
Showing posts from November, 2021

Lets register some stupid American blog rules.

  I will put all my comments in blue. I also added the pictures.  Hello! Sup ?  I am forced to put up a Comment Policy in an effort to inform Marxists, fascists, the far left, trolls and other provocateurs of what is and is not permitted at the (blog name removed) blog.  Who decides who the fascists are ? I think I found one.    For the record; (blog name removed)  is  not a forum for debate  and was  never intended to be a forum for debate.   Most people with echo chambers never admit to it. This paragraph actually impressed me  It's that simple - ( American blog name removed) is a site for like minded, moderate to right wing patriots to socialize, connect and network; that is plainly stated at the top of the header page. Why exclude Libertarians? We are farther to the "right"  than the republicans on many government issues.  This means you cannot barge in here uninvited and start calling people names, while complaining about fucking Donald Trump or other people you do

Is Jesus a Vampire or just an asshole ?

While running around Disqus its often fun to run into the various crazy ideas and fun conversations.  I recently went to a blog and was being polite and I even invited a couple old timers to come and check out the 421st. I know thats crazy. A guy who likes to Blog on Disqus who actually goes around to find more cool people to chat with. Its a wild approach I know.   Then the moderator/owner of this blog jumps in my shit and tells me not to mess with people on his blog and not to fuck with him because he has the power of ban or something like that. Its cool dude, you are the man on your blog and you protect people and ban people... As do I for my blog.  Here is the difference ... The guy who runs my blog knows that the people who post here are adults. I dont know the age range of the people who frequent his blog, but we are all adults on my blog.    So this is what I can do that is not against the rules of Disqus or blogger. I will invite every person from your blog to my blog and give

Trump found a guy with smaller hands.

     So most people would agree that Trump was a very controversial president. Many people would also agree that he is a horrible person and he has tiny hands.     There is a rumor about Trump having a micro penis. The rumor is a good one but its not like we had a porn star go on national TV and tell the world that his penis was small and then show the world what kind of little mushroom it looked like. Oh wait ... look what I found.     So we all know Trump loves trying to be edgy and playing to his Q-anon base. So where are they on this little hand conspiracy ?     Well, I dont know why Trump does these things. It is refreshing to hear someone say " I DONT KNOW" once in a while and I am not scared to tell everyone that there are things I dont know.    I know a few things, so lets go down the list.  1. Kyle Rittenhouse is a sawed off little punk with hands even smaller than Trumps. The law of averages does not look good for the Rittenhouse penis. I am guessing he needed a gun

Omicron and other Transformer news.

     Omicron is real.  Who thinks of these stupid fucking names?  It is the name of a transformer. I knew it was when I heard it.  Did you ever want to be a transformer?  Do you think Bruce Jenner ever played with transformers?  I saw the transformers first cartoon movie. I think it was about 1985. I rode my skateboard to the movie theatre. It was a cool movie.  Here is the real Omicron. Notice how he turns into a huge covid virus ? Q anon will soon put this puzzle together and prove that it was man made.  What do you think of this Omicron ? 

Happy Turkey Genocide Day

         Today is the day that we celebrate our ability to commit poultry killing at a rate not available before the industrial revolution. This year Americans will kill over 250 million turkeys just for meals for one day and crappy sandwiches for the rest of the week.     We Americans should be proud that we colonised,bought,stole and/or conquered the land to make a great nation. The Canadians did the same thing up north and have a bigger country but this article is not about Canada or their bigger north American country or the fact they stole the idea for a holiday also centered around bird murder.    Why doesn't Australia have Thanksgiving ? If its because they dont have turkeys, well they have lots of animals to eat so they should think of something.     Some of the turkeys know what we do during the holidays. There are a few. The ones who become aware because of super genius turkey brains often attack humans and fly into the englines of jet planes. Next time you hear of a jet

A skateboard for liberals and conservatives.

  With recent events in the news, I thought this would be a great time to share my new invention. I think it will be a great stocking stuffer for the holiday season.   Conservatives love it because it has an effective range of 300 yards. Liberals love it because you can rip off a mean rail grind and still have 30 rounds ready to fire.   Think of all the useful scenarios where you might need a "Kyle". Skateboarding through the blue ridge mountains, a bear starts to chase you, not a problem. A couple well placed shots from your newest skateboard works better than any stupid pepper spray.   What you if were just skateboarding in Kenosha Wisconsin minding your own business as you rioted and burned stuff right after you got out of jail. This skateboard could come in super handy. It would be way better than attacking a dude with a rifle with a regular skateboard.    Here is the other idea. Think of all the child soldiers in the world who could use one of these new skateboards. They


      This young man was just found not guilty after crossing state lines and standing in the street and killing two people and shooting a third.  These are the facts.     The news coverage of this event has been sensational and mediocre as usual. So I would like to give you my opinion and to help clear up a few things about case that many people don't understand.   Kyle is a chubby little shit that should never have had access to a gun. That is my opinion as a middle aged dude. He was a stupid kid who went to a stupid event. Mr. Rittenhouse was stupidly in possession of a handy little rifle while in conflict with people who were at the very least, as stupid as himself. So please do not lump me in with people who put this stupid kid on a pedestal.       The protesters or victims or gun shot wound recipients or however you would like to describe them should not have hung around when they saw a retard with a gun. The stupid blame in this event has got to be given out liberally, as we


  This is the longest partial lunar eclipse in many moons. The Moon will turn red and become more beaver like. Moon beavers have been digging tunnels all over the moon and the entrance and exit holes are often mistaken for craters. That is the reason why we never returned to the moon. The damned moon beavers.   Are you in North America so that you can see the great Beaver moon? It will turn very red in a few hours and the beavers are gonna go ape shit. 

New Covid Scam or old Crackhead scam.

      The other day I was working and some dude in a pretty nice KIA SUV pulled up near one of the huge lift up doors. He walked up to the building and told me that he was looking for something to do so he could earn $46.00. Something about covid is rough not working .. blah blah blah     He looked to be in his mid 30s and was a big fellow, very healthy looking.  He got just a moment to tell me he had his wife and his kid in the car and he needed the money for ... I CUT HIS ASS OFF.. "Sorry we are busy and we have nothing you can do" I turned around real fast so he would get the message clearly without me having to read him the riot act. He left.     I later told my wife about it and she said he might have needed help and I was a big meany. I call bullshit on the guy. So do you think I stopped a rip off artist from getting me for money, or did i give up a chance to help out an honest person?   What do you think? How do you handle these situations? 

Stan takes the Covid Challenge. (details inside)

     Covid arguments are all the rage on the internet these days. I have noticed a few covid discussions on this blog and have pretty much kept out of the debate up until this point. Having a discussion about covid with me will help you. My opinions are usually hard to argue with because of my common sense and practical approach that I have to solving problems. Its a very radical and Libertarian view that I have. Or is it just common sense and I have an average I.Q. ? I like to think its the latter. (some say below average.)    I recently got corrected about my poor spelling on this blog because I do suck at spelling. Thank Jebus for the little red line thing that I can click on to get the correct spelling. I will make more of an effort to write correctly with spelling, punctuation and proper word choice.  I want this blog to be easy to read and I think that might help. I do have a high school diploma and that should still mean something.     So back to covid. I got the J&J vaccine

Turtleboy... Is he a turtle or a boy ... you decide

  Recently I have looked into Turtleboy. This man has a blog and podcast and YouTube channel. He is outspoken and controversial. I love living in a country where people can say whatever they want without fear of interference from the government.  This morning I had my interest piqued about the activities of this man so i looked up his blog and wow ... This guy gives no fucks who he pisses off.  I dont agree with his politics but I do like the way he makes articles and videos about scum bags of the internet.  He often features stories about stupid people doing stupid things. He calls people out for being dishonest. He calls people out for being scum bags ... He calls people and organisations out for doing stupid shit ...  Some of the more interesting titles made me laugh .. such as :  Semenbiscuit Fucks Horse At Norfolk Equestrian Farm Bernie Crack Does The Fentanyl Floss On Top Of Car In His Birthday Suit After Holding Up Traffic In Malden Police Chief’s Mistresses Find Out About Each

The reasons I hate SUVs

So there are many legitimate reasons to hate modern SUVs and the people who drive them. Let me explain why.  1. They suck Gas .. This is the least of the things I hate about them, but global warming is real and you are not helping.  2. They suck when you are in a car making a right and a SUV is to your left. I cant see over that huge POS and you tinted the windows black so No one can see oncoming traffic. Thats a real asshole move.  3. Most people dont need SUVs... let me explain.  If you have 4 or more children and you live on a mountain top where it often snows ,You can buy an SUV, you have a need for such a vehicle  If you are not in the above demographic, you probably dont need one. 4. They are unsafe because they handle like shit and they tip over much easier than cars do.  I had some rich asshole in a new Porsche Cayenne or whatever they call that four door piece of shit try to follow my car onto an offramp at the same speed as my car ... he almost wrecked ... they handle like sh

Never Google "Duck Penis" .

  Sometimes I get great ideas from things people post at the 421st. Today I had an idea for a meme for a picture posted by Cmogroger. I love Israel and I love ducks   and blowjobs ... so it was a no brainer.  Then I googled Duck Penis .... If you love the world the way you know it now, and you want to keep it that way.... Do not google duck penis.    I hope I dont have nightmares tonight ...  Missing Pony Report ...  We are currently missing a Pony. He is purple and wears pick dresses once in a while. If you see him please alert your nearest something or other.  

My dog got fired from work.

  Saturday, me an my German Shepherd went to work. Sometimes she goes to work on saturdays with me and she is always super excited to explore the wood shop and protect me as I work all day. And by protect me, I mean she sleeps under the table I am working on while she kind of watches me.  She is ok around other people and other dogs if you introduce her correctly. She is a very protective dog because thats the way God made her. So work is going fine and I am working and my boss is working and his brother walks into the shop and sees my German Shepherd and starts yelling at it and joking because he thinks its his other brothers dog ... not a new german shepherd that he has never met before ....  My dog was not impressed with his yelling and loud voice and she informed him that he needed to stay quiet and put his hands in his pockets so that she would not bite the shit out of him.  It was a case of mistaken dog identity and i felt horrible as did my bosses brother. After all this ... The

Why Communism does not work. The answer is shocking.

  Here at the 421st we have a crack team of crackers who figure out how to get into cracks and cover cracks.  This is why communism is always damned and it can never work.  All the workers that are supposed to save the party...  They are gay. I have no problem with any kind of people and gay people are included into that group. I had a friend who was very gay, but he was not communist.  Not all gays are communist and not all communists are gay ... but 20 rubles is 20 rubles. If you get my drift comrade ... Its all over the propaganda posters  These bitches will mortar your village to convince you about the wisdom of Lenin. Afterwards, its a leg licking commie lesbo party and power to the people       The guys on the right even cloned little worker boys to gay it up with.  I dont want these guys to win the civil war.. it would be communist gayness. 

Getting your face photoshopped onto a penis at this blog.

  Recently there was some complaining on this page.  One of the people who post here complained about doxing. It was not doxing.  If you put pictures of yourself all over disqus and someone lifts your face and puts it on a penis, you will not convince me that you feel threatened.  This is my Johnson and I dont care who looks at it.  The reason for someone to put your face on a penis is to make fun of, or tease you.   No one will dox anyone at this blog. No one will threaten anyone at this blog. Those are the only rules.   If you try to dox someone on this blog. The person you tried to threaten will decide if you get banned and then we will make some threads about how much we enjoyed time we spent with your mother. We have already done this so this is no idle threat ... That made me laugh ... I love having a stupid blog.  Dont cry wolf if you are a wolf with files on your supposed stalkers.  I love Disqus drama and the people who post here ... ALL OF YOU .... carry on ...  The Dumpster

The Cult of Dumpster fire.

  I have to announce the start of a new cult. It should be way better than any of the currently available religions or cults. A religion is just a really big cult incase anyone would like the definition from an atheist.   How did i know how to start this cult ? A pony told me. If you think thats sounds like a ridiculous reason to start a religion, I suggest you read your bible and get back with me.   So this cult of Dumpster fire will have lots silly rules and tradition, but it takes time for that stuff.   So far, the only rules are that we worship around a burning dumpster. There is no one leader in this cult. The scripture is just the congregation  hurling insults at each other while dressed as boxers with 21 ounce gloves.   The sermon at the new cult is over when two worshipers go outside and beat the crap out of each other. I suggest the first saint of the burning dumpster fire to be pony as there will be many blowjobs and much mashing of the teeth.   This is your cult as it really

I just figured out U.F.O.s and aliens. Secret stan theory revealed.

  Many things have been written about the UFOs that have now been reported by different militaries. Its no longer just quacks and wacks who think their might be actual UFOs.   So we know for sure that there are UFOs.  They are unidentified and the seem to move in direct relation to different military aircraft. We don't know if there are aliens inside, but some kind of intelligence is obviously involved. They have been seen an tracked accelerating to mach 10 and shooting into space when approached by a fighter jet.  So there is something.  Now we just need to figure out what they are. In order to figure out what they are, lets discount some common theories.  1. They are hear to observe us. This is the most likely of the common theories, but it does not hold much water. If the aliens are smart enough to get here, they dont need to come into the atmosphere to watch us.  2. They are a scouting party for a future alien invasion. This is not likely at all. There is nothing on Earth that