
Showing posts from January, 2022

HIGHSCHOOL PHOTOS AND playing the victim card

      DID YOU POST THAT PHOTO ON YOUR BLOG? If you were a "female" who had lots of haters on Disqus, why would you post your high school photo on your own blog?      The answer is  CRAZY ... and if someone takes that picture down and post it somewhere else, you can write Disqus and tell them that so and so is posting underage pictures of you. EVEN IF THEY NEVER POSTED THE FUCKING PICTURE AND IT WAS ON THEIR BLOG!  You still get to say that they have underage pictures of you.      We all know that no one in their right mind would ever do such an underhanded two fisted thing ! That would be crazy.     In other news. People on Disability often have a lower life expectancy than cabinet makers. This makes the people of the world and cabinet makers and the people who love cabinets very very HAPPY...  


      I just wanted everyone to know I have been leading a double life.  I posted for years on Disqus under the name DTX and then I ran into a little snag using that chat name so then I changed my name to  get rid of the heat.         Some people are not happy about my return to Disqus. I was here the whole time. I am DTX and you can all deal with it. I also make memes and I thought it was funny that no one knew I was here the whole time .....       You think this swastika is repulsive?  HOLD MY BEER AND WATCH THIS      


  This just a new thread so there is no lag. ]


        I would like to clear up some misconceptions about this blog. I am not the boss here. I dont want to be the boss here and please dont tell people I am the boss here and if I ever act like that please bring it to my attention and tell me to fuck off.  I also suck at run on sentences and punctuation.     We have had an influx of newer people here and that is a great thing. The more people who post here can only make it more fun and interesting.    This blog is not like any blog.. or any blog I have seen.    Here are the main things about this blog that make it different ...   Only one easy to follow common sense rule that is almost impossible to argue about. No threats/doxing  The mods here do not get to use their mod powers to ban or spam or delete your comments upon a whim. That is essentially the reason for this blog. You will not get banned unless you threaten someone and thats a really stupid thing to do on a blog so its an easy rule to enforce.    I (Stan) do not make the

A thread a day keeps the lag away.

  These are lag bolts.    This is a Lag guitar.  I think thats a brand name. I dont know anything about guitars.   Lag bolts are useful and Lag guitars look cool ....   Lag on blogs sucks :) 

Need a hero? Here is a drug dealer :)

    Roger Reaves was a drug smuggling pilot who has a life story like an adventure novel.  I listened to an interview he did and I am so impressed by the morals and character of this man.      Although he did break the law ... its hilarious the laws the government breaks.   He recalls prison escapes ... getting shot down ... going to prison . Best fucking story I have heard in a while     If I ever met this guy I would offer to buy him a meal and a big fat joint.     I will feature the youtube video that I saw. Its a fascinating story and this guy is one hell of a man .    Oh yea ... if I forgot to mention it ... Fuck the U.S. government and the CRIMINALS running most of it ... You fat lazy bastards can suck my libertarian dong.     Roger Reaves is my hero and fat lazy cops are poop faces.   

W.W.V.J.D. ?

     You know about the old what would Jesus do thing. What if Jesus was a vampire and he came to your party and tried to ruin it? Then Vampire Jesus told you he was gonna leave and he is still hanging out after getting cursed out by all but two people at the party. Those two people were passed out.     That would be a funny party. I like funny parties and you can get girls to lift up their shirts and jerk off your old geezer pud. Or maybe the Jesus guy who wont leave would be happy to jerk off the geezers. I doubt the geezers are into that. I can only speak for one Geezer, and thats me.        What do you think Vampire Jesus will do at this hypothetical party ?   

Attention All Readers: Important Message: THE BIG GAY VAMPIRE BALL is here!

  Never mind the dates on the bottom of the image as THE BIG GAY VAMPIRE BALL is here!!!!!!!!! After years of begging Disqus to acknowledge this community, finally Disqus has agreed to host a BIG GAY VAMPIRE BALL this Friday. What is a BIG GAY VAMPIRE BALL you ask? Well, what isn't it should be the question! BIG GAY VAMPIRE BALLS have been going on for years here on Disqus but sadly no one has paid much attention. Some of the BIG GAY VAMPIRES even wrote books about such events but sadly it never gained much traction among the Disqus communities. Its like the people were coming online to the Disqus boards for another purpose. It seems us mere mortals were on Disqus just to have some fun and laugh after a long day at work or just needed to blow off some steam during a lunch break or a Friday night at home.  Not being serious is very SERIOUS to the BIG GAY VAMPIRE community. They live off our seriousness. Seriousness is the only way they can survive and it seems like no one cares anym


  January National Weeks The Third Week: Third week -  WORLD KIWANIS  Third full week - HUNT FOR HAPPINESS  Begins Third Sunday full week - NATIONAL HEALTHY WEIGHT  8 days beginning the third Saturday - INTERNATIONAL SNOWMOBILE SAFETY AND AWARENESS WEEK 7 Days Beginning the Third Sunday in January - NATIONAL SQUEEZED FRESH JUICE WEEK No Name Calling Week was January 17 through 21 and no one noticed 🤣 Edit by Stan: The above thread was written by Thomas and left in the pending folder thing on blogger. I dont know what he wanted to make .. but it was here and I needed something ...  I added the pictures. Thank you for the excellent thread Thomas :) 

Oxi Clean as seen on T.V.

  Did you graduate from high school in the early 70s? I bet you did. People from the 70s often grow crazy amounts of hair and they think anyone who likes a shaved thing is a child dibbler.  When people graduated from high school in the early 70s, they were still being told that Vietnam was justified and they could grow their hair for peace.          Todays trend is to keep that thing clean and smooth. ... JUST LIKE THE OXI CLEAN MAN WOULD HAVE WANTED!    If you think anyone wants to get near that grey haired old smelly thing, you might need to OXI CLEAN .....  ............................................................................   (note to the ladies of 421st)  I will try to post more attractive men like the oxi clean dude along with plenty of very hairy old people who dont have sex. ...................................................................... And I mean hairy as fuck ... not just normal hairy ... I am talking old 70s hippie hairy ... now...  old and single and no one

Eye candy for females.

     It has recently been brought to my attention that some ladies dont like the lady pictures that get posted in the comment section.  So females think it is  disrespectful when I try to share my love of the female physique.      I really enjoy having so many ladies who use this blog. It keeps things interesting and females can be so funny with your big words and opinions.     So to show my appreciation for the ladies ... I found the following eye candy.  This guy is eating an apple and he looks like a huge apple... Do you buy what he is selling ladies ?  Clever and sexy... This man has it all !  ................................................................. Some ladies like a guy who can fix stuff and look smart wearing glasses. Do you think this guy could fix your stuff ladies? Do tell in the comments below !  ................................................................  This guy... well you know what he wants for Christmas dont you ? Try not staring into those eyes for hours


    Sometimes I scour the universe for great ideas for threads here. Sometimes I just smoke pot and look up silly shit on the internet and I hit GOLD... today was one of those days.   RESTRAINING ORDER is a band formed in 2017. They say they wanted to form a kind of 1982 sounding punk band.  As a guy who has listened to much punk rock, I think they got pretty close for a bunch of kids :)  They signed with New age records ...  Not the greatest band ever, but if you loved the early 80s punk, these kids will make you smile, they did me. 


  Starting from the left.  1 Pony. Pony is a prolific mod. He often brags about his modding attributes in case you forget how stunning he is. He has like 10 kids and he is trying to fill Australia with little ponys.   2. Stan. Thats me second from the left. I dont like to talk about myself much. I just try to be fair to everyone.  3. Paul. Paul is an opinionated English mod. His trademark move is to piss someone off really good and then post pictures of his latest home cooked meal. No troll on Disqus has found a way around Pauls trademarked move and for that we love him ... And he also does stuff on the mod panel like Pony does.. mod work stuff   4.  URSA.. What can I say about URSA that has not already been said?  Well.. He is the most consistent  mod we have.  He has never opened the mod panel or changed anything. We would like to thank him for being consistent and reliable.  If you have any problems or concerns .. we would like to ask you to tag URSA and ask him to fix it. If URSA i

Why this blog is better than most blogs.

  Reasons why this blog is better than most blogs:  1. There is only one rule. No doxxing or threats allowed.  2. This rule is enforced as fair as we can enforce it with the opinions of the victim considered before banning happens, often a vote .. We really dont like to ban. 3. The mods will not spam or edit your comments.  4. The mods will put you (everyone) on the trusted user list if you have a low rep..  5.  This blog is for people who have half a brain and an entire backbone. Many people on Disqus do not qualify to post here and they self censure by never showing up.  6. Melons... we allow melons in the comment section .. just not porn.  7. Most people who come here dont wear nancypants. We dont make it a habit to report other blogs to disqus or to complain to blogger about threads... We are not complainers... like many nancypants found on other blogs.  8. I could not think of anymore reasons because I got high. I had to write this thread because the last one was lagging. How many

Register This American as a super troll.

  I was recently banned from a Blog. I was not treated very nice and they did not act very nice. They were not very nice.     It was recently brought to my attention that my profile is the background on articles without pictures there....   I like laughing and that made me laugh.  If you think you are a super duper disqus troll like me .... well you might not be ....     Do you constantly get your profile posted by people who claim to hate you ? I was also the first person banned there !    I am going to smoke more pot ... Remember the thread I made about that blog ....  Guess who is still laughing :)      NEWS EDIT: The assformentioned blog is shutting down soon. Thats what they get for banning all the cool people!    

Seven Round Things

  Do you agree? Do you disagree? What shape do you think these things are?

Seven Wonders of the World

Great Wall of China Chichén Itzá Petra Machu Picchu  Christ the Redeemer Colosseum Taj Mahal Agree or disagree 🤨 Add your own.

Burning Bridges and dead Trout

 Well I have several posts I have been working on that I thought would be fun and entertaining. After spending time and effort doing the research, composing the text, finding funny and relevant pics, fighting with my crappy spell checker I have come to the conclusion that it is a waste of time.  It doesn't matter what gets posted, a pic of a dead trout will suffice because as soon as it is posted the comments will be hijacked with stupid squabbling that has nothing to do with the OP. So here is your dead Trout, squabble away. As fun as it is here I have better things to do.  Peace Out Bob the Assho;e

Channel Updates.

         Here in Appalachia, we've recently had quite a snow storm. I lost internet for  a couple days. I walked my dogs several times in the snow. I only fell down twice.    Upon my return to the internet I had to visit my internet home, the 421st. I leave for two days and there are some shit posting articles and lots of shit posting in the comments.   This morning there is even a thread about Abe Lincoln that was deleted by someone. This made me laugh and for that, I thank you :)     I made some memes when my internet was down. I got bored and smoked lots of pot.   Please drive carefully, do not eat yellow snow. This blog is the most awesome dumpster fire within two miles of here 

In Focus: Abe Lincoln

 Here is a two part documentary I made about the life and times of Abe Lincoln  Abe Lincoln facts: -his childhood nickname was crockpot. Not because he loved the slow cooker, but because he always wore crocs and smoked pot -Abe authored the Emancipation Proclamation, the document making whores free citizens -At 6 foot 4 inches tall, Abe is the shortest President in American history -He had a wheat allergy. But he ate wheat anyway because Abe isn’t a bitch

In focus: Benjamin Franklin

January 17th is a memorable date. The most influential American whose life’s work impacted our nation, was born that day.  His name was Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin was a polymath a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher and political philosopher.   This great American held many patents for inventions affecting generations of Americans that followed regardless of the color of their skin.  These inventions are: - lightning rod (expansion of electricity) - bifocals  - swim fins - Franklin stove - urinary catheter  - armonica  Happy birthday sir Benjamin.

Today is Sunday

  Today is Sunday. I like Sundays.  I usually start my Sundays with some quiet time and some coffee. When I have my coffee I tend to listen to either a TED talk or a lecture of a vary of subjects. Today's subject is  Mysticism. Last week was feminism and sex.  Later I will cook. I like to cook. I like to use a variety of cooking appliances too. I usually have my mom over or cook enough so she has a few meals for the week ahead. Its not much but it makes me feel good knowing she's taken care of.  How do you spend your Sundays? Peace & Love, GG.

History of the Crockpot

  The Crockpot is the world’s most popular cookware. Anyone who is not a moron likes a crockpot meal. It’s easy and versatile. Anything from stew to cider can be made with little work.  But have you ever wondered how this stone crock conquered the world? Obviously you have.  The Crockpot, like most great inventions was the product of necessity. Enter Jan  Kaminska.  Jan was born in Crockpot Hungary some year a bit ago.  Hungarians were struggling at this time but their bike riding savior had arrived. While out scavenging near the northern border, Jan saw a group of Polish citizens. Jan and the Polish exchanged pleasantries. Jan made an offhanded joke that would change Hungarian history.  “I’d trade a dog turd for something to eat!” Said Jan.  The Polish guys each stared at each other in shock. The head pollock stepped forward and said they had a ton of meat they had been feeding their dogs so they could eat the dog poop. But it was hard to get enough poop to to feed all of Poland. They