
Showing posts from April, 2024

Do You Believe Evil Is Real? Can People Be Possessed?

  Do you think there is something evil in this world? Not just bad things happening but a dark force that can take over people or situations? Is it just mental illness when one acts not like their normal self? Is evil just another form of mental illness? What about people feeling something "dark" in others when they enter a room or space? Is it possible? Share your thoughts.

What Are Your Strengths Or Talents?

  What Strengths or talents do you have? Have these traits helped you with your career over the years? Share your answers. 

Is An Encampment An Exercise Of Free Speech?

  With the latest protests taking over campuses across the USA and now Canada, I thought I would ask a few questions for discussion today.  *Are the protests across North American campuses truly capable of having an impact in ending the war in the middle east or does this just embolden it? *Students are justifying their encampment as their right to free speech and expression of free speech. Is refusing to take exams and sleeping in a tent free speech? *Are we maybe not giving enough credit to students? Students have a long history of protesting during times of war. Is this just it or are the students naïve to the cause?

It's Not Friday Today.

  Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Flower Power Friday

  POST YOUR FLOWER POWER NON-TRUMP STUFF HERE From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see  Flower power (disambiguation) . A demonstrator offers a flower to military police at an anti-Vietnam War protest at  The Pentagon  in  Arlington, Virginia , 21 October 1967 Flower power  was a  slogan  used during the late 1960s and early 1970s as a symbol of  passive resistance  and  nonviolence . [1]  It is rooted in the  opposition movement to the Vietnam War . [2]  The expression was coined by the American  Beat poet   Allen Ginsberg  in 1965 as a means to transform war protests into peaceful affirmative spectacles. [3] [4] [5]   Hippies  embraced the symbolism by dressing in clothing with embroidered flowers and vibrant colors, wearing flowers in their hair, and distributing flowers to the public, becoming known as  flower children . [6]  The term later became generalized as a modern reference to the hippie movement and the so-called  counterculture  of drugs,  psychedelic musi

Trump has Pecker problem.

     Trump has a pecker problem in the hush money/election interference case. David Pecker, the guy who used to run the National Enquirer, not Dons little mushroom.      Anyone else notice how Trump bad mouths everyone, yet he has not mentioned this guy who just spent two days telling on him?  That guy has more dirt on Trump ... Donald has not mentioned his name ... LMFAO   Pecker just put it in Trump. Trump is having dirty Pecker problems. Trump has problem with six foot Pecker. Pecker wrecks Trump.   Pecker detailed how he and Donald and his lawyers would "catch and kill" stories.   The porn Star and the Playboy Playmate are both going to testify about how Pecker just told the truth. We all know how much they all love the Pecker.  Donald is guilty as hell. I hope the Jury sends him to prison (they wont)   Donald is a treasonous piece of shit. He will go down in history as the worst president ever.... Oh never mind ... that already happened    As far as the 2024 election ...

Then I got high.

   Sometimes life is fucking crazy and I feel like I am just here to observe. Have you ever had one of those moments ? You just take a second to think back and say to yourself, " Self, did that just happen?".    Lunch happens at 12 noon and I am always ready for lunch. Yesterday was no exception until........   I was walking out of the shop and a new employee was in the middle of the parking lot with the fork lift. He had been sent out to learn how to drive the forklift. Thats how my boss does the new guys... If they dont know how to drive a forklift ... he shows them the controls ... then he sends them off into the parking lot to practice :)   So this kid was stuck ... in the parking lot .. he had the wheels turned too far and could not get it to move ... and the mailman was trying to drive through the parking lot and waiting for our new guy to learn to drive a forklift.     The kid asks me for help so I run over and jump on the forklift and move it. As I parked the forklift

What to do when someone won't take a hint?

  Why some people can’t take a hint. In the 1980s Rodger Bailey used the LAB Profile to do extensive research on people in the workplace and he found that about 7% of the working population are not able to make much sense of body language or non-verbal communication. These people do not show many emotions and have little variation in their facial expressions. The focus of their attention is on their own feelings, rather than on what others are feeling. They can only tell how well the communication is going based on their own feelings, and they are only convinced by the content of what someone is saying, not by how it is being said. They actually miss many of the clues which are available in body language and voice tonality, and don’t pick up the hints that people often provide through tone of voice, facial expressions, etc. -David Klassen LinkedIN How do you deal with folks that can't take a hint?

Would You Wear These Lashes For 24hours In Exchange For $1000?

  Someone recently asked me if I would wear outrageously long lashes to work/for a day if someone was willing to pay me $1000. I actually said no. LOL  Thoughts? Meanwhile, Pro Palestine protests on university campuses continue. Students have taken to wearing the keffiyeh. This makes hamas proud.

Earth Day

  Environmental activism during the 1960s inspired Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson to create a national celebration uniting the environmental movement. With the help of Denis Hayes, a graduate student at Harvard University, Nelson organized the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, educating participants in the importance of environmental  conservation . Attended by 20 million people across the United States, the event strengthened support for  legislation  such as the  Clean Air Act  (updated in 1970) and the  Endangered Species Act  (1973). In 1990, Hayes organized a global Earth Day, with more than 200 million participants in more than 140 countries. Earth Day now brings together citizens and activists from around the world to raise awareness and take action regarding such environmental concerns as  global warming  and  renewable energy . -National Geographic. What actions have you taken to reduce your carbon footprint over the years? Do you think we have done enough here in North Americ

420/421st th WTF Weekend

  Enjoy the weekend.

Bad Lyrics

  Well, Taylor Swift's album is out today to lets celebrate bad lyrics/bad songs etc Happy Friday.

Trump has papers, is cold.

       In Trumps latest legal move, he showed the world some paper. These papers had stuff, important stuff, really important stuff that is on paper. These papers have stuff on them and that is definitely words and stuff. Those papers have pictures and paperclips and everything. These papers should be enough to close this case once and for all !!!!!!!!!   Imagine being the person who has to find stuff favorable about him on the internet and print it out for him. Whoever that person is, I hope Trump gives them a raise.     He keeps saying that "everyone" thinks this is a hoax. I would like to state that as a person in this world, I am one of those "everyones" and I KNOW that he is guilty as hell!   Look at the sad old sack. Its fucking comical. I dont usually cheer when a person has their life and career trashed. I dont consider Trump a real person so he can fuck right off while I laugh.   Imagine what Republicans would say if Biden were pulling such a sad desperate

Place your bets.

   I thought of something fun while thinking of URSA. URSA is a know it all type of bear. He thinks Trump will never go to prison.   Some people think he will be elected President. Some people think he will overdose on Xanax before the election.( thats my prediction)   Put down your prediction, and in several months after the election is over, or Trump dies of a Xanax overdose, we will come back to this article and make a new after election thread with those who guessed correctly or incorrectly.   You know my prediction, what is yours ? 

Sleepy Don the Con

      What does an almost 80 year old con artists look like in court when he is loaded up with Xanax?  That is a good question     Poor guy admits to paying off a porn star that he still denies having sex with. Please tell me who pays off porn stars for no reason.   Has anyone seen Melania ? I cant believe she is not standing by her man. ( I am laughing)   Rumor has it that Melania has taken up playing house with a retired secret service agent. Its just an unsubstantiated rumor. I am willing to bet money that its true.    So he is facing 34 felonies. His ex lawyer and the porn star are going to testify against him. This is happening while his wife plays hide the nightstick with a member of her security team ?   GOD DAMN this is getting good.  And the reason he is falling asleep ?  Xanax ... he likes them when he is stressed.     In 2024, America will see the downfall of the white trash MAGA "movement". 

Pro Palestinian Protesters Block Ferry and Port

  The port and ferry was shut down for several hours yesterday here in BC due to protests.  From the CBC: Protesters are calling the event "People's Picket for Palestine" and said in a statement the demonstration was being co-ordinated with protests around the world aimed at blocking "major choke points in the economy" to cause "the most economic impact." "I am here today to say that the Canadian government and Canadian businesses, like GCT Deltaport, must take a stand and refuse to do business with Israel," protester Atiya Jaffar said in a statement. Video from the scene shows protesters waving Palestinian flags and chanting as traffic is halted. Trade and transport infrastructure experts say while the disruption from such a blockade is inconvenient for truckers stuck at the terminal gates, it is unlikely to cause serious backlogs.  "The cargo in containers is not so perishable or valuable that a day's delay makes a difference,"

Are You Unbiased? Would You Make A Good Juror?

  Would you be able to be a fair and unbiased juror if selected for a case like Trump's?  Have you ever served on a jury? What was your experience like?




  Enjoy the beautiful weekend. Post art, not hate!

No More O.J. ?

    Many people have recently started to report the demise of O.J. I would like to report that O.J. is fine and available at any grocery store near you.    I thought that something might have happened to California and Florida. Those states are both ok. ( as ok as they can be)   Orange Juice is good for you.   In other news. Norm Macdonald is also not available anymore. He was one hilarious pollock. Its not racist when I say it. Fuck you if you disagree.      Norm MacDonald got fired because he refused to stop telling O.J. Jokes.   When he was threatened with his job, he told more O.J. Jokes.   Norm Gave no fucks, and he was a very funny man. We lost someone special the day Norm MacDonald Died. 

Trump is correct on abortion ?

   Yes, ladies and gentleman, Stan and Trump agree on an issue, kind of.    Let me give you a short history. Trump, a lifelong Democrat and scumbag often seen in bankruptcy court, convinced many Republicans and most of the white trash that he was one of them. He then became president and gave the ultra rich a tax cut while adding more to the national debt than any president in history. He ran for reelection and lost before trying to overthrow the election and he also failed at that.   While Trump was president, he nominated Supreme Court judges that were super Republican anti abortion advocates, when they were not allegedly gang raping their classmates in college. ( he likes beer )   So what do Stan and Trump agree on? In reality, nothing, because Trump is full of shit and will change his opinion to better suit his needs. He recently took a very Libertarian position on abortion and it might cost him the election, and I WAS LAUGHING !!!!!!!!!!!!  In the 90s Trump was Pro-choice  In the

Parents Of School Shooter Charged In Michigan

  The mother and father of a Michigan teen who shot and killed four classmates were each sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison on Tuesday after a jury convicted them of manslaughter in a rare case of parents being held responsible in a school shooting. Jennifer and James Crumbley, Ethan Crumbley's parents, were sentenced immediately after several family members of the victims gave emotional impact statements in an Oakland County courtroom. "Not only did your son kill my daughter, but you both did as well," Nicole Beausoleil, the mother of Madisyn Baldwin, 17, told the court as she wept. James Crumbley sat impassively while his wife Jennifer hung her head. "My husband and I used to say we have the perfect kid. I truly believed that," she said. "I didn't have a reason to do anything different. This is not something I foresaw." "If there's anything the general public can take away from this, it's that this could happen to you, too. "

Ladies Thread: Hair & Make Up

  This is a hair and make up thread for "da ladies"

Nurses Rights VS Patient Rights

  A memo, dated July 7, 2023, provides guidance to Northern Health staff following what it calls an “increase in admissions of patients with possession of substances and using substances while in hospital.” Hospital workers are told that the decriminalization of drugs means that staff should neither be searching patients’ personal belongings for substances nor taking them away if found. “These can remain with the patient,” it reads. “Patients can use substances while in hospital in their rooms — they can either be provided with a Narcan kit or have one available. If a patient has overdosed on substances, we use Narcan and provide teaching.” Staff are also told not remove personal items from the rooms of patients, “even if there is a knife or something considered as a weapon under 4-(inches) long,” it reads. “We use our best professional judgement on this and risk of violence factors. The patient is asked to lock it up or ask someone to bring it home for them. We do not remove substance

421 Eclipse

  Stan is selling eclipse glasses for $65 a pair. They ensure full view of the eclipse. No refunds and they will arrive next week! Where will you be today when the eclipse happens? Post any fun songs, pics, memes etc with today's theme: ECLIPSE

Blogs that I like

     I like to think of myself as the good will ambassador for this blog. I have been known to go to other blogs and piss them off while telling everyone about this super cool blog.   These are two of the coolest blogs I have found so far. The people at these blogs have a serious pissing match going on between them and its fairly entertaining. Neither of these blogs has banned me. I have told mods off at each blog and not been banned. I highly recommend these two blogs and the silly assholes who use them. Disqus should be fun and these two blogs are fun.    Things change, people die, new people arrive. Thats how the universe works. The only constant is change.  Other cool blogs are the Swamp and Pauls place. I am sure that all the regulars here know about those and what they are. Those belong to Mat and Paul .. check them out if you never have ...    What blogs do you visit beside the 421s

Weekend Thread

  Eat your mooncakes. Sing your chinese songs. It's the weekend!

I will now vote for Trump

    Many people know that I am a Libertarian and that I make no apologies for my political views. I have been a critic of Trump since before he became a Republican.   So let me list the reasons that I will vote for Trump.  1. He only tried to steal one election. (that could happen to anyone)  2. He now sells bibles. No dishonest person would ever use religion as a con. 3. He is a man of God. Even though he has never read a bible or any book for that matter.  4. He is a good husband. He has cheated on all three of his wives. You know if he would cheat on his wife, he would never cheat the American people. What a great man.  5. As a conservative( Libertarians are the real conservatives) I have been looking for a man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and spent his entire life as a Democrat.  Donald Trump gets my vote for that reason alone.  6. Donald Trump recently stood in front of a group and told everyone about a young girl who was murdered by an illegal alien. Trump spoke

Is Elon killing Tesla ?

   This is the 421st "Stupid Question of the Week".  These questions will now be posted whenever Stan gets a little too high and thinks of stupid questions.  Elon looks like the kind of rich motherfucker who will have his body frozen after death until we have the technology to remove his brain and put it into a tortoise. Why would Elon put his brain into a tortoise ?  Good question. Let me explain.    Elon knows that tortoises are some of the longest living land animals. When his brain is placed into the tortoise, he will then know that he can outlive all other beings on earth with human brains.   Then Elon will destroy all the brain switching medical technology on the planet and just wait for all the smart people to die. With his knowledge collected before and after his long tortoise life, he will have the ability to easily take over the world.   In the mean time Elon would waste 100 years eating marijuana and fucking other turtles.   You think this sounds crazy ...  What if

Disqus is a silly place

   Here I sit at 4:21AM, I just looked at the clock. Ironic aint it ?    Smoking pot, getting ready for work, and trying not to let the world weigh me down. I will go to work early today. I figured out a way for my boss to track inventory and jobs in a much more efficient manner. My boss is a cool dude and he handed me $100 when I told him my idea.  This way of tracking things will probably save my boss tens of thousands of dollars. Here is the best part. Once I get everything wrote down and organized onto the simple chart I devised, people will stop asking Stan 50 times a day what is going on with such and such and where such and such is at.   I am not as brilliant as I am lazy :)  Being the old guy in the back of the shop who knows everything has its advantages and disadvantages . I choose to focus on the advantages.   I am going to focus on positive things today. I get to see my son today. He is going to stop by and see me after work. I plan on hugging him and telling him that I lov

Ode to Pony

  I liked Pony, he was no phony   He meant what he said, and I am afraid he might be dead.     Pony was a huge part of what made this blog as silly as it is. Pony named the 421st. He banned the owner of the blog. He is rumored to have started a moderator revolution among many other silly things he was responsible for.     Pony was a jokester while at other times he could be serious and thought provoking.  The little bit I knew about Pony was of a pretty funny blue collar guy with a bunch of daughters and a wife he loved and adored.   He was often the life of this blog and I have many photos of him from where he was featured in the past.           So here is my take... Pony was such a jokester that he fucking died and no one believed it.     Now that I think about it, I would expect nothing less from him...   Pony ... you son of a bitch, you got me again. And I will miss you... Losing people sucks, even if its a anonymous Aussie in a pink dress.    Nothing else would make sense at the 4