
Showing posts from September, 2023


     Scott Hall, A Georgia bail bondsmen Just decided to cooperate with the prosecution in Trumps little R.I.C.O. case.    Scott Hall just saved his own ass. He plead guilty to 5 misdemeanors (interfere with an election) and he will only get 5 years probation. He is also expected to testify against the other 18 defendants.    Trump is screwed. The prosecution just let the rest, or most of rest of them know that they can get off real easy if they cooperate.   As the trial date gets closer and the rats start to jump off a sinking ship, I expect a sudden exodus soon. The other thing about big cases like this is that the first ones to flip get the best deals and get in the least amount of trouble. Just like a mob case, because thats what this is.  So what would you do if you were one of the 18? Would you take a slap on the wrist for some misdemeanor  charges and testify against the others ?  Would you remain loyal to Trump and risk spending the rest of your life in prison?  Scott Hall just

Do You Think You're that.

  When it comes to being "romantic" and by romantic I don't mean chocolate or poems, do you think you are pretty good at what you do in the bedroom with your partner? Have others told you are good in the past and you believed them? Has someone ever complained?

Do You Think Disqus/Blogging Makes Us Share TOO Much?

  Do you ever feel like we share too much of our thoughts online with others? Oversharing can pose many risks from doxxing to hacking one's identity or even knowing where you live. Some even go as far as forming a relationship status in their own mind about you and if you make that person mad, say the wrong thing....they truly hate you in their real life.  There is an aspect that great about being online and connecting to multiple people in an instant from all over the globe but you run the risk of people with not great intentions being on those very same platforms. You also might find yourself saying things about political thoughts, moral decisions etc that you might not normally share with others and suddenly finding yourself defending yourself or worse, being told you must be awful because you believe in "this decision" "like that person or thought"  Do you feel like you share too much online sometimes? Do you judge others when they share too much? Are the ju

Trump eats a 250 million dollar dick

   Trump lost the civil case in New York. They took away his ability to run businesses in New York State and they are gonna break it off in his bank account.    He said Mar a Lago was worth 600 million to his investors. He told the government it was only worth 27 million when he paid taxes ....  He said his Apartment in Trump Tower was 30,000 square feet ... Its only 10,000   The judge also fined his lawyers and said a trial was not necessary.    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL     I hope Trump enjoys eating this dick as much I like like seeing him eat it.   Now we just have to sit down and wait for the 91 felonies to come to trial.   I bet his lawyers will do much better in those cases ......     Never mind ... I just found out that they also arrested some of his lawyers.  Trump supporters are MORONS  That is my opinion  Live long and Prosper   This thread was written by Stan, lifelong Libertarian punk rocker.   If you disagree with me, you can choke on the cock Trump has in his mouth at th

Republican Grandma gives Democrat Hand job during child themed play.

  If you need proof I have it     I was reading You tube video comments when I saw one that I thought would make a great headline for this blog ...  It made me laugh because its so fucking true ...  I invite all Republicans to tell me how I am wrong on this one.  I also think Trump supporters should be neutered so they dont pollute the earth with more 36 year old grandmas who jerk off Democrats in kids plays ...  JESUS FUCKING CHRIST   This thread was written by Stan and it sucks ...  If you have not written threads here before .. dont bitch  And for you republicans who think I am being too harsh ...  What if A.O.C. went to a theatre with a republican and pulled this stunt ? How long would you jerk offs talk about it ?  HA HA HA @ republicans 

Are all New England politicians crooked ?

     I was going to write an article about Giuliani's stupid ass getting sued for messing with women and being charged with felonies.   Then I thought about some others and many seem to be from the North East.     As a kid who grew up in Florida, I can tell you that I learned to hate people from that part of the country at a young age.   I hate the attitudes. I hate the rudeness for no reason. I hate the asshole accents. I hate the entitled attitude they have. I hate the way they want to make Florida just like New Jersey and New York with the toll roads and the retard politics that they vote for.   I have never been impressed by New Englanders and I hope ya'll understand why   Let me post a few more pictures as evidence. 

Celebrities Asking For Charity

  Often charities use celebrities to spread awareness for their cause. To be clear, I don't think this is wrong as these celebrities have a larger following than the 421st and while I know you find this shocking...its true! They really have an opportunity to spread awareness about causes that you....might not be aware of.  Spreading the message or feeling passionate about a cause near & dear to ones heart and wanting to share that passion with others is a great thing. We need more of this from everyone when its genuine. When its genuine, you can tell. But what happens when it comes off fake? Or worse, you act like a spokesperson for the charity but you don't give to the cause or even really care. Recently there was a telethon type charity hosted by celebrities asking for money on behalf of others in their industry that are getting shafted by Writers Guild Strike. People with stupid amounts of money asking YOU to give their co-workers money so essentially those co-workers wi

Trump is a real P.O.S.

       U.S. Army Capt. Luis Avila sang the national anthem at an event Trump was at.   After the event, Trump told  Gen. Mark Milley that no one wanted to see wounded veterans and to never have Avila at an event again.   Capt. Avila did five tours of duty in Iraq and lost a leg to an I.E.D. He suffered two heart attacks and two stokes and brain damage since his injury.   Trump got five deferments to keep him from being drafted into Vietnam.   If you support Trump, you are a a stupid piece of shit.  This thread was written by Stan.  

Back End Moderation

   I have decided to only be a back end moderator from now on. This decision has taken me a long time to make.       Sometimes you just have to find a comfy warm spot and moderate.      Moderating for other adults on a free message board should be taken very seriously. Amen    

On Topic Thursday

    1.  Targeting Users ,,is allowed on this blog. No threats or doxxing .. but other than that ... fuck em. APPROVED  2. Backseat Moderation  If it were not for back seat moderation this blog would not have much moderation. APPROVED  3. Posting irrelevant media. APPROVED the more silly and more off topic, the better.       My hero of the week is Lauren Boebert.   She is 36 year old white trash grandma and MAGA republican. She is a republican representative of Colorado and a high school drop out. She did get her G.E.D. on the third try.   Lauren Boebert does not listen to people and thats why I like her. How many congresswomen would go to a public theatre and vape next to a pregnant woman while taking pictures and getting molested by your date before your divorce is final ? Not many would be the correct answer :)   MAGA=RETARD     Please stay on/off topic and dont forget to argue with the mods. If no one argues with the mods here ... they wont have anything to do :) 

Off Topic Wednesday

  The new channel's mod is asking users to STAY ON TOPIC to each of the OP/Categories or he will remove the comments. Because of this, today's 421st thread will be off topic. What is the topic today? Who knows? Does it matter because you know its going to end up being trans, Trump, Biden, Pony.  Here is a quote from the mod explaining why he will begin removing comments starting today: "Now onwards, to create a seemingly normal chat, I will begin removing any (and all if required) major off-topic comments that stray away from the post. This includes but is not limited to: • Targeting users • Backseat moderation • Posting irrelevant media"

Donald Trump Predictions

     I recently did some brainstorming after consuming copious amounts of marijuana.   After contemplating the millions of outcomes that are possible from the 91 FELONY charges the former President is facing, I made some conclusions. These are :  1. Trump is a traitorous loser. He has brought nothing but embarrassment and shame to our country and our government.  2. Trump has no way in hell of winning an election against Joe Biden. He already lost one when he was not facing 91 felony charges. Let him debate Joe now ... LOL  3. Trump has NO plans to die in prison.  4. Trump will either work out a sweetheart deal to be on " home detention" instead of prison... Or he will get on his jet and land that fucker in Russia or Saudi Arabia and never come back ... Embarrassing our country even more.    Do you think I might be correct or do you think I should stop smoking marijuana ? 

Do You Expect Life To Be Fair?

  Life isn't fair. Something we have heard all our lives. But life not being fair is what drives us to fight for equality when we see others not being treated the same as ourselves. Life not being fair has motivated us to help strangers in times of need. We fight for these things because we believe life SHOULD be fair. In a universe of randomness, why do we expect life to be fair?

Weddings and Awesome stuff

        We just got to see my sisters son marry his college sweetheart.    He is a big, good looking kid with his moms dark, Slavic eyes and his new wife just became a medical doctor. The bride is as pretty as she is smart. They make quite a good looking couple and they are wonderful kids!    I was never as proud of my sister as I was when I saw her dancing with her son at the reception.    Sometimes life is good. I really enjoyed being in that moment. It was a feeling I will never forget.    Then after about an hour of drinking ... the place was filled with Drunk white people dancing. I have seen drunk white people dance before and hopefully this memory will erase itself from my brain. It was fun   Do you have any fun wedding stories ?       

Disqus Channels and new people

       The Disqus channels look fun so far.  I dont think they have good mods.   Having Decent Moderation is the hardest part of having discussions that are supposed to be open to all .... (This site is for Adults only 18+)  I think we do a really good job on this Blog and I think the Mods here are way better than anything they will be able to assemble over there.   I appreciate all our mods and all the people who do not get banned here for silly things.   I like it when new people discover the 421st.  I would like to welcome everyone to the 421st....   No threats ... no doxing .. no porn  Those are the only rules   Any opinion allowed .... Nothing is ever off topic ... The mods here dont act like 12 year old girls.    I will be inviting people from the Disqus channels over here to have fun. I will do this until they tell me to stop and/or ban me.   Welcome to the 421st everyone   This thread was written by Stan. 

Discus Channels so far. What do you think?

       I was wondering what yall thought of the Disqus channels so far. I have checked out a few, but I have reservations.  Some of the moderation team is highly suspect over there.    I am not trying to badmouth The Disqus channels or any one mod. I have not been banned yet at any of them so we will see.   Are all the channels modded by the same people ?  Are all the channels modded by one Pud with 15 different mod socks ?   Is that one mod demanding that everyone comply to his 101 rules for commenting.... ?  I posted a few times ... Then my stuff started to go into pending ... so I quit posting over there.....        GOD BLESS AMERICA   This Thread was written by Stan  Please forward all complaints to a Disqus channel. 

Libertarian Memes

   I was thinking about doing an article explaining the Libertarian party and some of my personal thoughts about my country (USA) and government. Then I got high   So I started looking up Libertarian memes and I just figured something out. Lots of people hate Libertarians.... LOLOLOL   Most people have no idea about the Libertarian party. Most dont understand how  its ideas are based on common fucking sense for anyone with a history book and an I.Q. over 40.   So I will post some of the funnier memes that people make to trash Libertarians.  Some of them are pretty funny.         Do you have a favorite Libertarian meme ?