's not Vietnam Just another oil company scam Salute that flag from Uncle Sam Get your money out, place your bets, it's Afghanistan! Fix bayonets, check grenades Got enough bullets, got enough rounds to wipe out this place Where is the infantry and the cavalry? Parachutes fill the skies as bodies burn and people die It's not Vietnam It's another oil company scam You'd better salute that flag from Uncle Sam Get your money out, place your bets, it's Afghanistan! Fix bayonets, check grenades Got enough bullets, got enough rounds to wipe out this place Where is the infantry and the cavalry? Parachutes fill the skies as bodies burn and people die Source:  Musixmatch Songwriters: Greg Hetson / Keith Morris / Roger Rogerson / Keith Lucky Lehrer .......................................

Google sucks, Lunchmeat and baby Hitler.

 So Google Sucks .....  I did an image search for "Sexy asian milf" ... and it came back BLANK ... no search results found.  So I went to Duck Duck Go and put in the same words in and got one million pictures ...  So thank you Duck Duck Go and fuck you Google, you crappy search engine .   And DDG wont sell your search inquiries to advertisers.    Do you like Lunchmeat ? I bet you do. I have fed my meat to many ladies for lunch.... some got breakfast and some got a midnight snack ... But everyone loves it.  I also think that Adolph Hitler was a cute kid. I am not a nazi. I am not a white supremacist .. I am just a guy who thinks most kids are cute. If anyone can find a baby picture of Joseph Stalin ... I would love to compare the two. Also ... for the people too stupid to understand Hitler ... He was so racist that he killed mostly other white people that he did not like. My moms side of the family is slavic ... we have dark slanted eyes and dark hair and he killed millions of

Updates and Circle Jerks

                          421st blog updates    I just wanted to let yall know of all the happenings, happening at this happening place.   Everyone who has lost a comment or whatever .... on this channel ... I am working to solve this issue .  It is pretty solved ... If you end up in the spam or whatever that other column is ... you are made a trusted user. and EVERY SINGLE COMMENT IS APPROVED !   Several people have already been made trusted users and if anything you post ends up in the moderation room ... It will be approved and you will be put on the trusted user list.   This silly blog has been a bunch of laughs lately .. Thank you all for contributing and thank you all for all the laughs .... I had forgot how much fun Disqus could be.  Also ... for all the punk rock fans who visit here ... I found this picture and i think Circle Jerks are touring again ... I am not sure   I have seen this band 4 times ...... could it happen five times ?    

This Blog is fun.

 Hello everyone.  I would just like to thank EVERYONE who has posted here.  I would like to thank everyone who chats with me for keeping this place fun and naughty.  I closed the previous two discussions because they both had like 500 comments.  I would like to leave them up and let them run .... But i did that on a Disqus channel once and someone made threats and Disqus nuked the channel.  I do not want this place nuked ... and if it is ... I will make another somewhere else ... So to everyone who visits and chats .... from the old people to the new people ....  I just want to say thank you for helping me make a place where everyone is treated the same regardless of personal politics.  I will try to close all discussions at 500 posts or when they get old and i dont feel like looking over the comments to make sure some psycho is not trying to get this place nuked.   Some people dont like the way I run things ... and thats cool ...  This is not a safe place for people with childlike fee

Stans finding out how to work this

                      Stans Stoned Stuff and thoughts.   Sometimes i get stoned and think of stuff. This is some of that stuff.   1. Drone technology is scary. The next big war will involve civilian container ships that release billions of killer drones over the targeted area or country. The technology is available ... and many people much smarter than me think about this crap. Think about drones that swarm the sky like birds.. and dive and explode on anything that moves ... so after the drone attack ... even most of the buddies are dead.  Thats scary shit.  2. Electric cars. By 2030 most cars will be electric. They will probably last a long time compared to gasoline cars. Where will the government get gasoline tax money from? Will you put off your next car purchase to buy electric or see what is available ?  Thats not scary at all unless you own a gas station.  3. Vaginas and what you can put in them. They really are amazing things. Did you know that an entire baby can get pushed out