
Showing posts from May, 2023

Work Out Wednesday

  When I was a little kid and my brother was getting near (or in?) his teens there was this crazy work out program that would come on TV called the 20 minute work out. These gals would wear these skimpy outfits while working out as the camera panned all over for "the angles" so you would get the exercises done correctly. LOL My brother would watch intently but never do the work out so being an annoying sister I would jump and flail around the TV mocking the exercise and saying things like "you can't exercise from the couch, fatso". "oh yeah? then how can I do this?" I immediately was tackled down and punched until my mom would come up the stairs and ask what's going on, to which my brother would reply "your daughter wanted to work out and I was trying to let her until she started calling me fat". Oh the good ol' days. What type of work outs/exercise do you enjoy doing? How much time do you spend on your fitness each week? Has working

What Is The Goal Of Humanity?

  Do you think we should have a collective goal that all humans should or intrinsically want to strive for? I know...I know...WHAT? Where's the coffee/booze/pot for this one? Just a broad topic this morning but a question still the same. Do we as humans have a goal that we should collectively aim for and if so... What is that goal?  and How do we achieve it? Some philosophers say happiness or to aim for moral justice is our life's path but life is not always happy nor just. Other's feel the planet's preservation is the key but the planet will spin on whether we destroy its resources or not so perhaps it's more about OUR preservation on this planet??? Is there anything to ponder? Does it matter? Or should we all just remember that we are just an animal like the others........or are we????????????? Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.

Smoking: Cigarettes and It's Habits

  A few health organizations here in Canada recently penned (another) letter and asked the Canadian Government to make it a top priority in creating initiatives to cut down cigarette smoking among Canadians. The funding for such would come from using  garnered from various lawsuits against tobacco companies over the last several years.  Recently tobacco companies were made to start printing images on packs of smokes that look like this... The money from the lawsuits goes back into our healthcare system.  Do you think tobacco companies should be held responsible? Do you smoke?  Do you think we should continue to allow smoking in the open or should it be designated to certain areas? Currently  here you cannot smoke in restaurants, school property etc... Or do you think fuck off Health Organizations and mind your own business? Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.

Sunday Vibes

  Chill out, it's Sunday. Your stupid political party will be stupid on Monday. LOL Today is just a non-topic OP but if you need a topic, CHILL VIBES comes to mind today.  What do you do (or not do) to relax? Do you listen to a certain type of music? Order in take out? Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forward to hearing from you, GG.

Well Look at this

   We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by The Null Set.  Find out more.    I think I might have been treated unfairly. I would ask the moderator about it, but he has me blocked and banned. Its ok. Getting banned is sometimes a badge of honor.     I guess all the good times chatting about hunting wild game meant nothing to him.     On a positive note. This person is not banned from the 421st. We don't wear Nancy Pants because we are all adults here and some of us even act like it.   Racism is a sign of ignorance. If someone is racist, you should try to be as compassionate as you can  be under the circumstances while of course not letting it get on your nerves.   Stupidity is not fixable. So dont waste your time trying.  Have fun and smile.. and do things your own way.       

Ruck Fepuplicans

   Russia just put sanctions on some of the people Trump does not like. I think they put them on the prosecutor in New York and the one in Atlanta. They also put sanctions on the cop that killed the traitor in the capitol building on Jan 6th.    I think the cop that killed that stupid bitch in the capitol building on Jan 6th should get a medal and a box of ammo and a new pistol.    Why would Russia put sanctions on people who will never go to Russia ? Why would Russia want to show support for Trump?   Fuck Trump  Fuck Russia  Fuck stupid Republicans  Slava Ukraine Mother fuckers   This thread was written by Stan.  Fuck you if you disagree :)  Have a great day and say whatever you want. I WILL :) 

Should The LGB Separate From The Rest of The Group?

  Is it time for a divorce? For many years there has been discussion that the T should be separate from LGB when it comes to representation. It makes sense as the first 3 letters have to do with one's sexuality and T, well the T is no longer even gender identity anymore. The T has exploded over the last couple years into gender identity, no gender identity, furry identity (are you a horse? No. I mean NEIIIIIGH-O), pronoun nazis, dead naming ceremonies and so much more. To be clear, this isn't a knock on people wanting to do their own thing. No one is stopping you from living your life in a free country.(Note: That freedom also includes that we don't have to accept or celebrate your choices either. Sorry, that's how freedom works.) No one is putting their nose in your bathroom stall (as claimed!) to smell the gender of your shit. This is just to say the two groups are not the same and while under a larger umbrella you can put certain groups together, in reality the two a

Can You Keep A Secret

  Pssssssst. Come closer. Can you keep a secret? First off, I think there is a very big difference between keeping someone's privacy and keeping a secret. For instance, I might know something about a particular user online because I have spoken to them privately but that's just that....private. It's not my place to share someone's business, location, situation etc. if asked not to.  A secret though is intentionally withholding some information from others.  Now, there is some good secrets like a surprise party for your birthday or a special evening planned for your anniversary etc but what about secrets that are withheld that really impact how you view life or more importantly, yourself. Secrets about being adopted or some women carry the secret shame/guilt or of pregnancy loss/abortion or perhaps abuse or a sexual assault. For some men it might mean learning they are not the biological father of their child. And we've all (most likely) experienced being cheated on.

How To Start Your Own Religion: A Book By Philip Athans

  I stumbled across this book title and found and thought it would make for an interesting discussion topic here. The book is titled How To Start Your Own Religion: Sway The Minds of Millions in Five Easy Steps. Just five easy steps, Mr. Philip Athans? Why......its almost like anyone can do this! When reading about the content of this book I love that the ABOUT  stated: "If you ever felt the need to sacrifice on an altar beneath a blood-red moon, or just make a Friday a holy day (three day weekend, anyone?) this is the only sacred creed you need!" Some of the steps include: Organize mysterious and complex rituals Interrogate (or just ridicule) the hell out of non-believers (Remind you of anyone???????) Recruit celebrity spokespersons from Tom Cruise to Uma Thurman What would the mission statement of the 421st Religion be?  What would be our rituals? What rituals do you find interesting or absolutely crazy from other religions past or present? Do you think all religion is a cr

Disqus Blows

Image   This is the home page to this blog at BLOGGER.. I like it better than the Disqus homepage because the blogger one works.  I bookmarked this site and will be entering through there now. It also looks nicer than the Disqus page for this blog.  Disqus is only for fun for me. If its not fun for you, you are doing something wrong :)    Hopefully this will help everyone find the latest and greatest original content on this blog when someone at Disqus drops something on the server again.    Disqus looks like it is working again. The cleaning lady must have noticed something was unplugged and fixed it for them.      The  meme above was made by me. That picture is from the Disqus homepage ... lol    Have fun on your Disqus journey, I will  I found out how to find all the pictures I used on Blogger before. The pictures are a blast from the past of this blog except the Disqus Penis. That one is new :)   

Carpenter Jeans

    As you get older you find out things that no one told you. Today I will tell you.   I started wearing Carpenter jeans about 20 years ago. Before that I just wore regular blue jeans like most people. After I got my fist pair of carpenter jeans I never bought regular fitting jeans again.    I have a physical job that includes me moving constantly around and bending over and crawling and everything in between. Carpenter jeans are so much more comfortable than regular jeans. Carpenter Jeans are also made of thicker denim and the stress points are reinforced better than on regular jeans. They tend to last much longer than regular jeans for a guy like me.    I even have some colored ones like the Dickies above for when I am going somewhere nice with my wife. Yes .. I only wear carpenter jeans now. My wife bought me a nice pair of Levi's a couple years ago and I have worn them once, for about 15 minutes. They are the stretchy fashion fag pants that are popular now and wow ... how can

The Iron Ore Brothers

   I grew up in a little Florida town that was next to the town that was on the coast. I had it kind of rough as a kid, but many kids had it much rougher so I wont complain.    One such group of kids was the "Iron Ore" brothers. There were six of them. Iron Ore daddy was one of the most notorious drunks and trouble makers in town. He had these 6 boys during one of his times he was not in prison.    Now these six boys were all one year older than the next.. so they ranged from my age to the age of my oldest brother. They were known as the roughest and meanest white trash motherfuckers in town, and they were.   The youngest Iron Ore brother turned out to be nothing like his brothers. He was actually a nice guy even though he was one of the bigger, meaner looking ones. These boys loved to play softball for some reason and I would often see them at the local park while i was messing around being a kid.    One day they asked me if I wanted to play so I jumped in and had a great ti

Friday Fest: 421st Style!

  So next month there is a VEGAN FEST around where I live and I had to laugh. Vegan Fest, eh? So I looked it up and it seems like its a techno type fest when it comes to music but there is more! The festival's aim is to build a COMMUNITY that is inclusive and it got me thinking......hey, that's us at the 421st!! So I read on.  It's second aim is to SUSTAINABILITY through zero waste. I see no papers or oil spills here. Another similarity to the 421st group! WELLNESS is the third aim. We always have plenty of people here to tell you that you are crazy.....or nutcases.....or a pervert. Check! Lastly is NON-VIOLENCE. Disqus rules state no real threats or doxxing. Check and check. So, we are basically a festival folks, in fact we are better because we have access to clean toilets and we don't have to smell that guy in the photo above. Have you ever been to a music festival? Would you attend a festival with the 421st gang? Share your thoughts and answers and post any others t

Is There A Charitable Cause/Group You Support? Are You A Charitable Person?

  Do you donate or give to a charitable cause time to time? Is there a particular cause that has some meaning to you? When it comes to those in need, do you help? Over the years I have donated to MS Society and Children's Hospital. I have donated and volunteered with a women's shelter (my mom's friend helps run one so we help when they need it) and of course, I have volunteered years at school. I have been a mom to so many kids when their parents couldn't be there and all those little ones will always stay in my heart. Even the sneaky challenging ones! Sadly, we continue to give and give and we still see so many struggles in our world. Do you give to a particular cause? Do you think some charities are fraudulent or not really helpful? How do you think we could truly help those in need when it comes to poverty and homelessness? Locally and globally.  Share your thoughts and answers and post any others thoughts that go with today's discussion.....or not. Looking forwa

Let's Have A Laugh

  Let's all share a laugh. Post a good joke, a meme, a funny pic. Let's yuk it up!

421st Terms Of Service.

   Recently there has been a conversation on this blog about how we dont follow some terms of service for some web companies.   I disagree. I am a Libertarian, alcoholic, punk rocker. My interpretation of the rules might be different than yours.    I often think most rules are made up for the dumb and the dishonest. I dont like dumb or dishonest people or their rules that they break.   In the last year this blog has only banned one person who was using a legitimate account. This person posted what might be considered inappropriate pictures of someone who could have been under 18. I banned that person myself. He will not be unbanned !      And threats are not allowed here. If you threaten someone, that person decides if you get banned.  We have not had anyone banned for threats yet because they are always so funny.   So complain to blogger if you want. I have figured out pretty much what I can get by with and when ... I GOT THIS :)  I would also like to remind you complaining idiots tha

Nothing Ever Goes According To Plan And Other Life Thoughts

  Nothing ever goes according to plan. A thought that I have been struggling with, well...all my life. I am a planner. I make lists and like Santa, I check them twice but once the trip/event/idea etc gets going life shows and up throws in a wrench. For the Australian people that's a spanner. Good thing with spanners though, they are adjustable! And while I am easy to adapt to trip or event changes, I am not always easy to adapt to life goal changes. I very much take solace in routine. In fact, routine is what makes me thrive as a mom and wife. I recently have been asked to take more shifts at my job and work more. Working more is good. It's an easy decision, its more money, its what "the regular people do" (I kid....I kid...) but its been a long time since I've put in a full work week. It's been lunches and pick ups and my own schedule of doing things. But now its "bye mom" and off they go and then out with friends after school and hang out after din

Redneck neighbor comedy alerts.

    I was coming home one day last week and there was a fire truck ahead of me with its lights and siren on, headed toward my house.   Ambulances are not rare around here, but they only send firetrucks out for bigger shit, so I was curious. I park my car and the firetruck pulls into the road that touches our property on that side. So of course I have to walk down to see what is going on.    What I see horrified me. The redneck dad is standing next to a tree with a ladder stuck on its side. A huge limb has been cut off this tree (huge tree 30M or 100 feet tall)   and this huge limb on the ground kind of blocks my view. I get closer and look under the huge fallen limb and I see a safety line with a chain saw hanging from it. A broken safety line and two leather boots and two legs just dangling from the tree. I almost shit my pants.  I thought the guy was dead. One million bad things can happen to a man cutting trees and I did not need to see anymore than the boots to know that the stuff