
Showing posts from July, 2022

Sunday is more fun if you have balls.

        I got my dogs a bag of 18 tennis balls this morning. We were running short. The picture above is not my dog. My walls are not paneled and my dogs do not get name brand balls. Rich people .... sheeesh and my dog is bigger than that one and mine is a female.     We were down to about 5 tennis balls in the back yard. We had about forty a couple months ago. They get thrown over the fence, hit by the lawnmower and maybe UFOs come in the middle of the night and steal tennis balls out of my back yard. I really have no idea where the fuck all the tennis balls go.    My dogs were so happy when I walked in with a bag of tennis balls. They reminded me of that time I saw the crack whore win $2 in the lottery. They were that happy, Jumping  around acting all skittish and freaked out and jerky .....  Our back yard is kind of big so if we only have a few tennis balls I have to walk the yard to keep the dogs busy and they will often se...

The Evolution of Dogs by Stan

   So here is my theory. People walked out of Africa and they did not have dogs. Dogs are evolved from grey wolves, this is not an African species.      So there was a stone age dude and he noticed a female wolf who appeared hungry and while not aggressive, she could not be chased away as easily as the other wolves.   This female wolf continued to stay around the camp looking for easy scraps to eat. Some Caucasian pre historic man, probably a relative of mine and probably named Stan, Noticed she was pregnant and got her trust so that he could get near her when he had food.   She had the Puppies and one of the female pups was tempered like her mother and she walked into the human camp as a puppy and a baby Caucasian kid, also probably named Stan, picked up the puppy and the world has never been the same.    I think this happened in hundreds of locations over hundreds of years with hundreds of dudes walking around the middle of E...

Freaky Friday

 Just throwing out a quickie for Friday!   As an added bonus, tell us about the freakist thing you've ever seen or DONE! 

Gross Global Cuisines

  We all have a favourite dish from other countries/cultures that we love to order again and again  but we never talk about the dishes we find absolutely revolting! Some polish people on disqus claim their palettes are are so refined that pre-made foods or other culture food is beneath them so they eat tripe soup instead to show who's who! Flaki anyone? Here is another classic called Czernina. A christmas classic soup made with ducks blood as the broth and dried fruits. MMMMMerry Christmas!  What international dishes have you come across that  grossed you out? Did you actually try it or just saw it on the menu? Is there a type of food or cuisine that many people find gross but you absolutely love? Looking forward to your answers.....or not. GG

OnlyFans: Does This Empower Women or Just Make Things Worse?

  OnlyFans. We've all heard of it despite the company being only about 5ish years old. It started off ok but once COVID and lock downs hit, its user base skyrocketed  to over 130M+ people using the site and the gals  posting on it making upwards of $5B, yes, billion. Many porn stars now are moving over to this genre as they feel they can make more money then actually 'porning'. (lol. I made that word up) Women can create an account and have fans subscribe to watch them pose in any way they ask if the price is right but does this come at a cost? Are women selling themselves freely  because they know men will buy it? Is posing naked an actual career? What about the women forced into this type of work or feel they have no choice, is it a career then too? Is it empowering for women to control or win over the porn/prostitution  industry by using OnlyFans instead and being their own boss? Do men feel morally better about using  OnlyFans because of  its contr...

Elon Musk is not banging my wife.

    I would like to stop any rumors about Elon Musk and my wife. I am not business partners with Mr. Musk and I have never been seperated from my wife, legally or otherwise.  I have never owned a Tesla. I do not use twitter.  I have never been in a spaceship and have no plans to do so anytime soon.    My name is Stan and I have no affiliation with Mr. Musk.     Also, If I were single and had  billions and billions of dollars, I would not be banging my friends wife. Fucking chubby billionaire losers  Where is the crazy Aquawoman chick who shits in beds when you need her ?   

Fears & Phobias: What's Yours?

  Fears are common however they are not to be confused with phobias.  Fears tend to be an unsettling sense of real  danger but a phobia generally is an irrational aversion of something fairly rational or even non-existent.  I don't think I have any phobias but I do have a fear of driving. I am proud to say I do drive. Albeit not a lot  but I do drive. I can't drive fast  on 8 lane highway or expressway but I can  drive alone  locally to get all the basic things that  are needed for our family. I can take my kids to school, activities, family dinners,  go the grocery store, mall etc and I justify not driving on the highway because I make up for it by doing all the local driving. That's fair, right?????????? THIS IS A LIE. :P      I know it, trust me but the fear of highways is just far too much for my anxiety to handle! Highway driving  involves being more aggressive and not intimated nor distracted by what others are ...

Breaking News: Woman Stabbed in crotch by fish

  A 70 year old woman was stabbed in the groin as she and others tried to bring a sailfish onto a boat near Stuart Florida.  Her companions applied pressure to the wound ( I would pay money for a picture of that)  She was taken to the hospital.  As a guy who spent many years as a young man in South Florida, dealing with with rich,old snowbirds, all I have to say is HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA .   Fucking old tourist thought a fishing trip would be so fun. Lets go on a boat and try to hook the biggest, most rare fish we can. When I was a child, I would always laugh about stories where the tourists got attacked by gators. Everyone hates a tourist.    So your rich old ass came to florida and got attacked by some locals ? Even if it was just the Fish and the gators .... we were always proud of them as Floridians.  Original  story link :

The Secret Service was in cahoots with Trump and his coup plot

    The secret service. These guys are supposed to be the most elite, best trained federal cops in Washington.   Trump put James Murray in charge of the Secret service.  When the capitol building was under attack, the Secret Service agents were on the radio talking about getting Pence out of there and making a safe path around the rioters.   When Pence got to his secret Area ... he told the agent " I trust you, but I am not getting in that vehicle"  Pence knew about the Coup Plot and he was not going along with it ...  Why would mike pence say that, if he trusted all secret service agents?   He wouldnt. He didnt and he knew there was a attempted coup going on.  Now the Secret Service deleted all the texts ? The secret service has a department that the FBI uses for cell phones because they are better with cell phones than the FBI ..... I heard an FBI agent talking about this yesterday ..... THE SECRET SERVICE WAS IN ON THE PLOT ...

NoNouns Are The New Pronouns!

  Happy Friday and welcome to 421st, the land of NoNouns!  What does NoNouns even mean? NoNouns mean whatever the hell you want it to mean.  Example// Dis Gus goes by FUCKOFFYOUIDIOT and if you can't address fuckoffyouidiot this way, you have no business being here! He made me say that! This thread  was his idea, FACT . Note: Ok. yes you can still post here regardless because Stan runs  a great free speech site.  See,  that's how free speech works. Too bad   one  some people here do not respect that freedom and instead choose to spit on such freedoms by using their time to threaten the women here. Threaten by encouraging  them to harm themselves because somehow their pronouns on a chat site where it doesn't matter is far more important then the actual  lives of the women themselves. FACT What are your NoNouns today?  Remember, today we MUST address one another with the NoNoun we dictate to others for a full day. If yo...


  Hello. Today is Thursday. 

Romantic Gestures: What Has Worked & What Has Failed

  Are you a romantic person? Do you show it? It's always nice to think of different ways to show a special person in your life that you love and appreciate them but over the years I can think of a few times where my attempts at being romantic have failed. Don't get me wrong, I made some good choices too.  One of the first men I dated was a chef. He worked very hard and was a little older then me and admitted one thing  he missed out on in his youth was his prom. What did GG do? I created my own prom in my apartment! I had music, punch and even a disco ball! A fail? I, with a bunch of other ladies, took a pole dance class. It was a disaster! Everyone was swinging around and humping chairs and frigid me felt it was too much. I am far to private and shy so I ended up going home not really learning a thing! Mr Parasite waited eagerly to see me perform but I think I just ended up doing the bus stop and the hustle! LOL What romantic gestures have you done or you appreciate when...

Tuesday: Words To Live By

  Today thread is about sharing words to live by that inspire you to get over life's troubles and keep on keepin' on.   I dedicate this thread to Jack today who could use some positive energy out there. You have mine! This thread is also dedicated to Char. I am not your anger. I am not your pain. I hope you find solace from your  problems and learn to control your hatred and realize the world isn't out to get you. Good Luck!

Gender Stereotypes

  Men. Women. Do we really understand each other or are we destined to not have a clue? Personally I think we are a perfect compliment to one another. I really do! Lately when I read some of the comments here I feel some folks are saying the exact same thing but we don't see it as such. This isn't targeted at anyone and can TOTALLY include myself! So it got me thinking....are we saying the same thing but just speaking different language? A different gender language perhaps? So here is some fun questions to ask today.  1)  Do you think of the opposite gender in a stereotypical way? If so, negatively or positively?  2) Do you think in 2022 we should get past gender stereotypes?  3) Are YOU a stereotype of your gender? If not, do others who ARE a stereotype of such bother you? ex//if you are a female, do you dislike girly girls? 4)  Do stereotypes hinder one from getting hired from for job these days? Do stereotypes possibly limit someone from applying???...

Mr Grumpy Face is AWESOME

  Recently a funny Canadian lady came up with the idea for Mr. Grumpy Face. Like all good ideas that I see, I stole it.   Then this guy showed up and it only got worse.    I would just like to say that I love this silly ass place with almost no rules. This blog is fun and I appreciate that others appreciate it.  I would just like to send out a GET WELL SOON to Char. They Recently went through surgery. If you have not taken this moment to be nice to Char for a change, I suggest you do. I did and it made me feel really good.   GET WELL SOON CHAR.. we mean it ...  This place is better with Char .... my opinion. Bob posted an article from the interwebz about Libertarians this morning. Its good. These articles are not competing ... ITS CALLED FREEDOM... we are free to write as many articles per day as we want. I didnt want to argue politics all day so I posted this one.  If you would like to post articles here, let me know. we could do three ...

Who is a Libertarian

Those of us who favor individual freedom with personal responsibility have been unable to agree upon a generally acceptable name for ourselves and our philosophy of liberty. This would be relatively unimportant except for the fact that the opposition will call us by some name, even though we might not desire to be identified by any name at all. Since this is so, we might better select a name with some logic instead of permitting the opposition to saddle us with an epithet. Some of us call ourselves “individualists,” but others point out that the opposition often uses that word to describe a heartless person who doesn’t care about the problems and aspirations of other people. Some of us call ourselves “conservatives,” but that term describes many persons who base their approval of an institution more on its age than on its inherent worth. Many of us call ourselves “liberals.” And it is true that the word “liberal” once described persons who respected the individual and feared the ...

Trump is a piece of shit.

    Here is a picture of him with a whore he was fucking while his wife was home with their young child. If he will do his wife like that, is it any wonder that he tried to fuck everyone with his election lies and attempted coup d'tat.    TRUMP SUPPORTERS ... please show one case of voter fraud .... because there was none.    Trump is rich and now he is the former president .... He wont go to prison.  If the case was about drugs and not the election and if Trump was a regular guy .... the government would get him on a conspiracy charge with half the evidence that they have...     Fuck Trump and Fuck all the democrats and republicans who DONT PUT HIM IN PRISON .....   I wanted to write this because its true and the media pisses me off with all their politically corrupt bullshit ....   I dare a Trump supporter to argue with me .... I will be home around 3pm eastern time today ... I have to work ... AND I PAY M...

Ask A Woman A Question!

  We had a great thread the other week where we opened up the floor to asking men questions so its only fair that now have one for the guys to ask us anything they want.  Do you have any questions for us? Would you like a woman's opinion?  It's not like we're shy about talking. Be honest with how you see us. Maybe we can clear things up or perhaps we will just complicate it even more??????? LOL Let's have some fun and remember.....any question you ask will require a 5 paragraph response. LOL Happy Friday Everyone! Peace & Love, GG EDIT BY STAN  The top picture of Char was added by me.  Char gave their permission to post it. Only one person told me ... but its better to be politically correct ... than just correct .... LMFAO 

Americans are silly

     I woke up this morning at 5:45 am and the sun was coming up. I am so glad that Daylight Savings Time was ended. The United States is the only country that will change the clocks to get more work out of people. There was a time before electricity where it made sense if you wanted the sun to help you make money.     So they left it in place until 2022 because it takes the congress 150 years to realise that we have electricity now and we can wake up and work whenever we want.     " Americans always do the right thing, After they try everything else first" ... Winston Churchill   That might not be an exact quote ... but i think its close ... I might be a stoner .... but how many Winston Churchill books have you read ?.... I read one :)    He was half American .... so I was able to scan over the other half of the book that was stupid.   LET THE DUMPSTER FIRE BURN :)  Have a great day  Peace and lov...

Wishful Wednesday

  Are you a hopeful person? Do you still make wishes and hope they come true? Or has life hardened your soul so much so that you wouldn't even attempt at thought? Last night my daughter and I saw a female face in the clouds looking at us. My daughter and I held hands and we made a 3 wishes and then blew a kiss to the lady's face. We did it instinctually. We just thought we should try so we did. I'll let you know if it worked! Do you think the universe is capable of giving you luck, a wish or karma? If religious, do you pray for change or for something good to happen to you? If I could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?


  Here you go men......and Red! (You know I love ya) Post your ladies here.

Tuesday Tips

  Do you have any helpful tips or hacks to share? If so, do so. If not, don't. Peace & Love, GG.

How Many Partners Is Too Many? Is One Partner For Life Enough?

  Has "body count" ever been an issue for you when choosing to be in a relationship with someone in the past? I was listening to some young folks in their 20's talk on a couple podcasts recently about this subject  and it got me thinking to when I was younger and how I viewed such numbers back then. I wasn't surprised that men still think women should have a LOW body count number in order to be "relationship worthy" but do not worry about the numbers when just having a one night stand. In fact, one night stands are better if the woman has a higher body count.  As for the young women, not all, but they still seem to care about being with someone that does not have a super high body count whether its a one night stand or relationship but understood or accepted the man's number would be greater then theirs.  Have you ever felt the need to lie about your body count when entering a relationship? If so, why? Did you feel like your number was too high and perha...

The 421st has become the target of trolls.

   Lately, there has been an abundance of troll accounts and vicious, nasty slanderous attacks on some people and their opinions. I have noticed that people are making accounts and then trolling this place and then deleting the account and all the comments.    This would be frowned upon at most Blogs. This is not most Blogs.  The Mods here do a fantastic job and they don't get enough thanks for messing around in the moderation stuff because I don't ever fuck with it. Thank you ladies (mostly) and gents. The mods here are the greatest for what they refuse to do. They won't  ban you for stupid shit. They don't delete your stupid shit or spam your comments. Thats the magic of this place, and it would not be possible without their help.  So I would just like to say that the trolls are here. Some of the most notorious people who have trolled Disqus from its beginning have put the crosshairs on this place. Good luck retards .... you still aint banned and we ...